Friday, October 28, 2005


I don't have all that much to update on right now. Last night I went to a real Southern Baptist pot-luck (so maybe there are some good things about going home! haha). All the missionaries from around Johannesburg got together to have a farewell dinner for the Bryants (who are going to Kenya) and the Lechners (who are going to Mozambique). I didn't know this, but they also included me! (who's going to America... man, those people need Jesus! hehe --- just kiddin' --- sort of ---) Anyway, I thought that was really sweet of them, and I didn't even know about it. I tell you what though, a lot of people used their American ingredients to make some of the dishes, and it was so wonderful! I mean, South Africa definitely has plenty of it's own awesome stuff, and I don't really miss much from the States, but when you have something you haven't had in a while, it's quite nice. :) So anyway, that was fun. And Melissa came too, which was also really nice. Glad to be hanging out with her a little more before I go back to NC.

I'm about to go pick up a friend of mine who's going to help me clean up my flat. It's pretty much empty now, but it needs one last good cleaning before the landlord comes to check it out. It still needs to be cleaned up from the flood a few weeks ago. My kitties are still living in there with a few pillows and blankets. Poor lonely kitties. Still don't have a solution for them. I'm working on bringing them home though! (the 2 little ones) I'm still waiting on a price for what that will cost... check out this cute website... That's the one company that at least has contacted me (but still not with a price!). I so hope I can afford to get them home!! I might not be as sad if I knew I'd have my African kitties with me! haha Oh well... I'd better go get to cleaning.

Tonight's my last Friday night in Joburg - how very crazy is that!? And I don't even have plans... now THAT is sad. I'm sure something will come up before too long. :)

Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hi, I just found your blog through Carolyn McCulley's and wanted to say I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your missionary experiences.