Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I did it! I broke my gym-streak! Today marked 15 days straight of going to the gym. Oh yeah... tomorrow I'll be going for 16. Now's not time to stop. ;) Hooray for the gym! :)


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Monday, May 30, 2005

Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day! Yeah… if I were home right now, I’d have the day off, but alas, I am not! So… just a typical day for me. Well… kind of…

Today I was supposed to start a Bible study at Nurse’s house. She had invited some of her friends to come and they said they’d come. BUT… they didn’t. I wasn’t too surprised by that, so I just suggested that she and I meet every week and go through a Bible study called “The Disciple’s Cross.” She liked the idea, so that’s the plan! While we were there she said, “I want to show you some other books.” It seems the Watchtower has been making their rounds again in Braamfischerville. Nurse said, “I agree with some of what they say, but some of it is just wrong – it doesn’t make sense.” To which I replied, “you are absolutely correct… it IS wrong, and it doesn’t make sense because it’s wrong!” But she said they come by often and give out different books and always want to come in and talk (which I am not surprised by). Have you ever been just really made at Satan? I mean, my heart breaks for people such at Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are blinded. They are going after what they believe to be truth, but they’re seeking it in the wrong place! Sitting there, reading the books they’d given to Nurse I just got more and more angry at Satan. But I also started getting irritated with myself. Why don’t I know more about this cult? Why don’t I have the right answers to all of Nurse’s questions? I’m sure they have ‘answers’ and have done their homework, so why haven’t I!? So, when I left Nurse’s house I went to CUM (Christian bookstore) and bought some books on Jehovah’s Witnesses and I’m starting to do my homework. I’m tired of being confused! Some of the stuff I’m reading now blows my mind. How have people been blinded by this? My heart truly breaks for them…

On a completely different note, I almost didn’t get to go to the gym tonight! I planned all day on going to the Power Boxing class, but when I drove into the parking lot at 6:55, all the lights were out! And I mean ALL the lights! The traffic lights, the lights in the parking lot and all the shop lights. I was so sad! I decided though, since there were still lots of cars there, that they must not have been out long, and that they’d come back on. So, I sat in my car and waited. About 10 minutes later, sure enough, the power came back! And I went to my power boxing class. Hooray! I could tell it had been a while!! It was a nice break from the weights… I’ll get back to those tomorrow. Ugh… I mean, YAY! hehe :)

Now I really need to go to bed… it’s been a long day!!

in Him,


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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Yet another GREAT day!! Today there were 46... FORTY SIX kids at Braamfischerville Baptist!! Wow and Praise be to GOD for doing such an amazing work. It's only the 3rd week there and this many kids are already coming. I am so blown away by how quickly this has taken off. :)

After church today Nurse came home with me to help me clean my flat (her idea, not mine!). So we spent the entire afternoon cleaning every nook and crannie of the kitchen and living room today. And yes, I did find time to quickly go to the gym and jog a couple miles today, so the streak is not broken - hooray!

Wow... I'm tired. So a short update will have to do for tonight. :) Goodnight!!
Love ya,

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Sad day in the life of Bonnie... A few of you know that I was looking into the possibility of working as a preschool teacher in a homeless shelter when I get home. The Durham Rescue Mission (Durham is the town I hope to live in) will be opening up a new preschool/day care soon, and I was really hoping I’d at least have a chance of applying to work there! Anyway, after waiting about a month to hear back from them, I just got an email saying that they’ve hired someone with a Master’s Degree in Special Education to train the mothers at the shelter to be the teachers. I know that’s a great idea, but I’m still sad that I won’t be able to work there! *sigh* I know there’s a plan for me somewhere… I just wish I had SOME kind of clue what that was. Man… now I really don’t want to go home. :(

Good thing I saw some ‘old’ friends tonight… at least there’s something to be happy about! :)


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Friday, May 27, 2005

Hey there! Today I'm not in as much pain as I was last time I wrote. :) But I AM still sore! I've been to the gym twice since then, so in part, I feel better because I've worked out some of the tension, but I've also lifted again since then, so my muscles are still sore from that. I wonder how long this will last!? I'm sure eventually it must become a little easier, right?? I hope! So... I'm still working on my gym-challenge. I've been now for 11 days straight. :) Hooray! I also took another step towards a new me this last week. On Tuesday I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting. Now, some of you may be saying, "why is she telling me this!?" But, I want everyone to know so that I have even more accountability. :) It's time to get my physical self sorted out, and now with being faithful about going to the gym and retraining myself to eat right, I feel like I am finally on the right track! And man, that feels good. :)

