Saturday, December 23, 2006

It's good to be home...

Today I...

-woke up without an alarm clock AND without a cat meowing at me.

-enjoyed a liesure cup of coffee and a light breakfast with Mom and Dad.

-stayed in my PJs until about 12:30.

-had a visit from the lady next door (she's been our neighbor since before I was born!).

-showed my parents how to do DDR and then coached my Mom as she learned!

-wrapped too many presents to count.

-got hit with wrapping paper rolls... also too many times to count. ;)

-made dinner for my Mom and Dad (a whole meal, and NOT from a box!).

-helped make some of the food for tomorrow's Boisvert Christmas dinner.

-had peppermint icecream for the first time since last Christmas.

-geared up for a crazy day tomorrow with my nephews and nieces.

Ah... it's good to be home. :)

Link to pictures:

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Wow - it's been over a month since I last updated. I wonder if anyone's even reading this silly little blog anymore! It's crazy how addicted to it I became when I was in SA... I guess I figured life was more exciting then, and people would want to know about it. I've learned now, that life's excitement isn't found in one specific place, but in following Christ to wherever He calls me - even to a little old house in Durham, NC! This house it exciting... that's for sure. Let me think... what's new? Umm.... Gosh, this is harder that I thought it would be. heheh

Well, for starters, I have a new roommate and she is absolutely wonderful!! She's been such a God-send. We have a lot in common. She's a teacher (high-school Spanish), is into missions, sings, and she's even a fellow Tarheel! :) She goes to a different church here in Durham, which works out great... we see each other enough to have a great friendship, but not enough to get sick of each other. I'm very thankful for her!! It takes a special person to live in this lovely house with me. :)

As for the house, there's not too much to update on... seeing that I've had absolutely no extra money anywhere to spend on repairs. I have discovered a couple leaks in the roof (yikes!), and the kitchen has flooded a couple more times. Thank the Lord my parents helped me buy a shop-vac a few months ago! That things sucks up water like nobody's business. heheh I'll be honest... I've had a few days when I really have had to cry out to God to show me why I'm here in this house! I don't always get an answer right away, and I'm sure I don't know everything yet, but He always sends me the awesome peace that passes all of my own understanding. I am growing to love this house more with every passing problem. :) (sounds a little like marriage... haha) I had a thought a little while ago... I was reading an old journal entry where I was praying for God to grant me wisdom. Well, wisdom doesn't just come from the sky. I really think God is using this house to teach me wisdom in many areas... financially (home-ownership costs a lot more than I had planned on!), physically (I'm learning to fix a lot of things!), and spiritually (one word - TRUST!). I mean really, how many 25 year old single females have learned the things I've been learning over the last 6 months? It's exciting to be in a place where God has SO MANY ways to teach me!

Other random updates...
*A few weeks ago I went swing dancing for the 1st time ever and I really liked it! I wasn't half bad either. I'll have to go back sometime soon. :)
*This past weekend was Christmas Spectacular - the Christmas show that the Summit worship choir puts on every year. WOW!! That's all I can say about that.
*I'm still loving my job... only 11 school days until Christmas break... but who's counting? ;)
*Tomorrow marks a year for me in the full-time teaching profession. And I'm still living to tell about it. heheh :)

I guess that's all for now folks! Thanks for checking in on me. :)

Link to pictures:

Monday, October 23, 2006

Things that make me smile...

In light of a friend’s recent blog, I decided to make a list of my own! Enjoy!

Things that make me smile (in no particular order!)

  1. Jesus Christ
  2. my adorable nephews and nieces
  3. being the youngest of 3 and the only girl ;)
  4. big hugs from my kids at school
  5. coloring
  6. comfy pajama pants
  7. my South African kitties
  8. having great parents
  9. the Summit worship choir
  10. turning the radio on just in time to hear the beginning of my favorite song
  11. ferris wheels
  12. game nights with friends at my house
  13. SMSes (text messages) from friends thousands of miles away
  14. my pink and brown down blanket
  15. waking up early enough to be able to spend time just hanging out with God in the morning
  16. good coffee
  17. good hair days
  18. days when I don’t have time to put on make up and I still somehow look decent
  19. taking pictures
  20. looking at old pictures!
  21. late nights when anything (anything!) is funny
  22. listening to South African bands and knowing my friends here haven’t seen or heard of them (especially when I actually met them in SA!)
  23. fixing the duct work under my house (with PINK duct tape)
  24. being part of a church who knows what missions is – and DOES it
  25. my big comfy denim couch
  26. girly movies
  27. Half Baked Ben and Jerry’s ice cream
  28. watching fireworks
  29. holding babies at Oxford Manor
  30. Glade plug-ins
  31. Yankee candles
  32. camping with family and looking like gypsies!
  33. paying all the bills and still having some money left over (what’s that feel like again??)
  34. surprise phone calls from family and friends
  35. girl talks :)
  36. gel pens
  37. fun stationary
  38. turtles
  39. singing in my car at the top of my lungs
  40. sleeping in on a Saturday
  41. reading old journals and seeing where God has brought me from
  42. scrap booking (when I actually do it!)
  43. saying something to my kids in Spanish, and them understanding
  44. long talks with my Mom
  45. laundry fresh out of the drier
  46. meerkats (man I miss those guys!)
  47. being done with the circuit at the gym
  48. lightning storms
  49. realizing that my kids are actually grasping something I’ve been trying to teach for a month
  50. blogs
  51. watching tadpoles turn into frogs
  52. watching caterpillars turn into butterflies
  53. stuffed animals
  54. going to bed knowing that I actually did all I wanted to do that day
  55. playing with play-doh
  56. baking homemade chocolate chip cookies
  57. laughing so hard my stomach hurts
  58. finding the perfect gift for a friend
  59. friends who help me fix up this old house
  60. knowing that I am a PRINCESS! A true daughter of the King! :)

Link to pictures:

Saturday, October 21, 2006

My house is finally warm!!

Yes, my house is now officially warm. I know the heat's been working for over a week now, but I finally had a housewarming party tonight! We had a pancake supper, where people could make whatever kind of pancake they wanted to. It was tons of fun. For about the first hour there were only 4 of us here and I was about to be bummed, but then all of a sudden everyone started flowing in! About 20 people in all were here tonight, and I'm pretty sure that's a record #! I cannot even begin to express how awesome it is to know that God has placed so many amazing people into my life here in Durham. These friends are my family away from family! Each one of them contributes to my life in an individual and unique way. God works it out all so perfectly, doesn't He? Some friends can fix things, others can clean, others can cook, others give encouragement when I want to burn this old house to the ground! This house is my home. And I love it, and everything in it, more all the time. Here is the link to some pictures from this wonderful evening... Enjoy!

