Wednesday, August 31, 2005

another day...

Well, I honestly don't have all that much to update about lately... Life's just moving along as usual, and I am totally ok with that. :) I went to the gym tonight... that's something I haven't done in far too long! I've been doing some Tae Bo in my flat, but it's also nice to get out and do something different. I finished reading my book, The Gutter today. I'm sad about that because I really really enjoyed it. In a way I feel like Craig Gross (the author) gave words to alot of the things I've been thinking or feeling in my time here, but that I haven't been able to give words to. I think everyone and their mother should read that book (and probably their father too... hehe). It challenges me, but it also made me excited about being a Christian. And let's face it, how many books really do that?! If you're bored right now... go to your nearest Christian book store, buy the book, come back home and sit down with a nice cup of coffee and get to reading. It'll be worth every single penny and every minutes you spend reading it!!

This past Monday was Nurse's birthday. She turned 20. We had a little surprise party for her at Rand Leases on Sunday and she was over the moon! She later told me that she'd never had a birthday party before. Wow. Do we take stuff for granted or what? I absolutely love this girl. If she was the only person who's life I've touched in the last year and 7 months, then it's been worth it all. Please pray for her and her growth as a young woman of God. She faces so many challenges that I'll never understand, but she's so strong! And she loves the Lord so much. She is a miracle for sure!

Hope you're all having a great Wednesday. We're closer to the weekend!! Hooray!
in Him,
Bonnie B.
Link to pictures:

Monday, August 29, 2005

Change is in the air...

So, I thought it was gonna be this big sad day when I left South Africa because… well, my team loves me and will miss me. WELL… it indeed will be a sad day. And my team indeed loves me! BUT I am not the only dynamic of the WGET that is changing!! In a few weeks the Morans are leaving for 6 months for their state-side (furlough) so they’re leaving before me! THEN, somewhere around the end of this year/beginning of next year, the Lechners are moving to Mozambique!! Wow… life sure does throw lots of changes our way. It’s sad for the WGET to lose the Lechner family, but wow… I know God has huge and amazing plans for them. How exciting it is for them to be faithfully following God’s call to pick up and move again. I am constantly learning from this awesome family. But let me just say, I’m glad they leave AFTER me! Someone has to be here to see me off at the airport!! :) So that’s the latest news.

Oh, I went back to see the piercing guy today. No, I didn’t get anything else! I just realized that I was in so much shock after I got it done, that I forgot to ask some important questions like how to change it and when I can change it and all that jazz. My friend Casey was with me this time so I didn’t have to go alone. But once again, the guy was as nice as can be and helpful. I wish I knew the guy’s name. He’s a cool guy… just wish he knew Jesus. Maybe one of these days. Oh well, I’m off to bed soon. Pray for the piercing guy tonight! Jesus loves him... this I know... for the Bible tells me so! ;)
Love ya,

Friday, August 26, 2005


Hey Folks... Here are some pictures from tonight's team meeting. You wanna know how tiny my nose ring is? Charlie (Angie husband) thought it was a pimple. Yeah... great... I may have to look into getting a different colour or SOMETHING! Can't have people thinking I have a perpetual pimple on my nose. The rest of the team didn't even notice it at first!! So it's really not a big deal Mom. You can stop worrying about me. ;) Aren't these pictures cute? I love these people. In case you don't know them, Angie is the lady with me, Abby is her daughter and Joshuwa is the little boy. Hope you like the pictures. I'm tired, so I do believe it is time for me to go to bed!!!
Link to pictures:

Thursday, August 25, 2005

self-inflicted pain

Sometimes I wonder why people do things that really hurt themselves. Like… getting their nose pierced, for example… I mean, WHY? I am asking myself that question right now… since I got my nose pierced yesterday. Mom, try not to scream; I’m not turning weird or anything. But I’ve kinda wanted one for a while and I figure that when I have to look for a preschool teaching job I’ll probably have to get rid of it. So I thought I’d try it out while I can. :) Maybe one of these days I’ll put a picture up so you can see it, but really, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s a tiny little (try not to be surprised) pink stud and I think it looks nice. I had an interesting time at the place I had it done. Here’s a little something I wrote about it on someone else’s blog…

I went to get my nose pierced at the mall at a store called "Black Star." While I waited for the guy to get off the phone, I looked around and was overwhelmed with evil... pentagrams, wicca paraphernalia, and other demonic types of clothing and accessories. My first reaction was, "yikes! what is WRONG with these people?" But then I thought back to the whole "don't expect those in the dark to live in the light" concept and I realized that these guys are just lost sons and daughters of Christ. He loves them the same as He loves me, and His heart breaks over their lostness. I was so humbled... especially when the guy got off the phone and was one of the nicest guys I've ever met. The time I was waiting I decided to pray for the guys who own the store as well as those who come in to buy this stuff. And as a bonus, every time I think about how much my nose hurts and wonder what in the world I was thinking, I'll remember to pray for these guys! :) They need Jesus just as much as anyone else, and if I (a Christian) won't give them the time of day, who will? Just a thought...

Anywho… I hope none of you think I’ve lost my mind. Just trying to have a little fun while I’m still young. ;)


Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Instead of posting a response to Nikky’s comment, I thought this might be a fun chance to post on the topic… so, in case you didn’t read the comment it says…

“South Africa must be a trip! How is it different from the US (I'm sure there are many differences) and how is it the same?”

So, how is it different? Well…

1)There are MANY more languages here – 11 official languages to be exact. So that makes it difficult sometimes! I am commonly spoken to in Afrikaans and I feel like a complete idiot and try to get out, “ek prat nie Afrikaans nie” which means I don’t speak Afrikaans (I don’t know if I spelled that right)… then that leads into a whole discussion of where I’m from and why I’m here.
2)We drive on the left side of the road, on the right side of the car, and almost all the cars here are manual, so I shift with my left hand.
3)There’s no Hershey’s chocolate here… that makes me sad. BUT, the major chocolate company here is Cadbury’s and it’s quite lovely. :)
4)You can call someone “coloured” and not get in trouble for it. ;) Here, coloured actually refers to a group of specific people and it’s the proper term.
5)When we say that Indians live here, we actually mean people who descend or are directly from India!
6)We’re on the metric system… so I can drive 120 on the highway and not get in trouble for it! :)
7)Sometimes things happen a lot slower here than they would in America. I live in Johannesburg, which is a big city, so that’s not as much of an issue… until you talk about the townships, which are more of what you’d think of as “Africa.” There, I never know what’s going to happen. Sometimes an event is scheduled to start at noon and might not start till a few hours later!!
8)The big sports attractions here are rugby, cricket and soccer. Very few people even know how to play basketball and baseball.
9)We use Rand instead of Dollars. $1.00 equals about R6.50.

How is it the same?

1)There are malls everywhere, with trendy and expensive shops, coffee places to hang out and movie cinemas (our movies always come out at least a few days after the States).
2)There’s McDonald’s and KFC! (and Pizza Hut in some places, but not around here)
3)Almost everyone carries a cell-phone… even some of the poorest people I’ve met somehow still have a cell-phone a lot of the time.

You know, life here to me is very much like life in America, but for some weird reason it’s hard for me to list ways that things are the same. I don’t know why that is. I mean really, I don’t live any differently than I would in the States! I guess it’s just easier to think of ways that are different, because I rarely think about things that are the same.

I would love it hear from any of you who either live here or have visited. What have you noticed is different or the same??? Do tell! :)
Thanks for checking in on me!

in Him,

Bonnie B.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I need to make a correction… I realized that I said basically said that “white South Africans” object to me going into Soweto alone. I need to emphasize that NOT all white South African are like this! There are many who I have met, especially lately, who go against the norm, and I like ‘em. :) Just thought I should make that known!

I’m off to Bible study!

The Gutter

I’ve recently been reading a new book called “The Gutter,” by Craig Gross. Wow. This guy truly knows what it means to follow the Great Commission. He’s not afraid to get into the “gutter” where people are the furthest away from Christ. After all, that’s what Christ did, right? It’s a challenging read, but also an encouraging one. I hope I can be half as bold as this guy someday. A lot of this book makes me think of many of the responses I get from people (white south Africans) when they hear that I go into Soweto and that I’m [GASP] alone. If more people could get over their own fears of the gutter, maybe I wouldn’t have to go alone! Anyway, I could write a book on that, so I’m getting off my soapbox now… I’m not even half way through yet, but here are a few quotations from the book that struck me:

(On his venture into a homeless community to pass out food…) “Growing up, I was protected from this environment; I didn’t even know this other world existed. But now as a youth pastor, I not only wanted to experience it, but I also wanted others to see it too. I didn’t want the kids in my group to be as sheltered as I was. In my mind, I really thought I was making a difference, but the gutter was bigger than I expected. And more crowded.”

“When I accepted Christ as my saviour, I was lifted out of the gutter, but I was not made better than those who remained.”

“That’s the question we always get: ‘how do you do it?’ We’re able to go to our gutter because we aren’t scared of it. Too many Christians get scared of the world, but when you look at Jesus and the things He did, the way He brought light into darkness, you can plainly see that we have nothing to be scared of.”

“You know what I hear all the time when I go speak at churches or conferences? ‘I could never do what you’re doing.’ You know what I say? Usually something like, ‘well, I understand. This is what God has called me to do.’ You know what I want to say? ‘Why not? Stop being so weak. God did not create you to be a scared, irrelevant Christian. Why can’t you do this? What is holding you back if you know what God’s Word says and you know what He’s capable of doing? Whywhywhy?! Stop being afraid of the gutter and just go get in it.’ The world looks at the Church and sees a bunch of people too afraid to approach them.”

“Don’t blame the dark for being dark. Blame the light for not shining on the dark.”

“While the Church at large is great at telling people to avoid their gutters, I’ve found that this approach just doesn’t work anymore. … Things have changed, and people don’t do things just because they’re told to do them or because those things are expected of them. So we as a Church have to change our approach and get dirty. Modern Christians must take risks and get out of their comfortable pews and classrooms and do something for God. If we don’t, who will?”

“It’s a dirty place, the gutter. But it’s worth it.”

(Craig Gross started a website called to reach out to those in the pornography business as well as those caught up in a addiction to pornography. Interestingly enough, while many of those in the business are interested in his work, his major opposition comes from Christians… interesting…)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Adorable kids!

I took this picture yesterday at Braamfischerville and thought I just HAD to share it with you all. Aren’t these kids precious!? :) I sure do love ‘em!

Have a great week!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Hooray for Mugg & Bean!

Yay… I got to go to Mugg & Bean again tonight… that makes 3 weeks in a row, which used to never happen. You see, the young adults at Northcliff always go out for coffee afterwards, but I always have prayer meeting to go to. 2 weeks ago the Holidays were out of town, so we didn’t have it, last week I skipped to help out a new friend, and this week we didn’t have it again! Man, that’s nice for me. I mean, prayer is great an all, but to be able to relax and have fun with my friends is also nice… especially since the first half of my Sundays are pretty ministry-heavy (in a good way!). So yeah, Mugg & Bean… a great way to finish off a great day. :)

Yesterday I talked to my Mom for about 2 ½ hours on the phone! Wow… I don’t know how we found so much to talk about, but we did! Haha She told me what my first homemade meal is going to be on the Sunday after I get back (I arrive on Saturday evening… after dinner hour!) and I’m quite excited. I haven’t have a homecooked meal made by Mom in a year and 8 months! And that is entirely too long. It was good to talk to my Mom for a long time, because for once I was actually looking forward to going home (at least for a while). It’s good to have some things to look forward to… like seeing my new baby niece whom I haven’t seen yet! I so can’t wait to just hold her and admire God’s awesome little creation. I also can’t wait to see all the other “little” people in my life… my two precious nephews, my other niece (she was 5 months old when I left so she doesn’t remember me at all!), my best friend’s baby (who is over a year old now!!!). I can’t wait!

Well, tomorrow starts another pretty typical week. Nothing new that I can think of… Life skills tomorrow, then hanging out with Janna Kay for a while, which I haven’t done in a while, so that’ll be nice!! Then I’m babysitting Joshuwa and Ruth Anne for a few hours tomorrow night. Fun times. :)

Alrighty… I need to go get my beauty sleep!! Thanks for checking in on me.
in Him,
Bonnie B.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A new favourite song...

Back when the teams were here, someone gave me a Building 429 CD and I never really listened to it. I just randomly heard this song tonight... at seemingly the perfect time. This is a great song... I wish I could make it so you could hear the song and not just the lyrics, because the song itself is just really awesome. Anyway, here are the lyrics...

No One Else Knows
My world is closing in
On the inside
But I’m not showing it
When all I am is crying out
I hold it in and fake a smile
Still I’m broken
I’m broken
Only one can understand
And only one can hold the hand
Of the broken
Of the broken

When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proven real
When no one else cares where I’ve been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And You hold me in your arms

I need no explanation of "why me?"
I just need confirmation
Only You could understand
the emptiness inside my head
I am falling
I am falling
I’m falling down upon my knees
To find the one who gives me peace
I am flying
Lord I am flying

When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proven real
When no one else cares where I’ve been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And You hold me in Your arms

I have come to you in search of faith
Cause I can’t see beyond this place
Oh You are God and I am man
So I’ll leave it in Your hands

Now, I'm sure you're thinking that I am really depressed or something, but I'm really not! (Mom, don't worry, your little girl is fine;)) But I was feeling a little wierd tonight... partly probably because I'm overly tired from not much sleep last night, partly because a friend of mine let me down. Also, lots of people asked me when I'm going home tonight at Bible study and I had to repeatedly tell them when and then explain to them why I'm not excited about leaving... they all seem to think I should be excited... I think they forget that it is not an adventure for me as it would be for them!! :)

Anyway, about the song... how right it is. And not just in my case. I wonder how many people (South Africans and Americans alike... and anyone else for that matter) go through their days feeling like no one understands them? That makes me sad for people. I wish I could help them and understand them, but it seems like we all have such mucked up lives that we can all only focus on our own issues. Why can't I stop whining about having to leave SA and start caring for other people as much as I care about myself? I think the sin of selfishness is a strong one, and a sneaky one that slips in without being noticed for a long time. I pray that God will make me more aware of times whem I am focused so much on myself that I cannot see the obvious needs and hurts of others. Lord, make me aware of where you can use me to care for your sheep. Help me to understand them and show them Your love. Amen

Now, that was my 'deep thought' for the night. On to another quick note... tonight at Bible study we divided into new small groups. Last time I was in an all girls group and I really liked it, but something happened and somehow I was not in that group anymore. So... meet my friends! (Some of whom are kinda new to me, some whom I've known for a while!)
From left to right we have... Stacy, Moses, Charisse, Chris, Eric and me. :) I think we actually ended up with the most 'diverse' group - so hooay for diversity! I think it'll be a fun group... most of these people are pretty silly, but can calm down and be serious when needed, which should be a recipe for a great small group. Let the good times roll! (See Mom? I'm not depressed;) haha)

Thanks for checking in on me!! Goodnight!
in Him,

Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:

Who needs sleep?

Note to self: never drink a mocha freeze from Seattle Coffee after 7pm! Last night Heather and Megan (journeygirls from Grahamstown) were spending the night with me, and whenever they're in Jo'burg we have to go to Seattle Coffee because it's the closest we can find to Starbucks. So... they both got theirs decaf, but I wasn't aware of that and didn't even think about it. I was definitely awake until at least 2am this morning and thenn woke up at about 5:30 because the girls were getting up and getting ready to leave. So now I am quite sleepy, but since I'm awake I don't want to go back to bed. I don't have anything today until a life-skills class at 11:30, so I think I'll do some Tae Bo this morning and then once I'm ready for school I'll take some much needed time to read. That will be nice. :) So... goodmorning everyone! :)

Link to pictures:

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Hooray for Naps

I just woke up from a long nap, and wow... it felt nice. :) For some reason I was so tired today after the Sunday Schools! They both went really well though. Nurse impresses me more every week. I honestly think that she will continue to be a great (and even better) teacher once I leave. Today I was saying how once I go home, the kids in Braamfischerville won't get fed after class anymore. (The Rand Leases kids get sandwiches that people from Northcliff make, but Braamfischerville is not a Northcliff thing so I bring stuff and the kids make their own snadwiches - it's quiet fun!) Anyway, she said, "but I will keep coming and teaching them anyway... they will still come." I believe that. Nurse has grown so much since I met her. I am not claiming any responsibility for that, but it's been such a blessing to be able to watch her grow in the Lord!!! Well... after that nice nap, I must get ready for church. Yay for Northcliff!! I really love that place. Thank the Lord for pointing me in their direction! :)

Link to pictures:

Friday, August 12, 2005

Megan's Housewarming :)

This is my dear friend Megan. She studies with me at ICBM (the International College of Bible and Missions). She and her twin (and I mean completely identical twin!) just moved into a flat not far from me. She had her housewarming party tonight and that was a lot of fun. It's beginning to freak me out now when I hang out with one group of friends... and in walks other people that I know. It is so awesome how God has blessed me BEYOND measure with cool friends in South Africa. I definitely will have lots of fun people to come back and visit - hooray!

Thanks for checking in on me! :)
Love, Bonnie

Link to pictures:

Monday, August 08, 2005

Ruth Anne and Ivy (her pony :))

On Sunday I took Ruth Anne to her horse riding show, where she one a 1st on one test, a 2nd on another test, and then their team won the over-all, out of 52 teams!!!!

Self-shot of Eric and I (Eric came as a cowboy and said he left as an "indian", thanks to Ruth Anne's face painting... he was representing the "new America" - ha!)

Happy 4th of July!

RAH and I being 'country girls'! (thanks for the hat, Eric!)

Ok, so for some reason blogger is having a hard time uploading pictures, so for now I'll go back to posting one picture at a time. Here is Ruth Anne and I showing off out country's flag. :)

a picture's worth a thousand words!

Hey friends... this past weekend was definitely not a normal one! I stayed the whole weekend with Ruth Anne Holiday (one of our MKs "missionary kids"). Her parents went to Mpumelanga to the wedding of one of the pastors that we work with here. Ruth Anne had a big horse-show this weekend that she really didn't want to miss, so they asked me to stay with her all weekend. So... I did. Fun times! (mostly... hehe) So, here are a few photos from a couple things we did this weekend...
On Saturday, we went to a "4th of July" party that the Northcliff Union young adults put on. It was actually put on by my small group. The funny thing is, it was a South African who insisted that we celebrate it! Crazy, hey? We had lots of fun though. My Mom sent us lots of decorations and things to help make the party more "genuine." We had the "bbq" at Dave and Aprile Sleight's house... they are American missionaries too. Dave made a CD of all sorts of songs that mention US states or cities. And he played the national anthem and we had to sing along before we ate! Funny...

Link to pictures:

Friday, August 05, 2005

It's for real...

I'm really leaving... I have flight details and everything. I still can't believe it, and to be honest, I'm in a bit of a state of shock. I mean, I knew I was leaving and all, but now that I have a time and everything it's like, "oh my gosh.... I am really leaving". *sigh* I guess I should let you know the details, hey? :) Here goes:

I leave here at 8:10pm Friday, 4 November (or 20h10) (1:10pm for you East Coast Americans!)
I fly through Frankfurt, Germany and
I arrive in NC at 8:27pm (NC time) on Saturday, 5 November (You Jo'burg folk will be fast asleep!)

Wow... I can't even form real thoughts right now. I think I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now. (ok, not really...) :)

Goodnight everyone!
Love ya,

Link to pictures: