Sunday, December 26, 2004

Happy late Christmas!! I hope everyone out there had a great Christmas, celebrating however you did. I had a really wonderful Christmas, even though I was not with my family. I was too busy most of the time to think about missing them too much! On Christmas Eve I went to a service at Ridgecrest Family Church. I helped with the worship. After the service, I headed to the Saner house (my friends, Heather and Roger's family). I had a blast! After a nice dinner, we all gathered in the lounge to begin a crazy night of opening presents. And when I say crazy, I mean it! (I mean that in a nice way Heath and Rog!) I had a great time opening presents from home that my family has sent, as well as gifts that the Saners had bought (how sweet!). Check out my pictures online to get a better idea of what it was like for me on Christmas Eve! I spent the night at their house Christmas Eve and then on Christmas day I went to BIMS to have Christmas dinner, as prepared by American missionaries! Good stuff!! We had lunch there, then hung out all day playing cards, talking, and just hanging out. Then later that night we all had left-overs for dinner - just like in America! :) I stayed as long as I could, because I figured if I stayed busy, I wouldn't think too much about what I was missing back home. But I did finally come home at about 9pm, and then later that night my family called! It was so nice to get to talk to all of them on Christmas day! By the time we all finished talking, it was quite late, and I was exhausted, so I went to bed! Thus concluding my Christmas celebrations.

Now some more craziness is happening. Lots of things are going on in Jo'burg right now. There is an MK (missionary kid) camp this week, and a lot of journeymen are in town to be counselors for that. There are also other missionaries coming into Jo'burg for their team prayer retreat, so hopefully I'll get to see some of the jmen from those teams too. My flat is serving as a bed and breakfast for some extra people who needed a place to stay, and tomorrow (Wednesday) 2 journeygirls and their sisters are coming to stay with me for a while! Crazy I tell ya! There are also 3 volunteers coming in tomorrow who will be working with our team this coming week. They will be leading in children's evangelism in the townships. That's gonna be insane, so PLEASE pray that it will all work out! I'll be honest. I'm a little nervous about how things are going to go in the townships, as many things are quite unorganized right how. PRAY! Thanks!

That's about it for now... thanks for checking in on me!
Link to pictures:

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