Housewarming Photos

Link to pictures:

Monday, October 16, 2006

Bonnie - the home repairs gal!

Well, something finally happened today that I MUST write and tell you all about!  Back in July I posted about my Dad fixing the duct work under the house.  I was really excited because a couple of times I got to help him and I got to go under the house and get grimy with him!  heheh Well, today when I came home, my roommate informed me that no air/heat was coming into her room.  So, I started investigating.  I looked into the first and easiest solution, but alas, that looked fine.  Then I did the first thing any girl in my position would (or should) do.  I called my Dad!!  But… Dad is in New Jersey…  He talked me through what the problems could be, and then I went to work.  I changed into my old clothes, grabbed the flashlight (thanks, Dad!) and headed under the house.  And wouldn’t you know it, the line of duct into her room was completely separated.  Heating the crawlspace = not good!  Once again, I called my Dad to get advice.  He talked me through what I needed to do.  I grabbed my duct tape (which happens to be bright pink!), scissors, and another flashlight.  Away I went into the darkness otherwise known as the crawlspace.  I’d never been that far back before… that was Dad’s domain last time.  I propped up one of the flashlights kind of as a spot light, and used the other one to see more clearly.  Though I’m sure I was much slower than Dad ever would have been, I got the job done!  I was able to reattach the pieces (3 in all) and now there is air flowing in my roomie’s room!!  I so wish I’d had a camera down there.  Imagine me lying flat on my back in a shallow crawl space, taping duct to metal to duct.  I love it… if you look into the crawl space, you’ll see one bright pink patch job!!  And that’s my handiwork.  I feel so accomplished. Funny thing is, I really enjoyed doing the work!  I guess I like knowing that I am capable (with the help of a great Dad and an awesome God!) to fix things.  Hooray for moments of learning!

To change the subject and tone of this a little… I’m a little sad tonight about my work situation.  Some of you  know that I have had a difficult child this year in my class.  It’s been a challenge, and it’s been getting harder.  Today was a crazy day for this child, resulting in the rest of class having to leave the room for almost 2 hours until someone came and picked him up.  Some higher-ups made the decision to remove him from my class for the time being and place him into a special education class.  I’m sad in some ways, and also slightly relieved in some ways.  I fought to have this little boy in my class.  He was doing so well.  But in the past couple of weeks, things have continually escalated.  We have to focus on him so much that I fear the other children are losing out.  I have been praying daily for wisdom to know what to do with him.  I guess today God took the problem out of my hands and let someone else make the decision, and I must say that I thank Him very much for that!  It was too hard of a decision to make myself.  Maybe now I won’t be as stressed at work as I have been lately.  I can finally relax a little and return to the fun Ms. Boisvert that I so want and love to be!!  Please pray for the family of this child.  I won’t go into details because they’re not necessary, but trust me when I say that the family needs as much prayer as possible.  Maybe he will receive the help he needs and be able to return to my class in a couple of months… we’ll just have to wait and see!

Ok, I have to finish on a happy note. :)  I went to the NC State Fair Saturday night and I got to ride TWO ferris wheels!  The friend who was with me was quite the trooper.  If you’re reading this… I owe you big time! :)  Those of you who don’t know, I love ferris wheels.  I don’t really know why… I just do!  Hooray for ferris wheels!

Phew… my fingers are tired now.  Time to get ready for bed!  Thanks for checking in on me!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm still here!

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've just been very busy and tired! Even now I am trying my hardest to keep my eyes open, and it's not even 10pm yet. I'm getting old way too fast. I think that's what happens when your job is to teach, look after, and entertain 17 4/5 year olds for 6 hours a day. I'll be quick for now, but I hope to update more soon. I am still LOVING my job. As tiring as it may be, it is quite rewarding to be in a place where you really know you're making a difference in the lives of some great kids. I'm starting to settle in to this new role of teaching in a "real school" and having a lot more work than last year! Head Start is full of paperwork!! But it's all part of the job I guess. :)

The house is coming along slowly... I got the gas hooked up last week! But the oven doesn't work. :( Thank goodness for a home warranty. I'll get the oven fixed no matter what the problem for only $55. Hopefully I can really cook soon. I can't remember the last time I posted... I got the house hooked up to city sewer finally too. No more old rickety septic tank! I guess the only big project left (for now) is fixing some roofing issues and the floor in the living room that could cave in at any given moment in time. The main problem being having no money anywhere in sight to pay for it. I am starting to understand how people get so easily entrenched in debt, and I'm NOT liking it! I pray for financial wisdom daily!

Well, I must be getting to bed. Ms. Boisvert needs her beauty rest for sure! I'll leave you with a fun little quiz I just took...

You Are Fall!


Link to pictures:

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Finally a Princess...

I'm finally getting my crown! Sadly, it's going to be on my tooth and not my head. :( Yep... I have to get a crown on one of my teeth. Not a very thrilling visit to the dentist today! I don't think I really like this whole growing up and paying all your bills yourself thing. Lord, teach me to budget wisely!! :)

Link to pictures:

Saturday, September 02, 2006

I stopped counting...

Someone asked me a couple days how long I'd been back in the States. And you know what? I had to stop and add up the months. A couple months ago I knew at any given moment exactly how long I'd been here. And it hit me... I've stopped counting! I fit here again, and I love being right here, right now. How great is that?! It's almost like I had to get through the roughest part of reverse culture shock and then it has been smooth sailing since then. I mean, it wasn't long ago at all that I was very VERY "homesick" for South Africa. Now I am loving the life that God has me living here is good-ole Durham. He has given me a handful of great friends, a wonderful job where I see a real ministry opportunity, a newly reignited passion for learning Spanish, and of course... my all-consuming house! heheh :) Life is good... and God is GREAT!

Link to pictures:

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I put a hole in my wall tonight... and this time not on purpose... oops! I mean really... I barely touched it and now there's a hole. This house never ceases to bewilder me. New adventures everyday! I guess now I'll be one step closer to finding out what's behind this strange blue wall (in the spare room / office). Everything about this house is strange! Today I had a plumbing fiasco. I was about to leave for work, and I hear "*flush* Bonnie, we have a problem!!!" The toilet had overflowed and was leaking through the floor again and into the basement (which is also the dining room). Argh... so I called various people and finally got ahold of Neil Baker (aka my Summit dad - heheh) and he recommended a plumber. I called him and he was out within 30 mintues. He was able to do a temporary fix, but there's a much bigger problem, and pretty much all the piping will need to be replaced. Good thing I have a "big-job" plumber coming next week, so it won't be too much to tack on this extra job. Oye... days like this I wonder what the heck I am doing! It's exciting, that's for sure. I'm learning a lot, and that's definitely cool. I'm sure that 20 years from now I'll look back and know exactly why God's teaching me these things... right now, I'm not so sure. heheh But I'm glad He knows. ;) And on that note... I'm going to bed. I have to rest up for Oxford Manor Kids Club tomorrow afternoon and then the Latino Worship Center tomorrow night!!

