Friday, August 15, 2008

6 kids

I went to the Pre-K office today to pick up my class list and the folders for each child. I only have SIX kids in my class so far!! This may very well change, but six kids?? That's insane. I think I still have low numbers because they still want to make my class a combined regular/hearing impaired class, but they can't do that until they hire someone to teach with me who has the hearing impaired teaching experience. So far they haven't hired one, and I don't think they have any leads. WOOHOO! Is it possible that I can get lucky enough to have small classes two years in a row? This is crazy, but I am NOT complaining, that's for sure!! :) I'm so ready to get back to school and meet these kids! *sigh* I love my job. :)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

life is expensive!

My word... it is expensive to live a decent life. In the course of 24 hrs I will have spent a grand total of $1000. Part of that is to take care of my precious kitties. I've been a terrible Mom and they've gone without veterinarian care for over 3 years now. I know... I spent $800 to fly them home, and then haven't given them the proper care... I KNOW! So they're going to the vet tomorrow. Today I took my car in to the shop because it has been vibrating. Well, they found more problems as they went, and the price kept going up and up! I know it's important to take care of you car... I mean, I don't want to be driving on I-85 when my brakes finally decide to give out on me, or my tire with barely any tread on it decides to bust. So I handed over the visa and held my breath. I'm still holding my breath! AHHH!!!! OK... freak out - over. God always provides. In few months I'll get an extra check from my school because our kids scored above certain mark on their end of grade tests. I'm so praying that really does come in, or else I'm in deep debt! All that to say, taking care of yourself and your life really does cost a pretty penny! Anybody need a babysitter!? hehe

Sunday, August 03, 2008

i ♥ my job

What a concept! I realized a couple days ago that I am really ready to go back to school. This is also the first year that I am not required to work in early childhood. The past few years I've had to work to pay back a scholarship, but now I've done my duty! I could go do anything else I wanted to do, and yet, I'm going back to R.N. Harris to be a Pre-K teacher. I love it! I love the fact that I don't have to be a teacher anymore, but I actually want to be a teacher! I'm actually looking forward to a new class. Yes, I realize that the first few weeks will be tough... we'll have the criers, the whiners, and the "challenging children," but there will also be those that capture my heart. The kid who cried to most last year (for almost the first 2 months!) became my little shadow and I miss him and his hugs to this day. So yes, I AM ready for summer break to be over. (Well, after my little vacation with Mom next week!) I am actually ready to get back to work. Hooray! This was my little crier from last year!! I thought he'd NEVER come in with a smile on his face! But he eventually did. :)