Friday, January 14, 2005

Tonight's power boxing class was intense. Why Mr. Wouter chose to pump it up a notch tonight, I have no idea... but in a strange kind of way, even though I can hardly move my arms tonight, I'm glad he did! I struggled, but I made it. That class will either be the death of me or the life of me (I'm thinking it's the later). I've been to the gym everyday now since last Thursday. This must be some kind of record for me. I MUST keep it up!! I'm gonna be buff... watch out! hehe

Well, Wallace and Oreo survived their dr's visits, though they're both really drugged and groggy. I feel bad! But I know it's worth it, and hopefully they'll be back to their spunky kitten selves tomorrow. Poor little Oreo has a shaved spot where they did the surgery... she looks pitiful! I hope cat fur grows fast. :)

I don't have much new to report on lately. I pose the question: Where are my South African friends, and why are we not hanging out on the weekends? Hmm... hopefully that will return in time. :) Goodnight for now from Jo'burg!

Love ya,

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