Sunday, September 04, 2005

Answered prayers...

God has really been answering my prayers like mad the past few days. I mean, God always answers my prayers in one way or another, but lately I just seem to be seeing it more obviously. Last Tuesday Mark, the young adult Bible study leader, had us write down on a sheet of paper everything that’s bothering us, whether it be personal sin, worries, or anything else going on. I tell you what… I went to town on that poor defenceless sheet of paper! And almost everything on the paper had to do with my fears and anxieties about leaving. One of the major ones though was about Nurse. She means everything to me, and I hate the thought of leaving her. I have had such an amazing opportunity to watch her grow. I’ve been praying (and asking people to pray) that God would provide someone to come to Rand Leases and work alongside Nurse and take my place (kind of). Lately a young lady named Taryn (also from Northcliff Union Church) has been coming and she is going to be coming from now on!!! Hooray! She is going to plan the activity/craft for next week, which is what I usually do. And she seemed so excited about it when I asked her if she’d do it. That’s what we need… someone who is excited about working with these kids and with Nurse. What an answer to prayer!! Also, on the way from Rand Leases to Braamfischerville today Nurse said, “Bonnie, I don’t know what’s happening to me.” And I thought, “oh no… what now!?” And she continued, “Bonnie, this power that is over me… everywhere I go I just can’t help but to preach and tell people about Jesus and the Bible.” WOW!!! I was blown away. She also said that yesterday she was on a taxi (and here those are vans slam packed full of people) and she was sitting up front and started talking to the driver about the Bible and she said that everyone on the taxi started listening to her and some where saying she was wrong, but she said she didn’t care and she kept on preaching. Oh my word… I was speechless, and to be honest, I almost cried. Here I am supposedly “discipling” this girl and she’s blowing my spiritual socks off. And then… right then in the car… I felt this amazing peace. I know she’s going to be ok when I go. I don’t have to worry about her. God has her in the palm of His hand and He’s guiding her and teaching her more lately than I ever could. Is He great or what?
I’ve also had a few “I can’t wait to get home because…” moments lately. JUST a few… but a few is better than crying every time I think about leaving South Africa. Don’t get me wrong, I am still VERY sad about having to leave and not knowing when/if I’ll get to come back home again. But I’m calming down I guess you could say. I stopped fighting God about having to go, and since then, I’ve felt more peaceful. God has a plan in it all, and though I can’t see much beyond 2 months from today (which is when I board the plane), He sees every tiny step I’ll be taking. I love the peace I have in knowing that He’s got everything under control. I really don’t know how nonChristians make it through each day…

So ya… I’m loving life still… trying to make the most of every moment I have left! Tomorrow I’m showing the kids a video, so that’ll be nice and easy on my nerves. Nurse can’t teach with me on Monday and Tuesday anymore (long story) so the kids are so unruly it’s insane. They have zero respect for me anymore, which is really sad since I’m about to finish teaching them. I’d really like to end on a good note with them!
Well, it’s getting late for me… the morning comes early tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on me… and if you’re stalking me, it’s ok… I know…I’m cool. ;) hah… kidding. :) Goodnight!!
Link to pictures:

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