Thursday, November 06, 2003

Quote from the day's studies:
" Your call will get you to the mission field, but prayer will keep you there."

Today was our first full day, though still not too bad/stressful. We've had a few sessions that focused on our prayer lives and how important our daily walks with Christ are. Truths I've heard tons, but always need to hear more of! They emphasized just how hard it is and will be for us to remain diligent, even when we're tired, and multiple people warned us that it seems like we experience more temptation away from home than we would on a regular basis here... great.... Please pray that as I get tired here (which probably will happen eventually) that I will not waver in my commitment to the Lord. Tomorrow (Friday) from 10am till 3:45pm we are having a "quiet retreat" which is a time to simply get alone with God for an extended amount of time. Pray that I will learn to slow down and listen to God, something I very much need to learn.

So funny story... =)

This morning I decided to finally use my cute little one-cup coffee maker that Mom and Dad gave me before coming up here. I bought a can of coffee, splenda, and creamer the other night, and this morning I was so ready to try this new toy out. (Trust me, I was needing my coffee!) So, I open up the plastic lid, expecting there to be a metal pull-tab lid to take off, but nooo, it was a solid metal lid. This kind of lid requires a can-opener, and guess what we are NOT given in this apartment... You guessed it... no can opener anywhere. So here I am, sleepy, and wanting my coffee, and not being able to get into the can. I stop and think... my roomies are still asleep... can't ask them what to do... I venture into the kitchen to see what I can find, and I found a BIG knife. So, I carry the knife back to my room and proceed to saw a hole in the top of this can, just big enough to get a spoon in so I can get my coffee. Inventive, eh? I figure it's a lesson in using what you're given to reach a desired goal. :) Praise the Lord, I got my coffee and it's been a great day since.

I just got back from playing Cranium with some fellow journeymen here are training. There are not many of us here... maybe about 30. Anyway, Summit young-pros, we're much better at playing games that these journeymen. Our group couldn't stay focused long enough to read a card for goodness sakes! You all need to come up here and teach them a thing or two. ;)

Ok, time to get offline and read some more for my book report. Then it's off to bed at a reasonable hour! Love you!

Link to pictures:

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