Buenos Noches!

Link to pictures:

Thursday, August 24, 2006

news from Ms. Boisvert

Wow… so I have a lot to update you on!  A lot has been going on in the past few weeks.  The biggest thing is that I started my new job!  I still don’t have kids… they won’t start until next Wednesday, but I have quickly learned that there is A LOT more to this job than just teaching the kids! For those of you who may not know, I just started working with an organization called “Chapel Hill Training Outreach Project.”  Under that umbrella is the Head Start program, for which I am a teacher.  The coolest thing about this job, is that I really do work with a lot of people.  I’m not just a teacher stuck in a classroom with no help!  Besides having two other teachers in the classroom (who are great!) with me, there are family service coordinators (in English and Spanish), mental health services, special ed services, health and nutrition services… I’m not alone trying to help these kids!  Head Start works with the whole family and it is one of our goals to empower families to get the help they need to succeed.  I LOVE it!!  I’m also extremely blessed to have a Teacher’s Assistant who is not only good enough to be a lead herself, but is a really strong Christian!  It’s so nice to be able to be open with our beliefs and talk about faith issues whenever we want to.  We haven’t met our bilingual aid yet, but we both say that if she’s not a Christian already, she will be by the end of the year! haha :)  I also found out that the bilingual family service coordinator is a Christian, and he works in a Spanish church about an hour from here.  I am going to go visit the church on Saturday!  That’ll be an exciting first for me… I’ve been the only white kid in Zulu churches before, but never in a Spanish speaking church!  I can’t wait!! :)  At least I know how to say, “I am only learning Spanish!” haha

Not much is new with the house lately.  There’s a funny smell in the house that I just can’t figure out.  My friends say it’s fine… so maybe I just have an overactive nose or something.  I just don’t want to have a smelly house!  Hopefully the plumber will be out on Tuesday of next week, then I can get the gas hooked up… and hopefully soon I’ll also have an estimate on home repairs.  So many hopefuls!  This house is teaching me patience!  

Well, I must be getting to bed.  Ms. Boisvert needs her beauty sleep!  (That’s right… I’m Ms. Boisvert now, not Miss Bonnie! hehe)

G’night!  And thanks for checking in on me :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

thoughts from others... :)

One day I pray to be wise like these women!!

No matter how efficient, smart, or independent we happen to think ourselves to be, sooner or later we run into a "brick wall" that our intelligence or experience cannot handle for us. We can fake it, avoid it, or blunder through it. But a better solution would be to find someone who has walked that way before and has gained wisdom from experience. - Gloria Gaither

All of us need to be surrounded by people who are invited to hold us accountable and who question the questionable. - Beth Moore

Our vision is so limited we can hardly imagine a love that does not show itself in protection from suffering. The love of God did not protect His own Son. He will not necessarily protect us - not from anything it takes to make us like His Son. A lot of hammering and chiseling and purifying by fire will have to go into the process. - Elisabeth Elliot

(and lastly, the only one who trumps Elisabeth Elliot in my world...)

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. -God (in Proverbs 27:17)
(right, Mel? ;))

Link to pictures:

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Yay! Today Jon went with me to Lowe's and helped me buy a lawn mower! (Ladies, it's always good to go with a guy so some salesman doesn't take advantage of you!) My lawn was in serious need of mowing. Jon had already come over once to use his weed-eater to at least tame the grass so that it wouldn't kill a lawn-mower. If I didn't do something soon, it would've needed that again, and as great as Jon is, I knew he wasn't doin' that!! So yeah... I have a lawn mower. I'm such a home owner! It was hard work mowing the whole yard (it's little, but it's a BIG hill!!!) but the work was rewarding. It looks like someone lives here now. Imagine that! :)

Link to pictures:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So... a few weeks ago I realized that I only had one day off between my summer job and my new job with Head Start. So what do I do? The only logical thing there is
to do... I went to Detroit, Michigan!! I know it seems random, but that's where Melissa, my roommate and friend from South Africa lives now. I had to get out of NC and away from the house. I love the house! But I needed a break from it. So I emailed Melissa and within about 12 hours, the decision was made that I'd fly to Detroit in a week. I literally bought the tickets the Saturday before I left the following Friday. Though the trip kinda hurt my bank account, it was worth it. I had an awesome time hanging out with Melissa and catching up. It was fun to see the way she's decorated her apartment. Strangely, we've done a lot of the same things... and we don't even live together!! Scary... :) I can't say we did anything monumentous... other than going to IKEA on Monday before I flew back home. That was awesome! Oh, how I wish there was an IKEA store closer than 3 hours away from us here in NC! I got lots of decorating ideas though that I hope to implement here in the house. Well, I'd better get to bed... thanks for checking in on me! :)
Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I am so tired! So I don't have much time to write. But... today I went to a wedding, and for the first time EVER I left and wasn't even thinking in the least about being single or how much I want to get married. I honest to goodness, left that wedding thinking, "Wow - God's grace is amazing and He is so worthy to be praised!" I realized as I was thinking about it later, that not once during the wedding did I even think about my single status or my future wedding. That's so wonderful! I know the bride and groom were praying that they would disappear in God's presence. I believe their prayers were answered. To Him be ALL the glory!!

goodnight :)

Link to pictures:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

missing my other home

Strange... It's going on 9 months that I've been here in the States, and yet sometimes I still really miss being in South Africa. I can't even explain it really; I just wish I was there! It's funny, every once in a while I'll think of somewhere that I used to go in SA (like a store or something small) and think I want to go there, and forget that it was in a country thousands of miles away! Of course, I do eventually remember, and am then saddened that I can't go! I miss people too. I don't think I realized then how great I had it. I mean, life's great now too, and my friends here are amazing. But in SA, I had lots of ministry friends... friends who shared my heart and passion for sharing Christ's love with others. Not that my friends here don't care (please don't think that!)... it's just not most of my friends' main goal in life. I had lots of friends directly involved in missions/ministry in Jo'burg, and boy do I miss that. I'm not generally the instigator of great discussion, but to be amongst friends who ask all the right questions and get me to dig deeper... that's what I miss about my Jo'burg friends. I haven't been challenged lately. I have been by life! But not so much by my friends and our discussions. So... Jo'burg folks (if you're out there keeping up with me!), please know that you are missed dearly! I pray that one of these days I can come back and see you all once again. One of these days...

Link to pictures:

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I am a lucky girl...

