Friday, June 25, 2004

Good evening! Well, actually it's morning here now... just barely after midnight, so it's technically Saturday morning. I just got back from celebrating Heather's 22nd birthday. It was a lot of fun. I just enjoyed being able to hang out with them. And every time I hang out with them, I become more and more comfortable and more myself. Most all of them have said they can come to the Braai next Friday, so it looks pretty positive for a great birthday for Bonnie. Hooray!

I also got a wonderful package from my family today. The best thing in it was a video that they had made for me at a lot of different family functions. I miss my family so much, but being able to "see" their faces really helped!!

Alright, that's all your getting from me tonight. Blessings!!!

Link to pictures:

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