Sunday, August 29, 2004

Melissa is on a plane right now on her way to the States. Please keep her in your prayers!! She's going there for her sister's wedding. It's a short trip... she'll be back home on Tuesday, September 7th. This will be the longest time I've stayed by myself since I got here, so please keep me in your prayers too! It's cool, in a way, but it's quiet! And I don't want to get lonely! This coming week looks to be a fairly normal one (although, anything would be normal after this past week ... some of you know what I mean by that... haha). Girls club on Monday, teaching on Tuesday and girls club on Tuesday after school. *insert fun event - Survivor night with friends, woohoo!* Teaching at Lawley on Wednesday. And teaching Thursday at Diepsloot. I only have 2 more teaching weeks left until Zimbabwe. I can't wait!!
Good night, and thanks for checking in on me!!

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Saturday, August 28, 2004

Wow, has is really been a week since I last wrote? I guess so... Not much has changed. School is still going about the same, and I'm still leading the girls clubs after school on Mondays and Tuesdays. I can't believe I only have TWO more teaching weeks until more time off! Woohoo! There are actually more weels of schools, but on September 12th I am going to a journeyman retreat in Zimbabwe! Very exciting. :) I am helping to plan and lead praise and worship at the retreat, so you know I'm happy about that! I'm also looking forward to seeing my two roommates from back at the Missionary Learning Center in Virginia. I'll also get to meet lots of other journeymen from other regions and countries in Southern Africa. Tomorrow, Sunday, Melissa flies to the States for a little over a week. She comes back the following Tuesday. This will be the longest time I've had to myself since I got here. I'm looking forward to it, but I also think I might get longely!! Please pray that my South African friends will be there for me this week so I don't feel too alone. :) We've just started watching Survivor: Allstars here, so we have a weekly Survivor night that I can look forward too. We'll see what else happens this week. Well, I'm off to some kind of event tonight at church. I have no idea how to say it, let alone spell it, and I really don't know what it is... But it is something cultural, and so they say I must be there! I'll have to let you know what happens!! Thanks for checking in on me!
Bonnie B.

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Saturday, August 21, 2004

The weekend! Hooray! I'm writing this Saturday night after I just got back from a very cool event. The BYSA (Baptist Youth of South Africa) Young Adults planned a big "hang out" event tonight in Jo'burg. It was cool... very chill... some bands played, and the Nancefield worship band was scheduled to play for a little while. Their style is way different than the rest of the folks there, since just about everyone else there was white (not everyone, just MOST!). Well, as they were going up to play I wished them well, and then they started saying I should sing with them! I had not practiced at all with them, and was nervous about singing in front of people I didn't know. But Sean encouraged me to join them too, so I finally agreed. I'll be honest, I felt really cool. hehe I was the only girl singing with them. It was very chill and free flowing... I felt honored that Sean felt I could handle that and do well enough to not make them look bad! Seriously, I feel weird saying that I felt cool, but it was this dimly lit area, the band was playing really cool rhythms, and I had this mic on a stand all to myself. I felt like a chic in a boy band... what the heck? It was cool though. I'm glad they convinced me to sing! Anyway, I also met up with some other young adults that I'd met occasionally before, and maybe I'll get to see them again in the future. I really like knowing people. I never realized that in the States, but being here makes me grateful for the people I do know and can call friends!! So yeah, a fun Saturday night! I need more of these!!


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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

BIG NEWS!! Melissa and I found our flat today! We are so excited. It's a big, two bedroom apartment... it has an awesome kitchen, and big living room (lounge) area, a small (but nice!) back yard area, and a patio with a BUILT IN braai (bbq) pit ... oh yeah, lots of parties at our place! It has a cool bar area connecting the kitchen with the living room. Both of the rooms are big, and there are 2 bathroom... a definite plus when there are TWO girls in one apartment. :) They will let us have Laura's cat when she goes home. It's in a safe area, and there is a 2 car garage, so our cars will be safe from theft (big plus in Jo'burg!). I can't think of anything else. But we love it! I'm so excited about knowing where I'm going to be living soon. I can't wait to finally have our own place, and be out of other people's houses. HOORAY!!!! Praise God for such a great place!
Bonnie B.

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Good afternoon friends! I just wanted to share some exciting news. Melissa and I are finally getting to SEE possible flats (apartments) that we'll be moving into soon. We went to see one today that we really really liked. It was nice and spacious, in a great area, safe, AND they'll let us have a pet! We may be inheriting another journeyman's cat, Macy, when she goes back home in November. You know that makes ME happy!! Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement. :) Love ya!

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Howzit!? I hope everyone's doing well. I'm doing alright around here... I've got my good days, and my bad days... just like you, I'm sure! Today was actually a good day. My kids were not as evil as they were last week - praise Jesus! Life's been pretty crazy lately. After the team left, one of the girls, Esther, stayed for a couple extra weeks to work with us. She left on Friday. On Saturday my friends and I went to a Jars of Clay concert here in South Africa. It's really cool to see a Christian band like them... in AFRICA! It was awesome, and we had some rockin' seats. On Monday, another volunteer, Ariane, arrived. She's staying and working with us until next Thursday, August 19th. She's really cool. Well, I'd write more but I am really tired. I definitely took some medicine to make me sleep tonight! Allergies are kicking in with the changing of the seasons again, so breathing is an issue sometimes... no worries, nothing some benedryl can't handle. :) I'll try to update again SOON! Thanks for checking in on me!!

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