Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Howdy folks! I had a great night tonight! I went to BIMS to meet up with the other young people there and then we went to Banditos, South Africa's clostest thing to a Mexican restaurant... not bad. :) Then the 4 journeymen -me, Jayme, Daniel and Brian (whom I just met)- went to Westgate mall (a mall on MY side of town!) to watch a 10 rand movie (that's really cheap). We saw After the Sunset, which turned out to be a pretty good movie. Then they came back to see my flat. I just wanted them to see where I live! They were pretty shocked at how nice it is... I felt kinda bad, but I'm not complaining. :) Oh yeah, all three of them are journeymen in Mozambique. Jayme is actually heading home to the US tomorrow! These journeymen keep finishing their terms and going home! It's so strange for me to keep seeing them leave... and no one new is coming!! Sad... :( Who's going to be here to tell ME goodbye? Well, they just left, and I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to bed!! Thanks for checking in on me! :)

Link to pictures:

1 comment:

Roger Saner said...

What do you mean, "South Africa's closes thing to a Mexican restuarant"?!?! That's the same as saying "Taco Bell" is America's closest thing to a Mexican restaurant :p