Not too much has happened this past week... but let me think... Tuesday evening I went to London Rd. Church to go to a Worship event featuring Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio!! THAT was awesome!! It was so cool to hear Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio (known for the Passion movement in the States) in South Africa! One of them (I think it was Chris) tried to say something in a South African accent and totally sounded Australian. He made us look bad!! It was actually rather funny though. :) Wednesday morning I had coffee with Heather and we got to catch up on what we've missed in each other's lives for the past few months. It was so nice to just sit and chat for a couple hours!! Hopefully I'll see her again soon. I think we're supposed to get together this weekend to watch Star Wars III, so that'll be fun. :)

Well, I need to get some things ready for Durban Deep tomorrow morning. Thanks for checking in on me!

in Him,

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'M IN PAIN!!!!! Ok... it's worth it, but I'm still in pain! Today I went to the gym and my "advisor" guy showed me my program. You know, I'm cool with the cardio machines and all that jazz, but he only had me on that for 12 minutes just to get warmed up, and then he had me do all sorts of exercises with the free weights. I was at the gym for almost TWO hours today... usually I won't do all the exercises in one day, but today was my orientation. Part of the time I felt really cool because I was learning how to lift weights, and that's just cool to me, but part of the time I also wanted to cry... no, I'm not kidding! Good thing my advisor guy is really cool and funny (and kinda cute, so that helps - hehe). But man, I'm sore now!! I guess it's a good sore though... it better be!

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Monday, May 23, 2005

This picture was just way too cute not to share with people. I still can't believe my brother is a DAD!! Wow... crazy things happen when you leave the country for 2 years!
For those of you who are keeping tabs on me and my gym-challenge, I DID go today… so that makes 7 days in a row. hehe Go me. I jogged 2 miles and then walk/jogged 3 more miles. Yeah, I was at the gym for a while! You know what’s funny? I’ve been here for 16 months and have been going to the gym almost the whole time, but on the treadmill, my mind still doesn’t function with kilometres. I know that 1.6k = 1 mile, so I always have to go in increments of 1.6 so that I know how many miles I’ve gone. I know… I don’t make much sense. I’m used to that by now. ;) There’s a slight (very slight) chance that I may have to break the challenge this weekend though. Some of my friends are going down to Cape Town for the weekend and I REALLY want to go, but I think the only way I can go is if I go down with my friend Craig (by plane) and meet the others there. I don’t think I’m allowed to do that… because then I’d have to be alone with Craig and some point, and you know us missionaries, you just can’t trust us. (*hint of slight bitterness about stinkin’ rules*) I also don’t know exactly who’s going yet… Plus I have commitments to ministry on the weekends, and I can’t just up and leave it at less than a week’s notice. Gotta be responsible. *sigh* I hope something, ANYthing fun happens this weekend so I don’t feel so down about not going to Cape Town… which is something I’ve really wanted to do while I’m here. Oh well, maybe another opportunity will present itself! Maybe something better. ;) You never know…

Until next time...

