Friday, February 29, 2008

Salvation and Birthday Cake

Tonight I got to share my heart with the Oxford Manor Bible study. I missed the study last week, and was told by Brett that I missed a doozy. Apparently there was a lady there who was throwing some confusing questions out and really making a mess of the study. So Shonda (the girl facilitating the study) finally had enough and decided to tell everyone that their homework was to go home, study, and find out what they could about salvation. (big topic!) I won't go into detail for lack of time, but I have been going Bible study crazy this past week. I have been falling in love with the Bible and am just now (at the age of 26 and after serving overseas for 2 years)... JUST NOW realizing just how amazing the Bible is. I'm learning that it all goes together... I mean, I knew that, but I didn't "get it." But this week I would be studying one thing in Romans, and it would link to something in 1 Corinthians and that would link to something in Galatians, which links to something in Genesis, which goes back to Romans! Crazy. So I did my "homework" and I came ready to share tonight. It was a bit crazy at first because it was Vandeara's birthday so there were lots of extra people there and cake and fun stuff. But finally we got down to business. We were kind of all over the place for a while, but at one point I had the floor and I started talking, and I couldn't stop! I shared how it breaks my heart that the Gospel is so simple and yet we make it so hard. I shared how Christ came for us, for everyone in that room (some of whom are not yet Christians), and how much He had to give for us. I said over and over again that it's JESUS who saves us, and there's nothing - NOTHING - we can do to add to that. To make it even more amazing, one of the guys who seems to be seeking the most was sitting right across from me, and I had his undivided attention. I don't think I looked away from him for much of my little spiel. God was totally speaking through me. I don't mean that to sounds weird or like spirit possession or anything wacky, but usually I'm pretty quiet at Bible study until a point needs to be made, and I will quietly make that point. This time I was pumped. I couldn't hold it in anymore! People were actually saying "amen," "yes, Lord" and "bring it" while I was talking! Hah! Who'da thought I had it in me? Well, I have the Holy Spirit in me, so I shouldn't be surprised. :) WOOHOO!!! Jesus rocks my world. PLEASE keep praying for this Bible study and the people in it. The guy's name that I mentioned is Sha'. Pray that God will show Sha' more and more of who He is and how much He loves him. He seems to be so close, but I get the feeling that there are things he's just not ready to let go of yet. Thank you for your prayers. I'm not really sure who even reads this blog anymore, but if you do - thank you! Your prayers mean the world to me!

Oh, and on a completely different note... because of a lack of time, my wonderful roommate made Vandeara's cake for me. She started to make the cake and realized she didn't have eggs, and she couldn't go out because the girl she is a nanny for was asleep. So... she used mayonnaise
as a substitute. What in the world!? Yeah... I had no idea you could do that. Good thing her Mom is a real chef, so she knows these things. The cake was fantastic. Who knew? Thanks for the cake, Leanne!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Genesis / OM update :)

So... I've embarked on quite an endeavor. I've started reading/listening to "The Bible in 90 Days." Yep... 90 days. I'm pretty stoked about it! I'm actually a day ahead right now... I wanted to finish Genesis! It's crazy that I've heard all these different stories before in my life, but I've never put them all together like I can now that I've heard them all in the order they happened. My one thought after reading Genesis? Dang, these people were pretty messed up! I mean my goodness... we've got denial, murder, lying, cheating, doubting God (over and over again), and I could go on. What stands out to me though, is that God's promise to these people never wavered. God didn't say, "aw man, he messed up... I guess I'll have to go bless someone else now." God knew the doubt, the pain, and the wickedness that these men would undergo. I can't help but let my imagination wander and think that God watched these men, whom He had promised time and time again to bless and make into a great nation, commit great sins against Him. How His heart must have ached. Liars and cheaters... who would've ever thought that God's plan would come about through such people as these?? But wow... How refreshing! Knowing that God can use these men shows me that He can use me too! I know you guys are thinking that I've never murdered someone, I try not to lie, and I don't really think I'm a cheater either. But man, sometimes you can't help but to come face to face with the harsh reality that you are, indeed, a sinner. I have fallen short of the glory of God. We all have, whether we like to admit it or not. But thanks be to God, who sent His Son to redeem me from my sin! Because of Him, and His grace and love for me, I can be a part of God's plan, just like the men from Genesis.

And now... as a bonus for reading this blog... a little Oxford Manor update... The Bible study that Brett and I were trying to get started flopped. FLOPPED! But, get this... we met a couple in Oxford Manor who said that since they could never make it to the Bible study that we were having on Tuesday nights, they decided to start one of their own on Thursday nights. How cool is that? They invited us to it, and we love it! This is now an effort within Oxford Manor... not something that Brett and I (neither of whom live in OM) are trying to get going. So we've joined forces. The couple leading the study is young, and needs guidance. Brett and I aren't all that old and wise, but we have great leaders at the Summit who have taught us one main thing... always bring it around to the Gospel! And we've taken that mindset and are working to teach it to those in Oxford Manor as well. I absolutely love the crazy mix of people that are in this group. They're all pretty young, and they've surely got some struggles and messed up lives. But what have I learned from Genesis? It looks like they're prime candidates for God do some pretty amazing things in and through their lives! Tonight they all came over to my house for dinner. I'd post some photos... but to my dismay... someone dropped my camera on the floor and now it's broken. I was pretty bummed about that, but cool story... later that evening, the girl who dropped it said to Brett and I that something is different about us because we were the only 2 who didn't get upset with her for dropping it. We had yet another opportunity to share God's love and grace with her. Without it in our lives, we surely couldn't give it to her - praise God for His love, mercy and grace! I couldn't stop smiling tonight. This, THIS is what I bought this house for. My new friends live about 4 minutes from my house, and they now know that they are welcome anytime. I love this house, I love my new friends, and I love my LORD!

Amen & Goodnight!