Maybe blessed would be a better word... at times I have the tendency to believe the lie that I am all alone. Sometimes when things get bad with the house I am so close to just throwing in the towel! Of course, sometimes I think that is exactly what God wants... He wants me to stop trying in my feeble efforts and trust Him fully. How can I even dare to say I am alone?!? A few years back, a pastor from another church was trying to convince me to stay at that church and he said, "churches are like families; you don't choose them, God places you into one, and knits you into it." Well, great wisdom, pastor! I knew when he said that, that the Summit was going to be my family. That was probably 4 years ago now, and The Summit is indeed my family!! Just in the things that happened today, it involved... 1)a Summit guy who sells plumbing and connected me with a guy who seems to be giving me a great deal on my sewer hook up, 2)Neil Baker, whom I borrowed a ladder from, 3)Melissa Knight (my roommate) who painted all afternoon, 4)Mark (Mel's boyfriend) who also painted and then went with me to Lowe's to pick out stuff to make a closet (he's constructing a closet!), and 5)Jon Thommarson who floored the attic for me so I can store stuff up there! Five people, and that's just one day. I am most certainly NOT alone! Thank You, Lord, for placing me into an awesome church, and knitting me into the beautiful fabric of this family. You are so good!

In other news... I HAVE A JOB!!! Yesterday (Wednesday) I was called and offered the Pre-K position at Central Elementary School. I'm so excited! I feel really good so far about the company I'll be in (Head Start) and the people I'll be working with. I think this is going to be an excellent learning time for me too. Plus, I'll be making almost $4000 more than I did at my Childcare Network job, AND I'll have benefits - FINALLY!

Well, it's late, and I must get to bed! Thanks for checking in on me!!

Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:

Monday, July 10, 2006


Wow... and 2 closets became 1. Crazy stuff... Melissa (my soon-to-be roommate) came over tonight to bring a few things and to look at paint samples. She also brought Mark, her boyfriend over to check out these closets and see if anything could be done to make her closet bigger. Well,
turns out something could be done! My wonderful Dad left a big hammer here for my use, and it finally was put to some very good use. Mark had a great time knocking the wall down that was in between the 2 closets. Soon Melissa will have a nice big closet!

In other news, I think Sam hates me... he's been hding all day... although, I know cats, and how they are. So really I'm not offended. I just hope he's ok. He seems so scared!! And of course, he had taken refuge in one of the no longer existing closets. Poor baby! He must think his world is falling down around him - quite literally!! I hope he'll reaize soon that he's ok here.

I also had a second interview today... a second one with the same company I interviewed with a couple of weeks ago. I really like the people I'd be working for should I get this job. I have to trust God in this decision though! He knows what is best, and whether I am best fit for this job or another candidate. We shall see soon!

Oh, I found another problem! (act surprised) There seems to be a plumbing leak somewhere... ugh. At least someone from The Summit is coming tomorrow to see what needs to be done to fix that. Praise the Lord for a church full of amazing people who I can call on when there's a problem. I sure do hope I can be one of those people to someone somday!!

Well, it's way past my bedtime. Demolition was not part of the plan tonight, so I'm getting a late start to bedtime, but it's finally quiet around here. I can finally sleep!

Link to pictures:

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Say hello to Sam

Ok... I think it's official that I am a "cat lady" now. Eish! I have 3 cats now! The newest guy is not mine... he's just my foster cat for now. His Dad, Cliff, just moved in with Chris Baker, who is allergic to cats, so Sam's moved in with me. I guess I'll have him till Chris or Cliff get married (or until they get sick of each other as roommates... whatever comes first!) He looks mad in the picture, but I think he's just scared... new home, new cats to deal with, no Cliff... sad kitty. But don't worry, Cliff, he'll be just fine.

So, after last night, I think Satan was still trying to make me miss something today. I was supposed to be at church to practise at 8am, but my alarm messed up and I woke up at 7:45!!! Yeah... 15 minutes to wake up, get dressed well enough to be infront of people, and get there in 15 minutes? No way... but I did get there in 25, and I don't think most people would've known I got ready in 10 minutes. :) I don't even know how I did it! It was awesome to sing with this amazing group of singers. I haven't sung with a small group in quite a while, and it was such a blessing to me. They all welcomed me in right away (even though I was the late one, holding them up!). God is so good to me.

A little update about the house... not much has changed, BUT... Robin, a great (and very organized) friend of mine came over after church today and helped me put things away. I was at the staring point... you know the one... where you just keep looking at all the boxes and have absolutely no clue what to do with any of them! Well, she helped me get rid of a good deal of them! I still have a lot to do before my roommate comes this coming Saturday, but we got so much done today. This house is looking more like a home every day!

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Satan's crazy tactics...

I tell you... Satan never stops, does he?! Most of you faithful readers out there know that in South Africa (for the first year and few months anyway) I helped lead worship in various churches in various ways. When I came back home to the Summit, there was no need for one more voice! I stayed out of the choir scene till I just couldn't anymore... and finally joined the choir a couple months ago. :) Well, the choir gets a break in the Summer and a small praise team leads worship for the church on Sunday mornings. I've never asked the worship pastor to be involved on these teams because (I'll be honest) I don't want it to be a pride thing ("I can sing, let me on the team...") I'm not saying I'm all that great or anything... I just know my weaknesses! Well, this Thursday, Jason called me and asked if I'd fill in for one of the girls at the last minute. (Jason is the associate worship pastor, and we sang together in college.) Wow! What an honor and an exciting time for me! I've been listening to the music and practicing nonstop since Thursday, loving the songs and praying about the words in them. I learned long ago that it's not at all about performing, but rather worshipping, and inviting others to worship with you (thanks to Chris!). Well, the past few days I seem to have had a sign on my head that says, "please share with me your dating woes!" Uh... I don't remember putting that sign there, and to be honest, I'm not the best person to talk to about them. Maybe people apparently forget that I'm single too... and have been for quite some time. When friends complain to me that it's been a couple years since they've been in a relationship, I want to stop them there and say... um... try 25! Argh. Here's the thing that makes me mad at myself though. I should NOT get upset about stuff like this! I want to be mature and grounded so solidly in God's Word and His awesome plan for my life, that I can be there to offer Godly wisdom (rather than experiential wisdom) to my friends. I have absolutely no reason, no reason at all to complain!! :) God is blessing me over and over again here lately. He's shown me time and time again that I'm where I'm supposed to be. He's introduced me to some new people who are ministering in a neighborhood 3 minutes from my house, and I'm going to start working with them! This past week I got to love on some Hispanic kids, and they've brought me such joy! A couple of weeks ago, my pastor, JD, preached an amazing sermon on singleness. It challenged me so much to not waste a single minute of my life waiting around for some guy to show up. No way! He has called me to amazing things. I count it an honor above all honors to be called into ministry for Him. I might not know what that exact ministry is right now, but it's in me. My heart leaps at the thought of working for Him! You know what? Finding a guy with that same heart is difficult. And by golly, I'm not going to settle for someone who isn't heading in the same direction as me. :) Part of one of the songs we're singing tomorrow says, "I'm not content just to walk through my life. Giving in to the lies. Walking in compromises." And those words ring so true to me. I'm not going to walk through my life listening to the lies around me that say I should be dating. The lies of people who tell me something is wrong with a 25 year old girl who's never been in a serious relationship. God created me with a purpose and a plan. I am going to run to Him as hard and as fast as I can. God help me stand firm against the lies and the schemes of Satan. I won't let him win!!