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Today was another long but great day. It started out at 9am at Rand Leases for Sunday School. Vusi (a guy from Braamfisherville Baptist) came again this week and he had prepared to teach the lesson! It’s so great for him to be a part of the teaching group now. He and Nurse are so good at teaching, and between then two of them, they can teach in any African language that the kids speak! So, we finished at Rand Leases at about 10:45am and went straight to Braamfisherville at 11:00. We did the same thing there (minus Craig) and finished at about 1:00. After properly speaking with all the members of the church (I’ve learned that if I don’t, they think I’m rude), I finally left at about 1:30. By the time I got home I was finished! But, I convinced myself to go to the gym! I am trying to beat my record of going to the gym 14 days in a row without fail. Right now I’m only on my 6th day… yesterday (Saturday) I actually woke up at 6:30AM to go to the gym because I knew I probably wouldn’t get to go if I waited till after Durban Deep (and I was right). You know, as crazy as it sounds, there’s something about waking up early and going to the gym that just makes you feel really good! I’d do it more often, but during the week it is full of crazed business world people who wake up before the sun to go to the gym before going to work… and the gym’s just not as much fun for me when it’s crammed full of people. Anyway… so yeah, I’m on day 6 right now. Keep checking back to see how I’m doing. ;) I've realized something lately… I realized that God doesn’t simply want me to be “disciplined” by reading my Bible, praying and going to church. Those are great things, but I’ve realized that if I truly believe that I am a temple of God and that His Spirit dwells in me (1Co 3:16-Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? ), then who the heck am I to NOT take care of GOD’S temple!? Shame that it took me 23 (almost 24) years to figure out that simple truth, but better late than never, right? It’s sad that many people in the church never even think about that. We’re (and I say ‘we’ b/c I’m including myself here) are quick to point out other areas where we (or others) need to “grow into maturity” but we don’t think about something so obvious as our own bodies – GOD’S OWN TEMPLE! Crazy if you ask me… someone should have ingrained that into my head along with all the other stuff I was being taught in Sunday School as a kid. Anyway… I could go on, but this is entirely too long already, so I’ll bring this section to a close. :)

Yesterday (Saturday) was yet another fun and random day. It started out with me going to the gym at 7am in the morning, which is a new thing for me. Then went to Durban Deep for the kids stuff and then all the teachers had a planning meeting (that’s not the fun and random part). While I was there, I got invited to go to a worship event on the other side of town. So, even though I’d been at Durban Deep that morning, and was dressed for the occasion, I decided to go anyway (who cares if there was a little dirt and who knows what else on me! hehe). We first went to East Gate mall to hang out with some people. I got to know a girl named Lindsay, who might be one of my new favourite people! She is the silliest, giggliest girl I’ve ever met in my life, and though she is quite silly, she is also very wise at times for someone her age. I really enjoy hanging out with people like her. Though I am usually a quiet, fairly reserved person, when I am with the right people, I can actually show a somewhat silly side myself! And with Craig thrown into the mixture as well, I was surrounded by crazy people! My quiet side didn’t stand a chance! It was quite fun, to say the least. :) After hanging out at the mall a bit, we went to the church. The worship event was really nice. I never know how to explain worship events to people… I mean, it was cool, but is worship ever not cool? I’ll just say, I had lots of fun. I hope that doesn’t sound blasphemous or anything… I mean, heaven forbid that my friends and I have fun at a worship service! I personally don’t see anything wrong with that, but I also know of some people who would read that and think less of me. Well, if you think less of me, feel free to email me, and we’ll chat. ;) Otherwise, just know that I had an awesome and FUN time last night. To make the night even better, I saw two friends, Roger and Heather, that I hadn’t seen since February! Heather was actually singing in the worship team, so that was cool. It was so nice to see them again! I haven’t really seen any of my old friends in about 3 months. (Is it possible to have “old friends” when you haven’t even been in a country for 2 years yet??) Anywho… this year I’ve been hanging out with pretty much a completely new circle of friends, and though that has cool parts, I do miss the people I used to hang out with. Don’t really know what happened… oh well... I hope I don’t have to wait another 3 months to see them again. ;) Heather and I actually have a coffee date set for this week so we can get together and catch up a bit. I’m very much looking forward to it. :) After the worship event, we went back to East Gate mall to hang out a bit more, and we met up with some folks from Northcliff. Later in the evening, just our car load stayed to chat a little more, and we realized something… sitting at the table was an American missionary, 2 missionaries-in-training (Lindsay and Craig), a Canadian missionary (Ruth) and an English missionary (Rob). How cool was that? For once, the “foreigners” outnumbers the locals! Hooray!

