Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Hello world... What to say... what to say... I'm having a strange night. I'm sleepy, but at the same time I have had too much coffee (in an attempt to stay warm) so I'm also NOT sleepy. I know, I told you it was strange. And in case you're wondering, YES... it IS cold here in Africa. Really, it snowed down in Cape Town last night. Crazy, huh? I wish it would snow here, but I'm told that the last time it snowed even a sprinkle was back in 1981 (a good year, if you ask me!). I dare say it's time for another sprinkle of snow!

Well, the last time I wrote was Monday, and I said I was in a "funk." To be honest, I still feel like I'm in it, but I'm sure it will pass. I'm just not teaching as well lately as I was for a while there. I'll probably get my skills back just in time for school break (which is coming later this month *insert Halleluia praise chorus*)! Tuesday wasn't a bad teaching day, I just didn't feel as good as I used to about teaching. We learned the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They acted out the story and then I talked about it for a while. Actually, the more I think about it, parts of the day went very well. I had lots of chances to be serious with the kids and let them know that even though they're young, they can stand strong in something they believe in. In one class I told them that I'm 22 and still a virgin. Good golly! You should have heard their gasps!! I said, "see? People don't expect young people to stand for what they say they believe in, but it IS possible!!" Plus in some classes I shared other parts of my testimony. So... Wow, maybe it wasn't a bad day! I should update this wobbles more often - it helps me process. Don't you just love being a part of my processing? Haha

Today we went to teach at Lawley. We finished up teaching about Moses today, and I must say, hooray! I am grateful for Moses, but I feel like I've been teaching about his for a really long time. Next time (2 weeks from today) we move on to the birth of Jesus. Tonight Melissa and I went to the Lechner house to hang out with Angie and the kids (and Chris). They're leaving soon for stateside assignment. :( We ordered pizza and watched Cheaper by the Dozen and then the basketball game (which is still going on now as I speak - we're a little behind, but at least we can watch it!). And now, here I sit... at my usual nighttime spot, the computer. What would I do without it? Sometimes I really wonder... but enough wondering. I think I should try to sleep, since I do have to teach tomorrow. Goodnight!

Thanks for checking in on me!

Link to pictures:

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