Wednesday, April 22, 2009

not just "one of the guys"

I grew up with brothers. The few neighborhood kids my age were boys. Though I enjoyed playing with dolls, I also spent many hours building forts with the boy next door. I've never really had a problem befriending and easily talking to (most) guys, and I used to hate the thought of being considered a "girly girl." A strange thing happened after college... I bought this random pair of shoes... white adidas with light pink stripes on the sides. I loved them. That's when the pink madness began. To this day I adore the color pink. (If you know me, you can testify!)

Recently, I found myself wishing I could really "talk theology" with my guys friends. (I realize now how silly that sounds.) But really, I want to know stuff so I can hold my own in a conversation. I seriously get hyped when I actually do know what to say on a certain topic, but more often than not, I leave the conversation thinking, "dang it, I need to go to seminary." I wonder why I think this way. Why do I feel the need to "hold my own" in a deep theological discussion? I am certain there is an element of pride in this equation, as pride always seems to creep in. But I also believe that this feeling is born out of a God given conviction that I do need to know Him more. I've used "not being able to go to seminary" as an excuse! Seminary is not the one and only place to learn about God. He has given me His Holy Word, and that is sufficient! And thank God, guys are not the only ones God calls to know Him!

Earlier this week I stumbled upon the "women's theology" section of Mars Hill Church's media. I began listening to a teaching entitled "What is theology, and why should I care?" And I'll admit, it's gotten me kinda pumped to study Scripture. It was really sweet to hear truths from God's Word from a very intelligent, God fearin
g woman. She would put things in a certain way that only a woman could, and as a woman, just as I needed to hear it! I am really getting into the teachings on this website. I've even made myself a notebook to keep all the notes I frantically scribble! (No, it's not pink, but it does have pink in it! hehe) One of the women who does some of the teaching actually wrote a book called "Practical Theology for Women" I'm considering getting some other ladies to read this book with me so we can have our own theological discussions. (If you're interested, PLEASE email me asap! I promise we don't have to discuss it while painting our nails... though I'm not opposed. haha)

I know I have rambled... but I'm excited! I am loving this place that God has me in right now. A place where I am so in love with Him and His Word and His people! How I wish I could stay in this place (any advice on how to do that would be much appreciated). I hope that you will check out the links I included... they are quite useful!

"Wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul." Proverbs 2:10

Thursday, April 02, 2009

canceled sin

This morning when I woke up, I had one line from a song in my head. Crazy thing was, I couldn't (at the time) remember anything else from the song... not the title... not any other line. Just this one line, "he breaks the power of canceled sin, he sets the prisoner free." Those of you who grew up Baptist know this song, I'm sure. I literally walked around this morning humming this line to myself over and over again until something hit me. "Power of canceled sin." Wait a minute... how in the world does canceled sin have ANY power of me? If sin has been canceled then it shouldn't hold any power over my life. NONE! Then I thought about something that was said at my small group on Tuesday night. A friend of mine said that we already have victory over sin through Jesus Christ and His death, so we are not enslaved to sin... we are not in bondage... BUT many times we choose to be in bondage to the sin. *Ouch* That one hurt... a lot. You see, I know I am free... I know Christ died to set me free, and it kills me when I think about the ways that I have chosen to live in sin and basically spit in His face. You may be thinking that I'm being too hard on myself, but let me point out that I know me, and I know how I have failed. I know that I have chosen to let canceled sin (sin that should have NO hold on me) destroy both my health and my relationship with Christ.

I've been listening to Charles Wesley's famous hymn, "O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" all day. (Can you believe I had to google the line from the song in order to remember what it was!?) All day I've been basking in the remembrance that Christ has freed me from sin. He set me free over 2000 years ago, and He continues to break the power of those sins that I, in
blatant rebellion to Him, choose to hold on to. Man, He must really love me to keep coming after me like this. Where would I be without His grace and power in my life? I dare not think about it!!

He breaks the power of canceled sin
He sets the prisoners free
His blood can make the foulest clean
His blood availed for me
-Charles Wesley

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.
Romans 6:22