Saturday, October 15, 2005

So I thought I liked storms...

Last night I was about to go to bed... I was quite peaceful... there was a great big storm outside, I was nice and warm in my bed, and I was thinking about my party that's today! Then, all of a sudden I noticed water coming into my room on the floor. I thought the toilet was overflowing, and jumped up to go fix it (and move the couple of boxes that are near the bathroom). Well, much to my surprise and fright, the water was not coming from the bathroom, but from both of my front doors, and it was pouring in!! I didn't know what to do. My entire floor was covered in at least 2 inches of water. Let me remind you that I have been packing, and there are lots of cardboard boxes all over the place! So I started running around like a crazy woman treying to move the boxes to a higher place so they wouldn't get wet. Oh, and periodically the lights would go off, so I'd have to put the box down, and go flick the switch so I could see again. I also noticed that some of my electrical cords are on the floor, so I quickly switched off the power source for them and got them somewhere dry. I was mildly shocked by my lamp in the process, but nothing seriously thankfully!! Needless to say, I was crying and saying "what do I do?" to absolultey no one (except my cats). It's in these moments that I hate living alone. There wasn't much I could do about it until the rain slowed down, allowing the water from in front of my flat to drain some. Once it lowered, I began sweeping the water (I felt like I was rowing a boat!) out the front door. I did that for about an hour and a half until I just couldn't take it anymore, and the bulk of the water was gone. Talk about exhausted in more ways than one. The water wasn't nice, clean rain water either... we're talking water plus all the dirt and plant life that had come loose in the storm. By the time I gave up, I was cold and felt disgusting (for a lot of the time my feet were actually under water)! Every single towel (except one I saved for this morning) is soaking wet (and I don't have a dryer to dry them!). So... here I am about 9 hours later, and thankfully, most of the left over water has dried. The carpets are still wet, but hopefully they're air out. Thank the Lord I was able to talk to a friend of mine before I went to bed... he definitely helped me calm down and take my mind off the calamity! (Thanks, Eric!) Poor guy also got an earful though when I realized that another parktown prawn was right beside my bed!!!! Yes, I freaked, but I was able to get it into a cup and I took it outside. Talk about a crazy night. I didn't sleep well at all... every little noise woke me up. I was worried that more rain would come and then my flat would flood again, or that there were more parktown prawns in my room. Not a good way to spend the night before my big party! I'll be so tired!! I'm sure I'll wake up though when people are there and I'm in the moment. ;) Anyway... I'd better get my last minute stuff done before I go to Durban Deep this morning and then to Casey's to get ready for the party!! Yay for parties. :)

Link to pictures:

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