Thursday, October 20, 2005

more fun with the Allens

The Allens (missionary family from Swaziland) came into Jo'burg to pick up Steve's parents from the airport. They invited me to come for dinner and they treated me! Lovely... :) Isn't this an adorable picture of their daughter, Lacie? She's such a wonderful baby! I hope I can be so lucky as to have a little girl like her some day!!

My mood has much improved since my last post. But please keep praying for me. I know that these next 2 weeks are going to be an emotional roller coaster for me, but I also know that God's wonderful grace will bring me through! Yesterday I read Psalm 145 and one particular verse really stood out to me...

"The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works." Psalm 145:9

Eph. 2:10 (which is very special to me on many levels... it was the first verse that I ever chose to memorize, and I learned it the same weekend I gave my life to Christ) reminds me that I am His workmanship... His masterpiece... His art work. So, therefore, His tender mercies are over ME! I am so glad to know that the God we serve is tender. Sometimes when I'm feeling emotionally drained and don't even want to talk to God, it's awesome to know that He's tender, and His mercies are still here for me. God is good!

On another note, PRAY FOR ME tomorrow! I'm going in the morning to have a root canal. OUCH! I've never had one before, but I have a feeling it's going to be painful. I'm still taking tylenol for the work the dentist did on my tooth on Tuesday! He might need to prescribe something strong for me this time. Yikes!

Oh... and just so you know... I just killed the 3rd parktown prawn of THIS WEEK! I am so ready to be out of this flat and rid of these stinkin' (literally) bugs!

And on that note... goodnight! :)
Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:

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