Saturday, July 16, 2005

Canceled plans...

You know, it's always been a major pet peeve of mine when I think something's going to happen and it doesn't... but I am learning! As of earlier this week (and this morning) I had two possible plans... both of which eventually fell through. Was I a bit peeved? Yeah... Did I get over it? Most definitely... and I ended up having a decent evening catching up with two lovely ladies who, at this time last year, were a major part of my life. Besides getting a killer headache half-way through the night, the evening was quite nice. (2 advil and some coffee kicked the headache to the curb, no problemo!) It was so nice to just sit and chat with the gals (Heather and Melissa, if you know who they are) and really not talk about a whole lot... I know that makes sense to none of my male readers, but ladies, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Sitting for hours, talking, but not saying all that much. Sometimes that's annoying, but other times it's so nice and relaxing! And tonight was one of those relaxing times. I think I needed that. I didn't realize how lonely I've been the past few days/weeks... the teams are so cool, but they're not like friends here or people who really know me. I definitely must just purposelessly hang out more often! hehe (is purposelessly a word??) I found out that Heather knows the people at the one school I am thinking of applying at for a job next year. (If you didn't know that I'm thinking of working here next year... well, the news is out... and it's not for sure... just testing my options at the moment!) Anywho... she knows the principle personally and everything. Nice, hey? She also said though that they don't seem to hire many young teachers (like me!) with not much experience. I think the one thing in my favour though is that she is very persnickity about hiring Christians, and well, I am one... and I think the fact that I've been here for 18 months doing children's ministry will look good on my CV! (pop quiz: anyone besides Rog know what a "CV" is? if you read my blogs... you should know now! hehe)

blog of note! I've only stumbled upon this guy's blog recently... I don't even remember quite how to be honest, and I am loving his writing. You really should enter the blog world with me and check this stuff out. :)

And before I go to bed... I realized 2 very random things about myself tonight... 1) I am addicted to toast and jam. I have no clue why, but recently I just love it. Crazy, hey? 2) I really like green tea with no sugar. I've been drinking green tea for a long time and just tonight I thought, I'm gonna try it w/o sugar, and what do you know, I love it! Who knew!? ;)

And now that I've rambled on and on... it's time for me to attempt sleep. Thanks for checking in on me! Goodnight world!! :)

in Him,
Bonnie B.

Link to pictures:

1 comment:

SMITTY said...

I hope you don't mind, but I linked you up. keep it real in Ernie Els territory.