Sunday, December 03, 2006


Wow - it's been over a month since I last updated. I wonder if anyone's even reading this silly little blog anymore! It's crazy how addicted to it I became when I was in SA... I guess I figured life was more exciting then, and people would want to know about it. I've learned now, that life's excitement isn't found in one specific place, but in following Christ to wherever He calls me - even to a little old house in Durham, NC! This house it exciting... that's for sure. Let me think... what's new? Umm.... Gosh, this is harder that I thought it would be. heheh

Well, for starters, I have a new roommate and she is absolutely wonderful!! She's been such a God-send. We have a lot in common. She's a teacher (high-school Spanish), is into missions, sings, and she's even a fellow Tarheel! :) She goes to a different church here in Durham, which works out great... we see each other enough to have a great friendship, but not enough to get sick of each other. I'm very thankful for her!! It takes a special person to live in this lovely house with me. :)

As for the house, there's not too much to update on... seeing that I've had absolutely no extra money anywhere to spend on repairs. I have discovered a couple leaks in the roof (yikes!), and the kitchen has flooded a couple more times. Thank the Lord my parents helped me buy a shop-vac a few months ago! That things sucks up water like nobody's business. heheh I'll be honest... I've had a few days when I really have had to cry out to God to show me why I'm here in this house! I don't always get an answer right away, and I'm sure I don't know everything yet, but He always sends me the awesome peace that passes all of my own understanding. I am growing to love this house more with every passing problem. :) (sounds a little like marriage... haha) I had a thought a little while ago... I was reading an old journal entry where I was praying for God to grant me wisdom. Well, wisdom doesn't just come from the sky. I really think God is using this house to teach me wisdom in many areas... financially (home-ownership costs a lot more than I had planned on!), physically (I'm learning to fix a lot of things!), and spiritually (one word - TRUST!). I mean really, how many 25 year old single females have learned the things I've been learning over the last 6 months? It's exciting to be in a place where God has SO MANY ways to teach me!

Other random updates...
*A few weeks ago I went swing dancing for the 1st time ever and I really liked it! I wasn't half bad either. I'll have to go back sometime soon. :)
*This past weekend was Christmas Spectacular - the Christmas show that the Summit worship choir puts on every year. WOW!! That's all I can say about that.
*I'm still loving my job... only 11 school days until Christmas break... but who's counting? ;)
*Tomorrow marks a year for me in the full-time teaching profession. And I'm still living to tell about it. heheh :)

I guess that's all for now folks! Thanks for checking in on me. :)

Link to pictures:


Anonymous said...

Looks like we're in about the same updating habits. Glad everything's going well!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like we're in about the same updating habits. Glad everything's going well!!

Angie said...

Hey Bonnie B......I check your blog all the time, too. I just need to comment more. I'm glad you are doing well. Have you already been back in America over a year now??? Wow! Love you.....ang

Anonymous said...

Yip, I still read this...occassionally! Hope you had a great Christmas :)