Monday, January 31, 2005

Wahoo!! Bonnie's back and ready for action! The past few days have been strange for me... first an emotional wacked out sensation, and then a very physically not-so-nice day yesterday. It even caused me to break my daily gym streak, which I'm not proud of, but staying home was a better option than passing out or losing my lunch on the treadmill... Anyway, I feel amazing today! School went very well, even though today's lesson proved to be a little more challenging to extent to an hour (but I made it!). I went to my power boxing class tonight, and it was great. Tonight I finally worked up the courage to go talk to the instructor, Wouter. He's actually a cool little man (well, he's built, so he's not "little", but he is quite short!!). Tonight when I thought I was about to give up during the "imaginary jump roping" we do, he smiled at me, and by golly... I smiled back and kept going. So afterwards I finally went and introduced myself. I wanted him to know that I'm not slacking off in the coming weeks (since i won't be able to go because of my parents visit!). I also gave him permission to correct me when I'm doing something wrong, and to push me. He said he will, and that he usually just waits for people to say that. He said he'd be on my case now! Uh oh!! He was really cool to talk to though, and I like knowing he's a nice guy. It's a little easier to take it when someone yells at you, as long as he's actually nice and he's doing it to help you. hehe :o) Anyway... I've got to get up early tomorrow for a little venture of mine, so I'd better be going. Thought you should know that I'm finally back to me again - praise the Lord! 4 more sleeps till my parents get here. HOORAY!!!

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Saturday, January 29, 2005

Last night was a strange night for me. For the first time in quite a while, I was able to spend time with friends. One would think I’d be thrilled at the opportunity, and that I’d come home refreshed and joyful after spending time with people. But, quite to the contrary, I had a miserable night, and much of the time I just wanted to leave. At one point, I was about to head home, but a friend decided to ride with me to the next destination, which foiled my plan (but it was good plan to foil!). My poor friend had to listen to me complain about just about everything under the sun, and I’m sure when we reached our destination, he was pleased to get out of my car! You see, I’ve learned lately, that having friends here is a strange thing. Sometimes they exist, and sometimes they don’t. I think part of that is because I’m a stranger to their world. I’ve come in from the outside, and though it appears I could and should fit in, I just don’t. They have a world completely different from mine, and it seems that unless I invite myself into it, they don’t think to bring me in. I’ll admit, that bothers me at times. I want to have real friends, to be included, and to have a place where I feel I belong. But, I am learning… this isn’t my world. Even in the States, I was not created to truly belong to this world. By the end of last night, though I wasn’t giddy and in my best of moods, I was glad I spent time with these people I call my friends (by the way, I do believe they are my friends, just… a different kind of friend I think). But before I went to bed, I decided to read some of my new book, “Keep a Quiet Heart,” by, none other than, Elisabeth Elliot. Though I have never talked to this woman in depth (I did meet her once though!), I believe she is my number one mentor in life! Every time I read something of hers, I am constantly drawn closer to Christ. Her writings, which are filled with scripture and not just her thoughts, teach me more every time I read them. I read a lot last night, and the better part of my morning today has been consumed by this book. I could not have read a better passage last night. First I was lead to Psalm 73:21-28… “When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” This is a cool Psalm… In the beginning of it, the writer talks about the temptation he has felt to be jealous of the world, to desire the wealth and ‘security’ that the world offers, but in the end he realizes how much greater it is to be with God, which is the very same thing I am realizing! In the chapter I read last night in the book, Elisabeth also writes, “Heaven is not here, it’s There. If we were given all we wanted here, our hearts would settle for this world rather than the next. God is forever luring us up and away from this one, wooing us to Himself and His still invisible Kingdom, where we will certainly find what we so keenly long for.” How easy it is to get caught up in longing for earthly passions and desires! Thank God for humbling moments in my life, when God brings me back to His side and corrects my desires to be in line with His! Like I said, I have been reading this book all morning, and I have read many wonderful things. I’m going to include some of them here… read them if you have the desire and/or the time, but it’s purely for your enrichment, and so that someday when I go back and read this I’ll remember what God is/was teaching me! God bless you!

“Learning to pray is learning to trust the wisdom, the power, and the love of our Heavenly Father, always so far beyond our dreams. He knows our need and knows ways to meet it that have never entered our heads. Things we feel sure we need for happiness may often lead to our ruin. Things we think will ruin us, if we believe what the Father tells us and surrender ourselves into His strong arms, bring us deliverance and joy.”

“God has allowed in the lives of each of us some sort of loss, the withdrawal of something we valued, in order that we may learn to offer ourselves a little more willingly, to allow the touch of death on one more thing we have clutched so tightly, and thus know the fullness and freedom and joy that much sooner. We’re not naturally inclined to love God and seek His Kingdom. Trouble may help to incline us – that is, it may tip us over, put some pressure on us, lean us in the right direction.”

