Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm a mess!

So, it's 3:30am, and I am awake. Why am I awake when I should be asleep!? Well, the way I figure, there are many factors in this equation: 1)the movers are coming in the morning and I am anxious about that 2)I have a cold, and a really sore throat right now and 3)my tooth still hurts. Now, the first 2 are normal, but my Mom assured me last night that the 3rd is not normal. And she has to be right. I think I'm going to call my dentist in the morning and say something to the effect of, "umm... if you deadened the root, then HOW is it still hurting!?" I mean really... common sense tells me that it shouldn't hurt enough to wake me up, and I am pretty sure that the tooth is what actually woke me up since I tend to grind my teeth when I sleep (my bad). The sad thing is, I originally had a dentist appointment for tomorrow but I had to move it because of the movers coming - dang! Bad timing! Oh well... so I've probably just ODed on ibuprofren and I'm just waiting for it to take effect. I'm hoping it will help my sore throat too. I really am a mess!! So while I wait for the meds to take effect, I thought I'd put a few pictures here for you of my last day yesterday at Rand Leases. I'll write more soon about how it went, but for now visuals will have to do. :) I'm too tired to write much more than this!! :)
(singing with the kids at Rand Leases)

(Momo - pronounced "moo moo" - when I first started coming to Rand Leases back in February, Momo was so scared of us. If I tried to hold her or even get too close she'd cringe and run away as soon as possible. Now she's the life of the party! It's been awesome to see the change in this little girl!!)
(Momo is Gareth's little pride and joy. They're inseperable at Rand Leases. It really is quite cute!)
(This is Hope, Nurse's baby sister. She also used to be scared of me! But now I think we're cool. ;))
(I will write more about this next time I write, but these are 2 young guys from the Braamfischerville church who are now helping Nurse teach Sunday School! What an answer to prayer these guys are!!!!!)

Link to pictures:

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