Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What a day! I actually just finished "relocating" a seemingly lost lizzard! For some odd reason, he (or she) seemed to think that the Holiday's bathtub was it's new home. I disagreed with the lizzard and kindly removed it to it's proper location - outside! Don't worry... the lizzard was not hurt in the relocating proccess. ;)

Today I went to Dhlamini to do the first Bible study, and well... it didn't happen. I picked up Promise (Nomthandaso) on the way. She is a young lady that came to the Holiday Bible Clubs and helped us translate and lead the kids. She was such a blessing! Well, we got to Zandile's house (where the study was supposed to be), and some man told us that she was on holiday! GEEZ! So much for that! Promise said that she wanted to see where I lived, so off we drove to my apartment. Promise likes to talk as much as I like to listen, so the drive worked out very well. She told me some great things that God has been doing in her life, and she said she truely belives that we met for a reason. How awesome if that!? On the drive back to her house, we had a random conversation, which seemed to come out of nowhere! Here's how it went...
(we were both singing along with a CD that I had recently been given by one of the last team members...)
Promise: (insert African accent, if you know what that sounds like) Bonnie, when you get married I want you to call me so I can attend.
Bonnie: Oh, really? You think I'm gonna get married, eh?
Promise: Oh yes, I know it.
Bonnie: Well, am I going to marry an American or a South African?
Promise: You will marry a South African.
Bonnie: Ha! Well, he's gonna have to make a move soon ... I only have 4 months left here!
Promise: God will make it happen. I know it. You will get married here.
... I think from there I just quietly laughed to myself and we went on singing as before! How funny is that!? Wonder if she has the gift of prophecy! hehe Only time will tell I suppose!!

You know, I'm being so spoiled here with this DSL. I have become addicted to the world of BLOGS! It's like they're all connected somehow is this strange internet world. You read one, and it somehow leads you to another one. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back to my flat tomorrow and don't have DSL. Sad day in the life of Bonnie! I guess high speed internet is something I can be looking forward to going back to the States for. I've got to find something to be excited about (beside seeing my family!!!).

Well... hopefully the Bible studies will start next week. I'll call Zandile tomorrow and see what's up. Schools start back next week too. Some of the girls from Emadlelweni want to be in a Bible study, so I'm going to get that started as soon as I can in one of the girls' homes. That'll be fun! Wow... 4 months left here and the Bible studies are just starting. God's got funny timing, doesn't He? Guess He wants me to finish strong!!

I'm going to get back to reading random people's blogs now. Hooray! ;)
Thanks for checking in on me!
in Him,
Link to pictures:

1 comment:

JTapp said...

Nice to meet you, thanks for posting on my blog. I hope your last 4 months go well!