“’Why does God do this to me?’ When I am inclined to ask this question, it loses its power when I remember that this Lord, into whose strong hands I long ago committed my life, is engineering a universe of unimaginable proportions and complexity. How could I possibly understand all that He must take into consideration as He deals with me, a single individual! He has given us countless assurances that we cannot get lost in the shuffle. He choreographs the ‘molecular dance’, which goes on every second of every minute of every day in every cell in the universe. For the record, one cell has about 200 trillion molecules. He makes note of the smallest seed and the tiniest sparrow. He is not too busy to keep records even of my falling hair. Yet in our darkness we suppose that He has overlooked us. He hasn’t.” (emphasis mine)

“Gold is gold, but it has to go through fire. Faith is even more precious, so faith will always have another test to stand. Remember God’s loving promise of 2 Corinthians 12:9, ‘My grace is all you need; power comes to its full strength in weakness.’”

“The worst pains we experience are not those of the sufferings itself but of our stubborn resistance to it, our resolute insistence on our independence… If we reject this cross, we will not find it in this world again. Here is the opportunity offered. Be patient. Wait on the Lord for whatever He appoints, wait quietly, wait trustingly. He holds every minute of ever hour of every day of the week of every month of every year in His hands. Thank Him in advance for what the future holds, for He is already there. “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup’ (Psalm 16:5). Shall we not gladly say, ‘I’ll take it, Lord! YES! I’ll trust you for everything. Bless the Lord, O my soul!’”

Be quiet, why this anxious heed
About thy tangled ways?
God knows them all, He giveth speed,
And He allows delays.

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Thursday, January 27, 2005

It's decided... I MUST marry a guy who plays guitar. Tonight I actually got to hang out with some friends (what a wonderful concept!) and we went to hear a friend of theirs who plays guitar and sings, and wow... again I say, I must marry a guy who plays guitar. hehe If you know of any elligible, solid Christian guys who play guitar, feel free to pass along my email address! Ok, I'm not serious... it might freak me out to get an email from some guy I've never met. :o) It was so nice tonight to spend time with a few friends. I haven't seen most of them since before Christmas! And that's entirely too long to go without seeing friends! Well, I'm sleepy now... so it's bedtime for me! Have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

It was brought to my attention that I didn’t update about Tuesday. So, here goes. Tuesday I went to Emadlelweni Combined School, in Dhlamini (Soweto) to teach two grade 7 classes. Everything went very well! The students seemed to really stick with the lesson the whole time, and once again, I was able to teach for a whole hour. You guys really need to know that that is evidence of some growth on my part! I can’t believe how much God has taught me in the past year. Tuesday was pretty much the same as Monday, so I really don’t have that much to say… I was hoping to start the girls’ club yesterday, but when I went to Lilydale, they told me that the kids would be in class until later because they’d been in athletics (sports) in the morning. So, I plan to start that as well as the kids club next week. Something to look forward to for next week I guess!

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Monday, January 24, 2005

School went GREAT today! Today I went to Lakeview Primary. When I got there, they had all just started the morning assembly. The principle (Principle Yaya… what a name!) grabbed my hand and walked me up to the front. First of all, I know it’s cultural, but I am still NOT OK with a strange grown man holding my hand, and second, I’m not a fan of big groups. So he begins to tell them about me. First he says, “we have a new teacher with us.” And of course, all the kids know so far is that I’m white… so they’re all like, “ooooh.” But then he says I’m American, and the kids went nuts. I mean, I never felt so cool in my life. hehe THEN he tells me to talk to them! And I’m all like, “uh, what do I say?” But once I started talking, I was fine (as usual). I told them that I was just here to teach life skills to the grade 7s. Boy, those grade 7s seemed pretty happy to me! Let’s hope they stay that way! But I also told the other kids that they can come talk to me ANY time they want. :o) So then the kids went to class (kind of) and I went to the office to get my schedule. Turns out that the life skills class was scheduled for an hour, not a half hour, as I had been told over the phone. Now, if you’d have put me in a classroom last year and told me I had to teach for an hour, I would have totally freaked! But I was just like, “ok… guess I’ll talk more!” hehe All went VERY well! I absolutely love the new curriculum I am using. It seemed like the kids liked it too, so that’s definitely a plus. Each lesson includes a Bible story, and I’ve decided to take Bibles to class and let the kids actually look up the story on their own this year. It’s cool because it’s obvious that some of these kids have never opened up the Bible before in their lives. But I used today to teach them how to find a book of the Bible using the table of contents, and then to find the “chapter and verse.” It seemed funny for me to have to teach someone that the way to “read” Matthew 25:14 is “Matthew, Chapter 25, Verse 14” but we’re learning the basics here. I’m just thrilled to be able to teach using the Bible in a public school. Man, that’s such a God-thing… You certainly can’t do that in America! God bless SA! hehe So the classes both went well, and it was so nice to come home after teaching and not be totally exhausted from teaching all day long.

