Sunday, September 25, 2005

Who's praying for the ME?!

(I realize that if you read this with an air of seriousness, you may think I have issues, so please read with a smile!! :))

Tonight after church Dan said that some nice lady told him at church that she's praying for the pastors, and him, and for him to get a wife. hehe It's funny that people seem to think that you just have to pray for those nice young pastor men to get a nice young wife. I mean, I'm sure they want a nice young wife. :) But here's my qualm. Why does no one ever say to the nice young missionary girl "I'm praying for you to get a husband"? I mean, I know I can't have one now as a journeygirl, but I'd like one someday! And finding a man in ministry (who is still single!!) is no easy task for a nice young missionary girl! The older I get (and by no means am I saying I'm old!), the more married the guys in full time ministry are. Grr! Oh well, I'M praying for me to get a husband... even if no nice old ladies are! haha :) If you're a nice old lady, will you pray for me to get a husband?! ;)

Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:


Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie
This is the guy you met at Kaleo church. Nice blog, and I'll pray for your hubby :-) but I would keep with the plan of not marring too soon. Lots fun too be had.
Chow hope you have a safe trip home.

Roger Saner said...

Man, I get really bugged when someone tells me "they're praying for a wife/girlfriend" for me. What the )*(&^%*^% !!!! It's on the same level as someone coming up to you and saying, "I'm praying that God will get you some nice clothes for once..."

See what I mean?! I know those people are well intentioned, but it's like they look at you and think that you can't possibly be happy when you're single - you NEED a significant other. You just being "you" isn't enough.

I'd much rather they'd say something like, "I'm praying that you are continuing to learn how to love others more deeply - and receiving that love more deeply too."

Ok, rant over ;) I'll be praying for a husband for you, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Well does an oldish man telling you that he'll pray for a husband for you in God's timing count? As one to another who is told every time I enter the church that someone is praying for a wife for me, I know how it feels. Hey, how about the next time some well intentioned prayer warrior says the famous line... How about saying "Thanks for praying for them... how about praying for me now!" One Journey Man, to a journeyWOMAN

Bonnie G. said...

Eric, you're not oldish... not yet! And thanks, guys for praying for me! hehe I'm so happy to know you guys are reading my blog. :) So, now if you're praying for me and God gives you a vision of who my husband (especially if it's in the next 6 weeks and he's South African), please do let me know. ;) Cheers fellas...