(wow... blogging is really therapeutic!)

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

air conditioning!

Wow... I slept so well last night! Last night was the first night that I finally had air conditioning flowing into my house. I'd had the A/C on before, but it was not really getting to the house. It turns out that the duct work under the house was really messed up, so I was cooling the crawl space rather well, but not the house! Well, my Dad works for a company that deals with duct work for big companies, so he knows all about duct. So that was our big project yesterday. And it really was a BIG project! I don't know what happened under the house, but just about every possible line into the house was damaged considerably. Dad did most of the work by himself, but a few times he needed my help! It was really cool for me to be able to help him. Growing up with 2 older brothers, they were (and still are most the time!) the ones that help Dad fix things, but yesterday I was his only choice. So I got to go under the house with him and get dusty and muddy! I hope that as more project arise in this house, Dad will be able to use my help, and two things will happen... one, I'll learn more about fixing things, and two, Dad and I will get to spend more time together! Two great things!! :)

Oreo and Wallace are also finally here. I brought them back with me Sunday night. They hid for about 24 hours but this morning when I woke up, both of them were sleeping with me on my bed. They used to sleep with me in South Africa (on a twin bed!) but as my parents' house, they weren't allowed back where the bedrooms were. I think they're glad to have their roam of the whole house again! It's great to have them here with me again. I missed not having them!

Well, I have a long list of things to go shopping for. I think that list is neverending! Yay for SuperTarget! :)

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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yay! Robin Crabtree made me a special turtle cake for my birthday. She knew I collected turtles, but didn't know why. She had no idea that turtles have a very symbolic meaning for me... they remind me that God has placed me exactly where I am, and that He has a purpose for everything that is going on right now... a timely reminder since I've lately found out more and more problems with my dear little house! The young professionals (YPs) went extreme bowling last night, and then afterwards we went to Robin and Lauren's apartment. They had decorated so beautifully! It was so much fun to celebrate my birthday with many newly acquired friends. God has been so great and faithful to me in the last year. I can't wait to see what He will do this year in my life!
Today has been a very eventful day for the house. Stephen Baker came over to put up some light fixtures. We (he) encountered some strange electrical issues, to which he kept saying, "this is so weird." Welcome to my house! :) There's now a fan and lights in both the living
room as well as my bedroom! Progress! I also decided to tear down the weird bamboo looking ceiling in the living room. It's a long process since they used about 5000 staples to hold that stuff up! It's looking good though so far... I'm still not done. I'm taking a break!

Jon also came over and cleaned out my gutters. What an amazing guy! I don't know what I'd do without all my awesome friends. So all in all, it's been a great birthday! And tomorrow I get to go home and see my family, which is always lots of fun! :)

Thanks for checking in on me!

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

water water everywhere

Ok, this rain needs to STOP! At least until my gutters are cleaned out anyway. I'm about to go buy a ladder and get up on the roof myself and dig those bad boys out. They're horrible! I have plants growing in them, just to give you an idea! Anway, we've been getting rained on quite a bit the past few days, and it's taking a toll on my house. I finally bought a dehumidifier on Monday night. I hooked it up that night at about 9:30, and when I checked it out at 6:30 the next morning it was full (25 pints)! It was also full again by the time I got home last night, and then it was almost full this morning. I guarantee it'll be full again when I get home this afternoon. I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into when I bought this house. But, I wouldn't change my mind even if I'd known. I love my neighborhood! The kids bring me such joy when I come home all stressed out or down. Their precious smiles brighten any bad mood!! Well, I must go to work... and then I have an interview after work! Eish! Pray for me!! I am really nervous! God has a plan... I have to keep repeating that to myself. :)


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Saturday, June 24, 2006


I don't have a lot of time to write tonight, but I had to let you all know this... my neighbors across the street (kids are Erica and Omar), brought me over some tamales tonight for dinner as a welcome! Wow! How awesome is that? They're already looking out for me. :) I'd actually never had a real tamale before, and it was really good! Hooray for wonderful neighbors!

Thanks for checking in on me...
Bonnie B.

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Welcome to Durham...

So... someone egged my car. What in the world? Why did someone egg my car? It must have happened when my car was stationary because you can tell that the egg dripped straight down. Is that like a "welcome to the neighborhood" initiation? When my Mom came inside and asked if I knew that someone had egged my car, I was shocked! Then I didn't know whether to be mad, or to just laugh. I mean, being mad does no one any good. So I guess I'll just laugh. Oh, how I love Durham! :)

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

This old house...

I think that's going to be the new name and theme of this blog! Everytime I go to my house (I'm not living there yet), I discover a new... umm... adventure! Yesterday I went to the house because the alarm guy was coming to put in my alarm system (gotta be safe). After he left, I wandered around the kitchen and noticed wetness... as I looked closer, I noticed LOTS of wetness... as in puddles! Argh! My house is old, and moisture is something I'm going to have to get used to, but puddles of water in my kitchen are not ok. Granted, lots of places flooded yesterday due to rain, so I shouldn't be surprised that my house was one of the many. The bad thing is that there's still water under the cabnets, where I couldn't reach to get the water up. Wet wood is not a good thing! One more thing to add to the "get this fixed or fix it" list. I must keep reminding myself that God has a plan in all of this. One of these days I'm gonna know all about home repairs and dealing with old houses. But it's going to be quite an adventure turning this old house into a home!

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

kids - yay! bugs - boo!

Since I was going to Durham tonight for Bible study, I decided to load my car up with as much stuff as I possibly could and went to my house to unload it all. As I drove down Ruskin Ave. (where my house is the last one), I spotted the very typical group of kids on bikes. As soon as Erica (the girl across the street from me) spotted me, she started waving like mad. Wow, talk about making me smile!! The band of bike-riders followed my car until I stopped, and waited for me right outside my door until I got out. I seriously felt like I was back in SA driving into one of the areas where I worked. I met a few new faces tonight, one of whom wanted to come in my house and check out the place (I told her she should ask her parents first... don't want to be the weird neighbor or anything!). I also met the father of the boy from Ghana. (The boy's name is Kofe - sound like coffee with a long 'o') Then as I was chatting with him, the lady from the house across from him said hello and asked if I was their new neighbor. She didn't have much time to talk because she was on her way to her church. So many people were outside of their houses! I'm so excited about all the people I've already met in the neighborhood. But really, the kids just made my day. God has put me in such a great place! I can't wait until I can really get to know them. Hooray for kids!!

