Saturday, September 03, 2005

Deep Thought for today...

I just had a thought… As you should know by now, my time in South Africa is quickly drawing to an end. (9 weeks from today I’ll land in the U.S. of A – crazy…) Lately I’ve found myself mentally labelling things that I plan to give away to people. Today I thought to myself, “it’s so easy to give stuff away now because I know I can’t take it home with me, and I know when I get home, I’m going to get cool new stuff anyway.” And you know what hit me?? This Earth really isn’t “home” for me anyway. And it isn’t for you either, if you know Jesus. It should always be easy for me to give away my things here on this Earth, knowing good and well than soon (well, soon in the grand scheme of eternity) I’ll be going home. And then I won’t be taking anything with me! And I’ll get brand new everything and I won’t give a second thought to those silly things I’ve left behind. So, my challenge to you all, and to myself, is to live each day knowing that soon you’ll be going home. What can you give away that really doesn’t mean all that much to you, but would make someone else’s day? Or what can you give away that does mean something to you, but could change someone else’s life? Think about it…

Love you all…
Bonnie B.

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