Thursday, May 05, 2005

When You Call My Name

There's a hunger in this wilderness
For Your revelation
To hear the words of life that strengthen me
Come and show what you've prepared for me
Speak your confirmation
Show me how I fit into Your plan

For when you call my name, I can see again
Who You are, and who I'm meant to be
And as You beckon me, I am free to see
Who You are, and who I'm sent to be

I am seeking true identity
In the light of Your presence
I am longing to know how You see me
In the time that You have given me
Release the strength the follow
And the grace to be who You say I am

I just recently heard this song, and it immediately became my new favourite. It speaks so clearly of the cry of my heart at this very moment. I've had a lot of "God, what do You want!?" moments lately... The reality that I've only got 6 short months left here has really begun to set in, and truth is, I don't want to leave. For a brief while I thought there was a chance I could stay another year, but that door has recently closed, leaving me somewhat confused and quite grieved that I really will have to leave this awesome place. Cool thing is, I am convinced, beyond the shadow of a doubt that God has a great plan in store for me. I do wish I knew what it was, but part of the excitment of following Christ and His plan is discovering that plan one step at a time... knowing all the while that it's never a surprise to Him! I might be confused, but my loving Father is not confused at all!! And in that I find ultimate comfort. :) He's so good and faithful, isn't He? He is!

Goodnight and love to all...

Link to pictures:

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