Monday, January 24, 2005

School went GREAT today! Today I went to Lakeview Primary. When I got there, they had all just started the morning assembly. The principle (Principle Yaya… what a name!) grabbed my hand and walked me up to the front. First of all, I know it’s cultural, but I am still NOT OK with a strange grown man holding my hand, and second, I’m not a fan of big groups. So he begins to tell them about me. First he says, “we have a new teacher with us.” And of course, all the kids know so far is that I’m white… so they’re all like, “ooooh.” But then he says I’m American, and the kids went nuts. I mean, I never felt so cool in my life. hehe THEN he tells me to talk to them! And I’m all like, “uh, what do I say?” But once I started talking, I was fine (as usual). I told them that I was just here to teach life skills to the grade 7s. Boy, those grade 7s seemed pretty happy to me! Let’s hope they stay that way! But I also told the other kids that they can come talk to me ANY time they want. :o) So then the kids went to class (kind of) and I went to the office to get my schedule. Turns out that the life skills class was scheduled for an hour, not a half hour, as I had been told over the phone. Now, if you’d have put me in a classroom last year and told me I had to teach for an hour, I would have totally freaked! But I was just like, “ok… guess I’ll talk more!” hehe All went VERY well! I absolutely love the new curriculum I am using. It seemed like the kids liked it too, so that’s definitely a plus. Each lesson includes a Bible story, and I’ve decided to take Bibles to class and let the kids actually look up the story on their own this year. It’s cool because it’s obvious that some of these kids have never opened up the Bible before in their lives. But I used today to teach them how to find a book of the Bible using the table of contents, and then to find the “chapter and verse.” It seemed funny for me to have to teach someone that the way to “read” Matthew 25:14 is “Matthew, Chapter 25, Verse 14” but we’re learning the basics here. I’m just thrilled to be able to teach using the Bible in a public school. Man, that’s such a God-thing… You certainly can’t do that in America! God bless SA! hehe So the classes both went well, and it was so nice to come home after teaching and not be totally exhausted from teaching all day long.

So, all in all, today has been a wonderful day! I went to the gym again tonight for another power boxing class. There won’t be a class on Friday because they’re using the room for some race sign up, which I think is totally not fair! Mondays and Fridays are the 2 days a week that I really have FUN exercising! Oh well… I’ll be able to go again next Monday. :o) And MAYBE for once my friends will call me on Friday night and I’ll go have some fun… here’s hoping!

Have a great week everybody. Thanks for checking in on me!
God bless,

Link to pictures:

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