Tuesday, January 08, 2008

back in business

Lately God has been rocking my world, and I love it! A couple of months ago my friend, Brett, and I randomly went to visit an Oxford Manor parent who was in the hospital. Ever since that day we have been watching as God slowly but surely unveils His plan for His glory to be made known in Oxford Manor. We've yet to even see a fraction of this plan, but we're both running hard after the main goal - to make God famous and to see Him worshiped in Oxford Manor! We've recently begun an adult Bible study that meets on Tuesday nights. We've only been able to meet twice so far (since once was Christmas and the next was New Years), but we're excited about it. Tonight we had a great plan for the Bible study... Brett was so well prepared to lead tonight... and no one wanted to come! The host's neighbor just happened to be visiting her and she decided to stay. So instead of using the well-planned study, we just opened up the Bible and started talking about what we've been learning lately. We covered a lot and the Gospel was clearly laid out and proclaimed! What seemed like a disappointment at first turned out to an awesome time of getting into God's Word... what more could we ask for? Both ladies seem to want to come to church on Sunday. Pray that they will go through with this desire... that God will keep their paths clear from distraction and that He will burn in them a desire to seek hard after God and His Truth!

I'll be honest... this ministry is much more difficult for me than anything I did in South Africa. Crazy how that works, isn't it? I guess kids' ministries for me were always "safe." I know kids... I know how to teach them and answer their questions. But adults? That's a whole new ballgame and I'm only beginning to scratch the surface of this new adventure! It's amazing though... I may wonder sometimes why God has me in this ministry... I often don't feel adequate or ready for it. But I know He has me here. I know this is where I am supposed to be. And WOW! What a great feeling that is! Nestled right in the middle of God's plan. There isn't a more peaceful place I can imagine.