So… basically I had a rockin’ weekend! Now I am spent though, and am hoping I’ll have some really rejuvenating sleep tonight!! On that note, thanks for checking in on me!!
in Him,

PS – My newfound friend, Lindsay, is trying to convince me to dye my hair “dark brown” (aka… almost black!). HA! Imagine that… I’d do it if I knew it’d wash out in 24 hours or LESS!! So, any opinions?? :)

Link to pictures:

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lauryn sleeping

Isn't she absolutely beautiful!! She really does look like baby pictures of Brad when he was born. yay - she looks like a Boisvert!! Good thing... since she is one. :)

Brad (my brother) looking at his daughter, Lauryn

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Hopefully soon I'll have pictures, but my newest neice, Lauryn Michelle Boisvert was born this morning at 8:03am (North Carolina time)! Hooray!! I am so sad that I can't be home for this amazing day, but I know that Lauryn is being loved by many people back home. I can't wait to hold her in my arms in 6 months! Mom says that my brother Brad (Lauryn's dad) is just beaming... well, what guy wouldn't be? He has waited so long to be a dad. I know he's going to be a great one!

Well, I'll put a picture here as soon as I see one myself! Until then... goodnight from SA!
In Him,

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Monday, May 16, 2005

Wow… I feel like I have so much to update about! I really should get better about updating this page more often. So let me think… where do I start? Last week started out fairly normal… then Wednesday afternoon I got invited to go to the Blues Room to hear a friend’s band, Grounded, play. We got on the guest list, so we didn’t have to pay to get in, which is always cool. :) That’s my second time going to the Blues Room, and once again, it was packed full of people… I’m starting to get better at handling big crowds, but it’s still not the easiest thing in the world for me! I much prefer small groups where I can actually hear the person next to me speaking to me. :) But all was good. Thursday, quite randomly, I got to go BACK to the Blues Room. The Finkelstiens were playing, ad a friend of mine kinda knows them so I got to go for free again. Hooray! Now, let me give you some background here. Last year when I first heard a Finks song on the radio, I really liked them. They’re a local punk band… Anyway, they’re the first South African band I liked. They’ve been in Joburg before and I’ve always wanted to go to a show, but I’ve always been busy. So I was pretty psyched to be going to hear them finally! So Thursday night on the way there I was trying to psych myself up and get ready to deal with big crowds of people again. Well… to my surprise (and delight!) there are a lot less people there on Thursday nights!! So my friends and I sat at a table right down front. Sitting at a table with people I know was much more enjoyable for me than standing around pretending to be comfortable with the fact that people I don’t know are squished beside me! The whole time I was trying to act cool, all the while trying NOT to let people know that I was really feeling like a 13 year old at some boy-band concert. I sat there acting all chill… when my insides were screamin’ like a school girl. heehee I was so excited to finally get to see them up close and personal. I even got to meet them afterwards and chatted with one of the guys while he put his guitar stuff away. A 13 (or *cough cough* 23) year old’s dream come true. haha All in all, it was an awesome night!

Friday night I went with some friends from Northcliff Union Church to an Uzbekistan dinner/fund raiser for the mission trip Craig is going on in June. That was quite fun! It was awesome to be introduced to another culture and experience it as best as we can from this far away!

Saturday was also an awesome day… after going to Durban Deep and playing with the kids, Nurse came home with me to spend the night! She insisted on cooking for me, so we went to the grocery store and got the necessary ingredients. Everything she made was vegetable stuff… we had rice with a tomato-green pepper-onion gravy/sauce, mashed potatoes/green beans, sweet carrots, potato salad, butternut squash and cabbage. It was all really good, but everything she cooked was soaking in oil… if I could learn to make the dishes without all the oil, I’d try to make them myself… maybe I’ll have to try that sometime. :) She wouldn’t even let me help cook – she wanted to do everything herself. We also watched The Lord of the Rings. She’d never seen any of them and wanted to see it, so I watched it for the 4th or 5th time! It was really fun to hang out with her outside of just teaching.

Sunday was ANOTHER great day! After Sunday school at Rand Leases, we finally went to Braamfisherville to do Sunday school for the first time! 24 kids came!! Praise the Lord! I was so excited that the kids came. Being that this was the first week, I was prepared for a small number of kids, but God surpassed my expectations. Man, isn’t He amazing? I just love Him. :) After that exciting (but somewhat tiring!) morning, I went to Joshuwa’s 3 year old birthday party and a local mini-train place. It was nice to hang out with the whole team for a while and celebrate with Joshy! I gave him a Little Bill (a black cartoon in the States) doll from America and he just went crazy. I did good. haha Today when I was at the Holidays’ house, Josh woke up from his nap, and out he walked with Little Bill under his arm. I felt so proud. :)

TODAY! NEWSFLASH!!! There’s a SUBWAY at Westgate mall!!! WOOHOO!!! I was at the mall today with the Holiday family, and all of a sudden, there it was… the all too famous green Subway sign. We almost passed out. Of course, we just had to get Subway and take it home for dinner. No, it wasn’t exactly the same as in the States. Some flavours were different, but just the idea of eating a Subway sub – ahh… it was nice. :) We took them home and ate them while watching the first Star Wars… we have to catch up and review since the 3rd one is coming out this week!

