Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Hello again. I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry... But such is the life! I don't have much time to update this second, but I'll share a little. I am on "holiday" or school break right now and will be for a couple more weeks. But trust me when I say I am not any less busy! There have been a few volunteers here from the States, and we've been with them all week. It's been fun to see things afresh through their eyes.

We showed the Jesus Film this past Saturday and Sunday with so much success. God was so obviously working in people's lives. We got to pray with many people. There was much more sanity this time than when we showed it at Lilydale. Many more adults came to this showing also, which is something we were praying for! One story that sticks in my mind is of an older lady... she is a believer, praise God. But she came out crying and as Melissa comforted her, she said, "I've heard this story many times, but I've never seen it." Amazing. God worked in many lives, I know - praise Him! And please pray for those who's hearts He is working on.

Personally I am doing very well. I am definitely enjoying being on break, as teaching has been stressful for me. I am making a few friends too... hooray!! Don't worry, they've not replaced any of you special people back home, but I must say... it is lovely to have friends here!! I've recently met a girl about my age named Heather, and we seem to have a lot in common so far. I pray that God will connect us and that she will become a good friend!!

Ok, I must be going for now. I will write more later!

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Thursday, March 18, 2004

Hey Everybody! Another great night tonight! God is being so good to me!!! No more homesickness here. :) I recently got back from worship practice, where I spent some sweet time worshipping with the team. There's a new set up with 2 separate teams, and now there is "young" team, which I am on. Tonight was our first practice, and it was just so much fun. I can't even explain it here. We were able to have SO much fun, yet have a good practice at the same time (imagine that ... enjoying worship!). Ah... what a night - I really do wish I could put my joy into words on this screen. :)

This coming weekend looks fun. Friday night I'm babysitting the Lechner kids. Fun times I'm sure. Coleson (the eldest) wants to bake - I haven't baked since I got here - I'm excited! Then Saturday we have a Young Adults versus the deacons of the church "amazing race." THAT ought to be a blast. Then on Sunday... church, and a braai (bbq) at Sean's house. Then on Monday (it's some Holiday here) a braai HERE! Whew! I'll need a break on Tuesday. :)

Love you all!! Thanks for checking in on me. :)

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Monday, March 15, 2004

I MUST tell you about the awesome day I had yesterday (Sunday)!! In the morning, I met with Emily, an old friend from UNC who is here working with the Door of Hope (a place where people can drop their babies if they don't want them). We met and then she took me to her church. It was a black church, but all in English, thank goodness! After church, there just happened to be another white girl visiting for the first time, so we met each other over coffee. She goes to the Baptist College here in Joburg, and she knows a couple people that I know from my church! We exchanged numbers, and may get together sometime. Hooray for a new friend! After church, Emily and she showed me around the 2 baby houses. Wow... what a ministry. I LOVED just holding the babies and letting them know they were cared about!! I might get to volunteer there on a regular basis!! Be lifting that up in prayer. Later than night I went to my church, and afterwards, some of the young adults went to McDonald's and stayed there hanging out for over 2 hours!! Can I just tell you... THAT in itself was a huge answer to prayer. I have been missing hang out times with friends, and finally I got to do that here!! It was so much fun. It was exactly what I've been missing! God is such a faithful provider!!!!

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Friday, March 12, 2004

Hello everyone! Need I apologize yet AGAIN for not updating this thing sooner? I’m terrible! Oh well… I must admit, not much has changed. If you’ve read my newsletter from March, not much has changed at all. I feel like I’m kind of getting into a routine now – finally! Of course, just as I’m getting into a routine, soon I’ll be going on break because the kids have about 3 weeks of break from school. And since I teach in schools, when they go on break, so do I! Please pray that God will use me in another way during that time. The last thing I want to do is get lazy! I’m pretty excited that during that time, I will be going to AMTM… I wish I could tell you what that stands for, but honestly, I can’t remember. It is a retreat for missionaries in this area though, and I’m really looking forward to it!! There will be some journeypeople there that I have not met, so perhaps I’ll make some new friends. I’ll also be going to an Easter Camp with my church here. Your prayers are needed… we’ll be spending 4 days together with no escape! hahaJ I haven’t heard yet, but I hope the worship team will be involved so that I can help out. So I do have some exciting things coming up soon!

Schools have been pretty much the same. Some days go very well, and some days… well… I call them learning days – day BONNIE learns what to do or NOT to do! haha Hey, I’m still a new teacher. I always make sure to tell them something about Jesus, so even if the lesson doesn’t go quite as planned, at least they hear some good news. I’d appreciate your prayers for my classes as well as for my teaching skills to improve! I think I lack organization in some ways… I’m still learning what works and what doesn’t, and I’m still trying to plan out good lessons for more than one week and a time.

Life has been alright lately. I must admit, I’ve been more homesick lately than before. At least everyone says that this is normal! J I really miss people back home! But I have come to the conclusion that it is good that I miss them because that means that they are special people and they deserve to be missed. God has blessed me with wonderful family and friends back home. I am so grateful for every one of you. Your prayers and your friendships are what keep me going on the good and the bad days! I love you all!

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