So, all in all, today has been a wonderful day! I went to the gym again tonight for another power boxing class. There won’t be a class on Friday because they’re using the room for some race sign up, which I think is totally not fair! Mondays and Fridays are the 2 days a week that I really have FUN exercising! Oh well… I’ll be able to go again next Monday. :o) And MAYBE for once my friends will call me on Friday night and I’ll go have some fun… here’s hoping!

Have a great week everybody. Thanks for checking in on me!
God bless,

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

I can finally start teaching tomorrow! Yay! Tomorrow morning I'll go to Lakeview Primary from 8am-10am. On Tuesday I'll go to Emadlelweni from 11:30-1:30 and then head over to Lilydale for the first girls club of the year. I know the girls are read to get started - as am I! I'm not sure if we'll get to start the kids club this Wednesday or not. I have to get my car serviced on Wednesday, and sometimes that can take all day... we'll just have to wait and see about that.

Less than 2 weeks now until Mom and Dad get here!! Hooray! I so can't wait to greet them and welcome them to South Africa. 12 days... and counting... :o)

Well, that's all the update I have for now. I haven't really been doing anything exciting lately. I've still kept up my gym streak... been going every day now for over 2 weeks!

Until next time...
Bonnie B.

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Well, I can finally tell you that I am for sure in one school this year! I will be teaching the grade 7s at Lakeview Primary on Monday mornings. I am pretty sure I'm on the schedule at Emadlelweni too, but today when I called to find out the details, Mr. Ndlovu (the head of department) didn't have his time table with him. He says he'll call me back tomorrow... I'll believe him when I get the call! I'll call him again if I don't hear from him. I am so ready to get moving again... back into the schools. That's the reason I'm here! Hopefully soon I'll be back into the swing of things with schools and after school clubs/Bible studies. Then I'll feel useful again! I'll keep you posted...

Until then!

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Monday, January 17, 2005

Hm... not too much to report on tonight. I went to the power boxing class again; this is becoming a regular thing for me, and I must admit, I really like it! Today I actually think I noticed my muscles getting a tiny bit bigger! What a feeling. hehe Still haven't heard from the schools, which is getting a little annoying, but I'm trying to be patient. I have an eye doctor's appointment tomorrow, but that's not exciting... Man, I'm struggling to be interesting... Maybe that means I should just say goodnight and let you get on with the rest of your life. hehe :o) Hopefully soon I can report on something great and exciting! Here's hoping....

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Friday, January 14, 2005

Tonight's power boxing class was intense. Why Mr. Wouter chose to pump it up a notch tonight, I have no idea... but in a strange kind of way, even though I can hardly move my arms tonight, I'm glad he did! I struggled, but I made it. That class will either be the death of me or the life of me (I'm thinking it's the later). I've been to the gym everyday now since last Thursday. This must be some kind of record for me. I MUST keep it up!! I'm gonna be buff... watch out! hehe

Well, Wallace and Oreo survived their dr's visits, though they're both really drugged and groggy. I feel bad! But I know it's worth it, and hopefully they'll be back to their spunky kitten selves tomorrow. Poor little Oreo has a shaved spot where they did the surgery... she looks pitiful! I hope cat fur grows fast. :)

I don't have much new to report on lately. I pose the question: Where are my South African friends, and why are we not hanging out on the weekends? Hmm... hopefully that will return in time. :) Goodnight for now from Jo'burg!

Love ya,

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Thursday, January 13, 2005

I talked with two principles today, one from Emadlelweni and one from Lakeview. Both are thrilled about me teaching there this year!! Hooray! They still haven’t worked out their timetables (class schedules) yet, but that should happen pretty soon, and then I’ll have a job. It’s about time. I also went to Lilydale today just to visit with the kids and a few teachers. That was quite nice. Some of my girls ran up to me at their break and asked if we were going to have girls club today! Aww… How sweet! :o) I assured them that we will start soon, and I also mentioned the possible kids club in the field behind their school. I told them they would be more like helpers instead of learners, and they seemed pretty happy about that. So… Now I am just waiting on those two schools to call me back and then I will have some kind of idea what I am doing here this year!

On another note, I’m taking my kittens to their first vet appointment tomorrow… time to make sure they don’t reproduce! The not so fun part is that I have to get them to the vet at 7am… ugh. That’s way too early! But it must be done I suppose. I guess that means I should be going to bed!

Goodnight all!

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Schools are finally back in session in Joburg! That means I was finally able to touch base with the two schools I hope to be teaching at this year. I have a meeting set up with both schools tomorrow, so please pray that all goes well. Thanks!

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Monday, January 10, 2005

Happy Monday! I haven't written much lately because, frankly, there hasn't been a whole lot to write about. I was finally able to get in touch with one school today, but they haven't set their class schedules yet. So I have to wait to hear back from that school (Lakeview Primary). Schools start back on Wednesday of this week, so I really hope that life picks back up for me soon! I've enjoyed the break, but it has been entirely TOO long! I'm ready to get back into the groove of things. I can't believe that a year ago I was just getting ready to come here! This Friday will mark the one year anniversay of my arrival in Johannesburg, South Africa. Wow... a year... It's truely a GOD thing that I've made it!

On another note, I've been going to the gym again lately. Hooray! Go me! I've been every day since Thursday... It's a start! I went to the power boxing class last Friday and again tonight. Man I love that class! It's hard, but it's worth it. I've even gotten Janna Kay to go with me! Yay for a workout buddy. :) I've got to keep going to the gym!!

Well, since there's not much to say, I'll close tonight... Less than one month till my parents arrive!!! Woohoo!!!

Thanks for checking in on me!

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Monday, January 03, 2005

Well, it's been a few days since I last updated this weblog, so I'd better bring everyone up to date! On New Year's Day the team went to Sonderwater (a township) to do the holiday Bible club. It went very well! Titus, a man in one of Charlie's theological education by extention (TEE) classes hosted the group and organized translators and other helpers, so that was great! We met out in a open soccer field, and everyone seemed to have a great time. While we were there, we got to witness some sort of "right of passage" ceremony for young men and women in the township. I wish I could tell you more about it, but honestly, I don't really know yet what was going on! I didn't get any good pictures either... sad day, but oh well! :) Saturday night the girls who were staying with me and I met up with the journeymen who are in town for a prayer retreat. We all went to visit the MK camp to see the journeymen helping out there, so it was like a journeyman reunion! It was really nice to get to see all of them again. Sunday morning was a typical morning, except that Cal Reynolds (one of the volunteers here) preached. After church we went to BIMS to pick up Rachel. Rachel went to the missionary learning center with me, and she needed a place to stay for the night, so she stayed with me! All the people from MK camp were at BIMS and some of the people from the prayer retreat were there too, so we got to see people and hang out again! We (all the girls staying with me and I) actually stayed at BIMS all day and then at night we went to Monte Casino (yeah, I've been there way too many times lately) for dinner and a movie. I had Thai food for the first time, and I must admit that it was really good! We went to see Oceans 12 at the cinema, and due to some technical difficulties, we ended up getting our money back for the movie... even though we'd already seen the whole thing. Life is good when you get things for free! :)

Today, Monday, Heathe, Megan and Emily left my flat to continue on in their vacation. It's pretty sad for me think about the fact that in all honesty, I don't know when I'll see them again. They are leaving SA around the same time as me, so I do have a better chance of seeing them than of seeing others, so that's nice. But it is still strange to think about. After they left, I went to pick up some of the volunteers and took them to Diepsloot for the HBC. I wish I could say I helped, but I really didn't! They had even more people (volunteers) join them today, so I wasn't needed for much - just transportation. :) But hey, I'm not complaining! Today was a small crowd. Dokotela (the man who's property the church is on) said that many of the people from that area go away on holiday (vacation) during this time of the year, and wow! It was so much quieter than I have EVER heard it be in Diepsloot! But the kids were great and I know they were listening and having a great time. We're going back to the same place tomorrow, so pray that the kids who came today will bring their friends with them tomorrow!

After the club today, Rachel (who had been chillin' at my house) and I went to meet a couple journeyguys for lunch. They're leaving to go back to Mozambique tomorrow, so we wanted to hang out with them while we still could. Like I said before, we're all at the point now where we don't know when/if we'll see each other again. I am one of the more likely to see people again since I live in Jo'burg and most people fly through Jo'burg when they go home. So that's nice! I then took Rachel to a hotel near the airport. I'll be honest, I was sad getting back in my car after dropping her off. It's so quiet now, and I haven't been around quietness in over a week! I've been surrounded by females in my home, and hanging out with all sorts of people outside my home! And now everyone has gone their separate ways again and it's way too quiet around here. I think I am just going to go to bed and hope to feel a bit more cheery in the morning! Oh, I also didn't get much sleep last night b/c we got back kinda late... then right before I was going to bed, I found a DEAD BIRD in the corner of my room!! I'm sure Meisie is the blame for that, and last night, for the first time in my life, I did NOT feel like a "cat person." So... I gathered up the courage to clean up a dead bird. but then I was way too grossed out to fall asleep. So I read for a while... all the while thinking, "what if there's another one here too..." It was no fun at all. I finally fell asleep somewhere between 3:3o and 4am and then got up at about 6:45 am. I think I need sleep!

goodnight friends!

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