Well, that’s about all I’ve got to say for now… See, I really should have written more about this stuff as it happened so that I wouldn’t have to write one long update, but oh well! Thanks for sticking with me, and for checking in on me!!

In Him,

Link to pictures:

the kids on the train at Joshuwa's birthday party

some of the kids from Bramfisherville... This is only about half of them! Praise God!!

Sunday we told the kids the Parable of the Weeds. So instead of sitting under our typical tree, we took a walk to a garden near by and let them sit amonst the garden rows and see plants and weeds growing alongside each other first hand! Cool, huh?

Gareth and Craig may be tough guys... but catch them on Sunday mornings, and you'll see a much softer side. ;) Cute, hey?!

The wonderful meal that Nurse prepared!!

this is the group I saw Thursday night (as well as another great band, Evolver)

the Finkelstiens!

the band we saw on Wednesday night

Monday, May 09, 2005

My new endeavour...

You know, I've learned a lot in South Africa... much being"spiritual" stuff... but I write enough about that. ;) On to something new! Just recently I had a strange desire to make a video. Now mind you, I am armed with a regular little video camera, and my 3.2 mega-pixel digital camera which also takes really cruddy videos (but hey, they're still good for making memoies!). Well, one random Sunday afternoon I went to town on my video. It's kinda cheesy, but I had fun, and that was the intended goal. Being pretty excited about my little video, I sent an incredibly low scale version of it to my video-editing guru friend in the States. And low and behold, he says I'm not bad! He says it "looks like he might have a new video editing assistant in the next few months!" Wow... definitely not the reaction I expected, and let me say, this friend is not one to just dish out compliments to make someone feel good about themselves! He says when I come home, he'll have to put a real camera in my hands and see what I can do! Interesting, hey? Who knew I even had an ounce of talent in this area!? Not me... that's for sure! Since then I've made another (also cheesy) video... and now I'm out of footage. Too bad! Oh, this couple also came from the States just last week to get some video footage of our area as well as other areas in Southern African because they're making a prayer DVD. That guy took a look at my video and said, "just get yourself a good camera and a good editing program and you'll be ready to go!" I said, "yeah... with what money?!" And he replied, "well, mine only cost me $5000.00" HA! Must be nice to be rich! I wouldn't know... and don't plan to ever know for that matter. Anyway... that's my new endeavour as of late. Who knows where it may take me...

Until next time...
Bonnie B.
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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!! This is a picture from when Mom and Dad were here with me back in February. Mom braided my hair for me... just like old times. :) Hooray for MOM!!
Happy Mother’s Day! This is my second year away from my mother, which is sad, but we are both excited that next year we’ll be together, and I plan to spoil her richly (well, “richly” in the non-monetary way – haha)!! To all you mothers out there, thanks for putting up with snotty nosed kids and temper tantrums. I’m sure my glad my Mom didn’t give up on me when I had a tantrum… I’d have been a goner a long time ago. ;)

Nothing all too exciting is going on today for me… it’s been a quiet afternoon of studying with the cats at my side. :) It’s surprisingly warm today… and quite frankly I’m ready for the cold to come and stay! I love winter time… warm sweaters, fuzzy scarves and cozy hats – I’m all about it. =)

Today Rand Leases went really well. We had a cool skit about temptation where Craig literally tempted the kids to do something I had told them not to do while I went to my car. They actually didn’t take the sweets! I was quite impressed. Sadly, however, after the lesson was over I gave out the sweets and at least one kid lied about having received one already… I think we need a lesson on stealing and lying!! They were cute though, and I know the leaders had fun taking part in the lesson too. Nurse continues to be an excellent teacher. Today she said, “ooh, I just LOVE teaching… even when I am sleeping I think about teaching.” Wow… she is SUCH a God send!! She makes teaching lifeskills more fun for me too, and much less stressful. She’s excited that we go back to teaching tomorrow, after taking a break last week. Please pray for Nurse – God is teaching her and using her in mighty ways!!