About the bugs... oh my goodness... Sunday before I left the house, I set off 4 bug bombs in strategic places. Wow. I literally don't think I've ever seen that many dead bugs (or live bugs either for that matter) in one place. I thank God for teaching me to deal with bugs in SA, because the mass of bugs I saw today would be enough to really freak out most girls! I'm glad they were dead!! Hopefully the bug bombs got them all. And hopefully those that made it out alive got the message and will carry it on to the others in the area. This house is no longer open to bugs!

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Monday, June 12, 2006


Oh man… I am one confused chica! I have yet to find a job for this coming school year. Today was my last teacher work day at Childcare Network in Sanford (sad!!), and Friday I begin a summer teaching position in Orange County (right beside Durham). But as for the upcoming year, no decision has been made yet. As far as I still know, Durham Public Schools Pre-K only has one opening this year, and it is going to a lady who just got her teaching licence and has been the assistant until now (fair enough). So, the district manager from Childcare Network told me that the CN in Durham has a More at Four Lead Teacher opening for this coming year. The center is about 4 miles from my house! Thing is, CN doesn’t have benefits. They offer a stipend for insurance, but it doesn’t quite cover what it costs me. Until this afternoon though, I’d decided that I’d go with CN in Durham anyway… it’s such a great place for ministry! The missionary in me is very excited. Well… I got home this afternoon and had an email from the lady who hired me for this summer job, and she was telling me that Orange County Pre-K has one vacancy for next year and that I should talk to someone as soon as I get there. Confusion time! Public school most definitely pays better and has MUCH better benefits!! But I so want to be in Durham. Durham is where God has sent me to; I’m sure of it. Orange county is not far away… so it’s not out of the question, but it’s still not Durham. I just don’t know what to do. Why can’t Durham Public Schools have one more opening and make this a lot easier for me?? I guess God’s not finished teaching me the “wait upon the Lord” lesson. :) I don’t think He ever will be! Please pray for me to make the right decision!

On another note, I was at my house in Durham cleaning yesterday, and I met the little boy next door. He’s from Ghana!! How cool… Mexico across the street, Ghana next door. It’s quite a multicultural neighborhood. I can’t even begin to doubt that God has huge plans for me there. Very exciting!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I've been home for 7 months now. Crazy, isn't it? And you know what? Just in the past couple of weeks I've started making a few new friends. Right now it is almost 4am, and I just retured home from hanging out with a few of them. This has happened about 3 times now. That might not seem like much to most people, but for the past 7 months, "hanging out" with friends was something that just didn't happen for me, and oh how I have missed it! God is so good. I knew coming home that it would take time for new friendships to get started or for old ones to take on a new and current form. So I have tried to be patient, and wait on God to lead me to the right people, just as He did in South Africa. And how He has blessed me! I am so excited to be moving to Durham (as soon as my house is fixed). This hour long drive is killing me, and costing me a fortune in gas money!!

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Friday, June 02, 2006


My kids are the cutest... I can't believe school will be over next week! Here are some pictures of my kids!

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Monday, May 29, 2006

I have furniture!!!

Well... I have some furniture. But hey, some is much better than the none I had a few hours ago. Today Mom and I went all over Durham and Sanford looking for deals on furniture for my new home. Ugh... it's sobering to realize how little money you have in comparison to how much furniture costs! I did see a few things I liked, but I have a lot of rooms to fill, and when I started adding up how much it was going to cost to fill them with new furniture, I was really overwhelmed. But, I have a Mom with a good head on her shoulders, and a good strong faith in God's providence and timing, so I wasn't too bummed when I came home as furniture-less as when we left. Well, I took a look at to just see what people were selling (as I have made a daily habit of doing). I wasn't overly impressed at first. But a couple of minutes later there was a new post. Someone was selling a nice set of furniture for only $700. (That was about the cost of one new couch.) I emailed the guy right away to ask for pictures, and when he sent them back I was floored! It looked so nice! Long story short, my Mom and I trekked back to Durham (where it was being sold) at about 9:30 tonight to go see this furniture. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was right for my house!! And you can't beat the price. Turns out this couple also just bought a new washer and dryer and wanted to get rid of theirs, so I bought them too!! Crazy... crazy, I tell ya. But how exciting... furniture for my home! :) Wow, now I really need to go to bed. It's been a long (but amazing) weekend. I need to sleep and prepare for my kiddos! Thanks for checking in on me!

Here's what my stuff looks like...

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

As for me and my house...

…We will serve the Lord!
(Joshua 24:15)

I said I was going to write more of an update – so here it is! The biggest news is that
I’m buying a house!! Yeah, crazy isn’t it? A few months ago I was freaking
out at the thought of buying a car and paying it off for 5 years, and now I have a 30 year loan – whoa! Though I have my moments of freaking out, I’m really excited. I honesty believe that God called me to Durham back in the summer of 2000 (long story) and now I’m finally getting to be there whole heartedly! I already feel like my heart is there… now I can be all there. :) I want my house to really be a place where God is made known. I will be in a neighborhood where I will be the minority (by a long shot!). From my past visits to the house, I’ve noticed a lot of Mexican and Black families. Lots of kids too! I am already praying for opportunities to share Christ with them. Getting to know people’s kids is a great way to get to know them – and kids are my thing. ;) I would like for nothing more than for my house to be a place where Bible studies take place, prayers is lifted, and discipleship is happening. I know that this house is a gift from God. Too many things have “just happened” to make all of this happen. Here’s kind of how it happened…

The week after Easter I had off because of Spring Break. Monday afternoon I started tossing the idea around in my head about buying a house. I am very opposed to paying rent because I don’t think it’s a good use of money. So I just started looking online at cheap houses. Most of the ones I could afford were in really bad neighborhoods, but there was one that was in an area I knew about. So, Tuesday evening, on my way to Bible study (which was close to where the house was), I decided to just drive by the house to check out the area. I wasn’t turned off, which was a good sign… so then I went on to Bible study. When I mentioned the house, it turned out that the owner of the house where we had Bible study had looked at that house over a year ago and really liked it, but it was much more expensive then. So, after much talking, the girls all wanted to go see the house. We piled in a car and went to go see it. When we pulled up, we saw a couple looking inside the window. (“Oh no! They’re looking at my house!”) So we drove around the block a couple times and in the process, we saw another realtor sign, and one of the girls said that the realtor was from the Summit! I wrote the number down and we went to check out the house… After Bible study, I called the realtor (Pat) immediately and after talking, we agreed to meet the very next morning (Wednesday) to go see the house. At first she didn't seem as excited about it as me, and wanted to show me a couple other options... so I obliged, but the other 2 were much more expensive. So, after much talking and talking with a bank lady to see if I could be pre-approved for a loan (and I was!), it was lunch time, and Pat had to show someone else another house. So I went to lunch with a friend, and thought about the house... I felt ready to go through with the process, but needed another set of eyes to see the inside of the house and to tell me if I was being an idiot. So I called Pat again, and she agreed to go back to the house so Chris could see it too. He definitely confirmed that this little house needs some work (ok, a lot off work!), but he also pointed out the same good things that I liked about it. So... I ended up putting in an offer that same day! The next big hurdle was getting an inspection. There was a high possibility that there could be some foundational issues, so I was really nervous going into the inspection. But the inspector was even surprised to see that the house didn’t have any huge issues going on. (Oh yeah, the house is 80 years old!!) So I am buying the house! Friday, May 26th, Bonnie Boisvert will be a first time home owner – crazy, hey!? It’s cool that I’ve been able to do a lot of networking with Summit people. My realtor, insurance guy, and lawyer are all Summiteers. :) And I will probably use Summit people to do home repairs too! There are some certain perks to being at a big church. :)

Whew… my fingers are tired. I haven’t written this much in a while! I will update in a couple days about my job hunting. Oh the fun…

Thanks for checking in on me!

Bonnie B.

Friday, May 19, 2006

My To-Do List:

I know I haven't updated in a long time! So since I don't have much time, I'll just write out my to-do list and then go back and give details soon! :)

Bonnie's To Do List:

-Pray lots!
-Call Duke Power to see if they switched my electric bill into my name
-Call Durham Sewer and Water to get that bill into my name
-Save all pennies earned to go towards my closing costs on May 26th
-Call Rob, the insurace guy (from the Summit) to talk insurance details
-Call home security people for prices
-Call the home repairs guy for an estimate
-Search ads for good used furniture
-Find a roommate
-Email the lady who kind of offered me a job next year at a Childcare Network in Durham (oh, by the way, the Childcare Network that had to go into lockdown a couple weeks ago because a crazed gunman was on the loose - ah... Durham... haha!)
-Wrap Lauryn's birthday presents!
-Have lots of fun at Lauryn's 1st birthday party :-D
-Write last 2 lesson plans for my preschoolers! :(
-Buy graduation gifts for my preschoolers
-Buy some "teacher clothes" for my summer pre-k job in a public school program
-Pray lots more!

Phew! Makes me tired just thinking about it... well, I'd better get busy! I promise to write more very soon!! And I'll add pictures. :)

Love ya-
Bonnie B.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

a few pictures that make me smile :)

Here are a few pictures I was recently sent of one of my favorite little people!! Don't be jealous. ;) Enjoy!

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Oh, to be interrupted!

I was catching up on some blogs that I haven't read in a while, and found a great nugget of wisdom... Just thought I'd share before going to bed!

(from Douglas Wilson's Her Hand in Marriage)

But boys must be trained to take risks, which means being confident in the midst of the unknown. As they do this on an immature level, fathers should work with them, and teach them, without destroying this masculine impetus.

Courtship reveals how necessary this masculinity is. Many modern young men approach a girl, and they are quite serious as far as their intentions go, but they are afraid of interfering with her life. "You know, she is going to graduate soon, but she wants to go to school at Notre Dame, and I don't really want to go to Notre Dame, and showing interest in her would really disrupt all her plans." But the whole point of courtship is to disrupt a young lady's plans. A godly young woman is not going to stand around waiting for marriage. Rather, she will be preparing herself for marriage. This means she will be heading in some particular direction, and not just marking time. A young man should not be afraid of disrupting, because marriage is by its very nature a disruption of her previous way of life.

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

All the little connections...

Wow - Isn't it cool when things just seem to "come together." I know I haven't updated in a while, and I know I should have! Sorry! But God has been awesome to me lately. He's truly transforming my heart. As sad as it is to say, He is changing my love for South Africa and my desire to do ministry there. Don't get me wrong, I love South Africa, and should He place me back there I will shout for joy!! But, my heart is aching to get back to Durham. My church is there... my friends are there (well, a lot of them anyway!), and I feel such a pull to be there. There is so much need for ministry in Durham. I am hoping to get a Pre-K teaching position in Durham Public Schools next year. Being a teacher anywhere is a ministry in and of itself! There aren't as many Pre-K jobs in the public schools as there are other grades, but I am trusting God that just one of them will leave so I can have her job! hehe I hope that's not mean. Actually though, just last night I was talking to our worship pastor's fiance. She just happens to be working with the Durham Pre-Ks, doing testing with the incoming kids (or something of the sorts). And she informed me that she was just working with one of the teachers who is planning on transfering to a higher grade next year!! This school is in a neighborhood that I'd love to be in. As a friend of mine put it at church today, it's a "Joburg" neighborhood! ha! (Don't take offense if you're from Joburg.) So I was telling two lady friends of mine about this job opening, and one of the ladies says that I should talk to Sheryle Metcalf. Now, I've heard her name planty of times and have seen it on the Durham Public Schools' website. She's the one who is in charge of the Pre-Ks in Durham. The next thing out of my friend's mouth was, "you should've come and sat with us today. She was sitting right by us!" What the heck?! She goes to the same church as me, and I didn't even know it. Crazy crazy crazy... I don't know if having all these little connections will help me get a job. I mean, I do still have to be a good teacher!! But I tell you what... all these little things all work together in the hands of a BIG God, and He is confirming more and more everyday that Durham is where He wants me to be in service to Him. I finally feel like a missionary again. I know I am called to a certain place. It may not be overseas, but in a sense, it's a very different culture. I'm excited, and I'm ready to go.
"Here am I, Lord. Send me!"

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Praise Him in the mornin'...

For some reason I have a kids' church song in my head. For those of you raised in Sunday School is goes like this: Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him in the morning... Praise Him in the noontime... praise Him when the sun goes down." Anyway... I thought, there's no better way to start off a Friday (and really, I need something good... I am looking & feeling rough this morning!) than to Praise Him! So, though rough moments have been trying to get me down lately, I'm going to Praise! And here are a few reaons:

1)My Mom's been sick for a few months now and the docs haven't been able to figure out why. Well, this week they finally diagnosed her with breast cancer (she's had it before) but this time is way different than before. She just has to take a hormone pill and she'll be fine! Considering all the other things it could have been, I'm thankful that this was the diagnosis. No chemo or radiation this time. And she'll come home soon from the hospital. Hooray!

2)Through random circumstances, I googled an old college friend of mine and found his sight with some pictures. I decided to email him and see what he was up to. Well, one of the things he said was, "I'm growing like a weed spiritually. I'm not the same guy you used to know." Praise the Lord! Now this fellow was a nice guy before, but well... let's just say we lived different lifestyles. Lately I've become aware of friends who have turned away from God after college, and I've been discouraged, but I rejoiced last night in hearing that another friend who seemed far away is so in love with the Father now! My prayers 6 years ago were answered (and I wasn't even aware!). (and if you're the guy I'm writing this about, I hope you don't mind me writing it, but I'm excited! hehe)

3)I've found a gym in Sanford that I really like, and I'm really enjoying it! I seem to be getting back on track with health matters, and that's always a good thing. :)

4)Next week are teacher workdays on Monday and Tuesday, and I have taken them off so that I can be in Durham helping with a Spring break program for Hispanic kids. I am so excited to be able to be a part of reaching out to the Durham community!

Wow... I'm going to be late for work, so I'll have to write more later!

in Him-
Bonnie B.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Take my hand, Lord!

I am one who loves a good image… a metaphor. When pastors use images in their sermons, I really get (and remember!) the point. I remembered one last night and wanted to share it, because it really captures the place in my life that I am at right now. Now, I don’t tend to be one who stresses uncontrollably over my future and what’s happening in my life. But I do get a bit anxious at times, which usually just results in researching jobs and places to live on the internet for a few hours at a time. (nothing too big!) Last night I ended up discovering a website about Head Start and More at Four programs in Durham, and I got really excited about the prospect of moving to Durham next year. When I finally pulled myself away from my computer and went to bed, I kept thinking about it. I thought to myself, “there are so many different ways I could go right now, so many different options. I feel like it is God’s will for me to relocate to Durham, but how do I know whether it is really God’s will or just me imprinting my desires onto ‘God’s Will’?” Then the image came to mind. A few weeks ago JD (my pastor) was talking about his little girl learning to walk. At the learning-to-walk stage, he would hold onto her hand to make sure she didn’t fall. It was her feet taking the steps, but ultimately he was deciding where she would go by guiding her movement. He was actually using that as an image of how the authors of the Bible wrote the Bible, but it spoke a lot to me about living life with Christ in control. Yes, my feet may be hitting the ground, but it is His mighty hands that are guiding my tiny feet. He knows exactly where’s He’s taking me, and it’s my job just to keep moving and sensing where He’d have me go. It’s so reassuring to know that He is in control!

(from “Just Enough Light for the Step I’m on : Book of Prayers” by Stormie Omartian

“Lord, I don’t want to take one step without You. I reach up for your hand and ask that You lead me in Your way. Thank You that no matter where I am right now, even if I have gotten way off course, in this moment, as I put my hand in Yours, You will make a path from where I am to where I need to be. And You will lead me on it. I love that Your grace abounds to me in that way. Keep me on the path You have for me and take me where You want me to go. I commit this day to walking with You.”

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forever more.
-Psalm 16:11-

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Shel Silverstein and Stickers

I’ve decided to start memorizing some poetry. Now for those English buffs out there, don’t think me much… I’m starting with Shel Silverstein. What do you expect, I teach 4 and 5 year olds!? :) It’s fun though… I discovered my Shel Silverstein book tonight while looking for some other kids’ books, and so the fun began! I actually read somewhere recently that it’s great for kids to see and hear their teacher reciting poetry from memory… makes it sound fun and exciting. And since my goal is to be the best preschool teacher I can be, I must try it! On another exciting note, I got a sticker today!! Now, when my students clean up their centers by the time a bell goes off, they get stickers too. And boy do they want those stickers. Kids like stickers. Stickers are fun. But today Ms. Jenny and I got stickers too! One of the district managers for Childcare Network came by today for a quick surprise visit and after a few minutes in our class, she decided that she saw many things that she liked. She said it looked like “lots of great things are happening here.” And she gave us gold stickers to put on our certificates of excellence. Yippee!! I’ve been really stressed at times the past few months, thinking that I’m not a good teacher anymore… It had been a while since I was a “real” teacher in my own classroom. But today I got a little confirmation that maybe I’m not such a bad teacher after all. :) I like stickers. Stickers are fun. ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the search begins...

Well, I've started looking for a ticket to South Africa for this summer, and let me tell you... it's NOT cheap! Right now the internet is pricing tickets at a little over $2000. That's more money than the preschool teaching Miss Bonnie has right now! Thankfully, I've been saving since I started my job, and I've got about half of the amount saved already. I'm hoping that I can organize something with my friend Casey so that I'll be doing some missions stuff while I'm there as well as hanging out with friends. I'm hoping that will be the case for two reasons... 1) I so want to go back to Soweto and do similar things to what I did before! I couldn't stand going to SA and not being around the kids! and 2) if it is, indeed, a mission trip, then I can raise support. God has already graciously shown me that I have some pretty committed supporters here in the US of A. I've no doubt that I can get some help in financing this really expensive ticket. God is good. :) I'll feel much better once I've talked with Casey and get get some final details worked out. Then I can work on actually purchasing the ticket!! Can't wait.

Oh, this is random, but kinda interesting... The teacher's assistant in my classroom (Jenny) has a sister, Susan, who is the assistant director to the daycare where my niece goes to. (small world, hey?) Anywho... Susan "met" a guy from Morocco on the internet, and recently flew there to meet him. Well, I went into work today and the first thing Jenny says to me is, "she married that guy." Oh my word. This girl is crazy... She's "married" to a guy in Morocco, but he can't even come here for a long time. What a crazy mixed up story! I have to say though... I'm a bit jealous. I was in Africa for 2 years, and no one married me! What's wrong with me!? hehe I look forward to hearing how this story pans out.

Well, I must get going. I believe that I officially have a second (unpaid) job of being a taxi driver for my nieces and nephew. haha I pick up baby Lauryn from daycare 3 days a week and watch her till Brad and Cheryl get here, and tonight I'm ferrying my nephews back and forth to children's choir and RA's (a boys church program). I love it though. :) These little people in my life are one of the HUGE reasons I'm glad to be here right now. I'm honoured to be such a part of their lives. Now if only Eliza would like me... hehe... I'm still working on her. That cute little 2 year old will love me one day! :)

Thanks for checking in on me! Leave me a comment and let me know who's still reading! :)

Link to pictures:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

no coffee

Lately I've realized that I drink too much coffee. I don't really even need it in the mornings, it has just become such a habit, that I always have my coffee in the morning... one before I leave, and the second at school. Since I don't need this coffee, I'm going to start going without. Yikes! Let's hope I'm right... and that I'm not going to be regretting this decision at about 10am when the kids are wide open!

Off to work now...

Link to pictures: