Thursday, November 10, 2005

The long awaited visit...

I finally got to go to Starbucks Coffee today!!! I ordered a Grande Peppermint Mocha Frappachino. It was all I was hoping it would be. I visited with my Grandmother today and we did a little shopping and before we went home, she treated me to my first Starbucks since being back in the States... mmm mmm good!

Link to pictures:


Roger Saner said...

Mmmm....starbuuuuucks! Do me a favour and have a French Vanilla Latte...

How much did your cup of coffee cost you, by the way?

Bonnie G. said...

Sadly, I don't get to go to Starbuck often... there's not one close to where I am living at the moment, but next time I go I'll try to remember the French Vanilla Latte. Wish I could ship one to ya! I don't remember exactly how much it cost because my grandmother paid for it, but I think mine was about $4.00.