In a few minutes I am going to Braamfisherville to meet with Kurt and Pastor Aaron, the pastor of Braamfisherville Baptist Church. We are trying to partner with the church and begin a children’s ministry there on Sunday mornings. A lot of the kids that we see on Saturdays at Durban Deep are actually coming from Braamfisherville, so it will work out well if we can start meeting there. I think it will help the church to grow as well. Be in prayer for this partnership – that it will be successful and will contribute to bringing God’s glory! Nurse went to the church this week and last week on her own and really enjoyed it. It is only about 10 minutes from her house. For a while now she has been teaching the kids on Sunday mornings and has not had a chance to take part in a church service. She’s loved worshipping at BBC, and she’s making some friends!! Hooray!

Well, I’d better go get ready… thanks for checking up on me!!
In Him,

Link to pictures:

Thursday, May 05, 2005

When You Call My Name

There's a hunger in this wilderness
For Your revelation
To hear the words of life that strengthen me
Come and show what you've prepared for me
Speak your confirmation
Show me how I fit into Your plan

For when you call my name, I can see again
Who You are, and who I'm meant to be
And as You beckon me, I am free to see
Who You are, and who I'm sent to be

I am seeking true identity
In the light of Your presence
I am longing to know how You see me
In the time that You have given me
Release the strength the follow
And the grace to be who You say I am

I just recently heard this song, and it immediately became my new favourite. It speaks so clearly of the cry of my heart at this very moment. I've had a lot of "God, what do You want!?" moments lately... The reality that I've only got 6 short months left here has really begun to set in, and truth is, I don't want to leave. For a brief while I thought there was a chance I could stay another year, but that door has recently closed, leaving me somewhat confused and quite grieved that I really will have to leave this awesome place. Cool thing is, I am convinced, beyond the shadow of a doubt that God has a great plan in store for me. I do wish I knew what it was, but part of the excitment of following Christ and His plan is discovering that plan one step at a time... knowing all the while that it's never a surprise to Him! I might be confused, but my loving Father is not confused at all!! And in that I find ultimate comfort. :) He's so good and faithful, isn't He? He is!

Goodnight and love to all...

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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This past Sunday we gave out warm clothes to the kids. People from Northcliff Union Church donated them. Some of the sweaters the kids got were brand new and knitted by hand! The kids really felt special (which the should have, because they ARE). They were so cute, strutting around in their fancy new clothes. Praise God for each person who donated clothes for these precious children!! This is one of my girls, Samquel. Isn't she adorable!? :)
Hooray for holidays! Monday was a public holiday... I don't even know what it was, but I know I got a break from teaching. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and I love teaching, but it's always nice to get a break and have a chance to unwind a little bit. Both yesterday and today (Tuesday) I have off from teaching, so I am taking a chance to relax! Tomorrow I get back into the swing of things, and I'll be going to Rand Leases to work with the little ones there. I just love those little guys!! I guess I don't really have a ton to write about, since not too much has happened. Oh... I went to a new church Sunday morning after Rand Leases. I went to Braamfisherville Baptist. Kurt has been working with this little church, and there is also a chance that the group I work with might start coming and joining them to help start a children's church for the kids. It's definintely my dream to get us all working together for the common goal, and this is one step in that direction. The church service was lots of fun... it's been a while since I've gotten to participate in an actual African church service. :) Northcliff is great, but it's definitely Westernized (and I'm not complaining about that!). Nurse also really enjoyed Braamfisherville Baptist. She lives in Braamfisherville, but is new to the area and doesn't know any Christians her age. I hope that through this church she will make some new friends! I know that having Christian peers is so important at our age. (and any age really!)
Well... I do have some reading to get done for my counseling class on Thursday, so I'd better get to work. :) Thanks for checking in on me!
In Him,
Link to pictures:

This is one of my favourite pictures lately. This was taken a few weeks ago at Rand Leases. I just love these kids!!