Friday, July 29, 2005

playing catch up!

Ok, now that I have a good internet connection, and lots of time to write, the hard part is updating you on everything that's been happening without boring you to tears. :) I'll try to be brief! :)

Bible Studies:
They have finally begun! Last Saturday I went out to do the study with some pre-teen/teen girls from my life-skills class who were interested in having a Bible study. They actually remembered and showed up!! I was surprised because I was actually 30 minutes late. I was driving there with all intentions on be on time, and I got stopped to let a funeral procession go by. This is normal, but apparently someone important died because I think every police car in Johannesburg was part of this procession! Everyone was decked out in their finest apparel, and atleas 200 cars slowly inched past me for about 35 minutes while I sat there and prayed that the girls wouldn't give up on me! Thank the Lord for answering my request! There were 7 girls there and I think more will be there this week. One of the best things about this one is that there is an 18 year old girl named Promise who takes a lot of the lead during the study. This is amazing because hopefully she will continue to lead the girls when I leave in 3 months!!

The other study was harder to get started. One week I went and the lady had gone on holiday. The next week her phone wasn't working. Finally we were able to have the Bible study this Wednesday!!! Zandile (the lady I've been talking to) wasn't even there, but her sister (Mbali) was there and she went and got some more people to come! At first there were 4 ladies and me but a few more trickled in as the hour went by. Let me please ask you for your prayers for next week!! These ladies have obviously been in touch with lots of different people from lots of different religions and cults and they are so confused! They asked me lots of questions... some which I could answer and some that I had to answer that I honestly didn't know, but would come with an answer next week! They literally followed me out to my car and continued to ask me questions until I finally said, "ladies, I am a growing Christian just like you and I don't have all the answers. Right now I am exhausted and all I can tell you is that if it's not in that Book (a lady was holding a Bible), I don't believe it." When I left, I was literally more spiritually and physically exhausted than I have been in longer than I can remember. There was some serious battling going on in the spiritual realm, that's for sure!! PLEASE, remember to pray for the ladies and me next Wednesday!

ICBM (no, I'm not talking about missiles)
I am taking 2 classes at ICBM (the International College of Bible and Missions) this term: Advanced Biblical Counselling and Comparative Religions. Both classes seem awesome so far. It's hard for me to believe that I am on my third term there already!! I've met a few interesting people this term in my classes. It's always really cool for me to meet other people who are in ministry and to see what they're up to. It's refreshing to know that at least if I have to leave, I am not leaving a country that has no workers. There are many workers here in Johannesburg, and many more who have much potential! Anyway, the comparative religions class is really interesting. I really don't know a lot about other religions, even though I should! So ya... college is going very well. :)

In other random news... Cara Beth, a girl that the Lechners knew from home is here visiting them for a few weeks. If you remember me talking about Chris last year, this is his sister. She's so much fun!! I've hung out with her and Angie a couple times so far, and I hope to see more of them before she leaves. :) ... For those of you who are still a bit unclear about my plans for the future, I am going back to the States to teach next year. I'm still not thrilled about it, but unless God changes the plan, that's what I'll be doing. I'm sure there's a reason for it, and trust that God has big plans for my little ole life in North Carolina! :)

Well, Joshuwa wants to go play outside, and I did come here to watch him. So off I go! :) Thanks for checking in on me. :)


Link to pictures:

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