Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Hey look! It hasn’t even been a week yet and I’m updating the good-ole web-log. I’m trying to be better! It’s now Wednesday night, and I’ve just come back from Bible study at Nancefield Baptist Church where I was thoroughly embarrassed when the pastor asked in front of all the people there whether or not anyone knew if I had a boyfriend or not, or who I was interested in. hehe Email me if you want the story. What a great church though. And the pastor is definitely a man of God who knows his stuff, and is not a bit afraid to get in people’s faces with issues and challenge his congregation. (Summiteers, sound like someone we all know and love?!)

I really don’t have all that much to update you all on. Oh, I know… I have been given a demon-possessed car by the IMB. Sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t think it likes me very much, and I really hope we figure out what’s wrong with it SOON! I certainly don’t want it to decide not to start when I’m in a not-so-safe area. *Keep those Lottie Moon dollars coming!!*

Well, the weather’s back to hot again. For almost all of last week it rained more than most people here can remember! The rain cooled things off, and we were actually wearing sweaters in the summer time. Crazy stuff.

So I’ve at least tried out one other church so far. It’s called Wilro Park Baptist, and it’s a white church. It was pretty good. No complaints really, but man, if I wanted to go to church with white people I’d go back home! hahaJ (By the way, there ARE lots of white people here, and they really are pretty cool. hehe)

Thanks for checking up on me! Oh, and I’m sorry there are no new pictures yet, but someday soon!

Link to pictures:

Friday, January 23, 2004

Hello there from Joburg!! I feel awful for not updating this weblog more often. I have made it my goal now to update it at least once a week! So keep me accountable… if I don’t update it, let me know! Well… what to say!?

I arrived here last Wednesday, 14 January 2004. So I’ve been here a little over a week. God has been so good to me, as I don’t feel homesick or have any culture shock (yet!). I absolutely love it here. Things are not so rushed (except on the road!!) and I’m learning to take one day at a time. I have learned how to drive on the left hand side of the road, and I have my own car! It is a VW Jetta… but sad day, it has no radio! What is a musically driven person like myself to do with no radio? I guess I’ll have to sing more!

Melissa (the other Journeygirl here, and the sister I never had!) and I got to go teach this past Tuesday. At this particular school, Lilydale, we have students ranging from grade 5 to grade 7. Some of these grade 5s look like they belong in kindergarten!! They’re so tiny and quiet (though Mel assures me that will change soon!). We teach life skills there once a week. Life skills is basically teaching them Christian morals from the Bible. This year our theme is “Be an Example.” We are basing it off of 1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” Please pray that God will speak to the hearts of these children and that they will learn to be Godly examples to everyone around them!!We are working on getting into other schools, so please pray that God will open the doors to schools HE wants us in!

I’m having a blast here… learning all the places to shop and what to do for fun. I’m searching for a church to call home, so pray that I will soon find a church where God wants me to grow but also to serve. I love Melissa’s church, and very well could end up there, but I have to check out other churches before I make that choice.

So many of you are emailing me – THANK YOU! It makes my night to check my email and see people from home thinking about me. I need you and your prayers more than anything. Keep in touch!!

Link to pictures:

Friday, January 09, 2004

What an amazing afternoon I have just had. I got to pick my nephews up from school today, bring them back to my house, and after giving them a lovely after-school snack (I felt SO mom-like!) I explained about me leaving to go to South Africa. It wasn't easy at all! Two years is a long time in the life of little boys (5 and 8) and I know they are going to change so much. It's cute though, Zachary says I'm "on a mission", and Brian says I'm "going to tell people about Jesus so they can go to Heaven." Don't you love how kids don't beat around the bush? We had a wonderful time talking about Jesus and Africa, and how much we will miss each other. It's so bittersweet! We also got to just play and have good time together! I also got to see my baby niece, Eliza-Jane - the cutest baby in the world by my standards! ;) I definitely cried when they left, which hasn't really happened for me until now (the crying part). They're my boys though, and I love them more than words can express. I will miss them just about more than anyone... mostly because they'll change the most I think. But what hit me the hardest was when Jamie (my sister in law) called me after they'd gotten home, and told me that Brian (the 8 year old) cried the whole way home and said he didn't want me to leave. I talked to him again on the phone, and then after we hung up, I lost it... and I mean lost it. I don't think I've cried that much in a LONG time. Brian ( as well as the others) is very special to me ... and he is a sensitive soul. I will miss him dearly!

That was my day/night. Sad times, but also an amazing afternoon with people who mean the most to me - my family. God bless 'em!!

Link to pictures:

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I got my Visa!!! Hooray! As of Tuesday, January 6th, I have been ticketed to leave North Carolina next Monday, the 12th at around 7:30pm. I am so excited! I'm finally getting to GO. Other than last minutes packing, I'm ready to go.

I've been trying my best to keep busy (but not TOO busy) lately. I think my schedule is finally looking a little fuller... the past few days I've had nothing to do, and that gets a little old after a while. I was able to go to Flat Springs (the church where I grew up) this past Sunday morning. It's always nice to see people who have known me since I was very young, and have seen the ways God's been at work in my life. I was also blessed to be able to go to the night service at The Summit (my church home now); yay for multiple services. :) This coming Sunday I'll be at the Summit in the morning and I'll get to see all my friends there - I'll finally get to say a REAL goodbye! I think I've had "closure" many times over now. Well, I've got lots coming up to look forward to: dinner with psalmers tonight, prayer meeting, quality time with my nephews and dinner with the whole family, more time in Chapel Hill with old Psalmers, dinner with my best friend's family... and much more. Thank goodness, I think my stir-craziness has come to an end. Before I know it, I'll be in Africa!!!!!

1) My family, especially my Mom and Dad as they say goodbye to me on Monday... they're highly supportive, but it's still hard for them (as they say often, I AM their baby!)
2) The rest of the team in South Africa... pray for immediate bonding and a true sense of family as well as teammates.
3) Teaching and witnessing opportunities in the schools in South Africa.
4) Melissa (the jman there now) as she plans and plans some more to get ready for this year. Keep her lifted up!! She's also going to be my roommate... but hopefully that's not a prayer request. haha :)

Love you ALL!

Link to pictures:

Friday, January 02, 2004

Sorry, it's been a long time since I wrote last... I guess I haven't been thinking about it since I've been relaxing at home! Well, according to the original plan, I should be leaving the country in 2 hours, but obviously, I am not! My visa is not here yet, and I am just waiting on that. If it comes soon, the next flight to South Africa is January 12th (the same day the summit people leave for Kenya!). I'm getting to relax even more now! I think I've said good-bye to some people twice already, and probably will say it again before I leave - that feels weird, but oh well. I'm enjoying time at home. I'm pretty much packed now, so I don't even have to think about that! I had a great Christmas with my family, and a fun New Years with my friends in Durham. I've been able to spend time with my best friends in Sanford and help Shannon buy baby things for the little GIRL she and John are expecting in May (her name is Savannah). This is the most time I have spent here in Sanford since I left for college, so it's been interesting readjusting to being here all the time, but it's fun to be home. :) Well, I'll write more later... Hopefully next time I write I can say I have my visa!!

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