Thursday, August 25, 2005

self-inflicted pain

Sometimes I wonder why people do things that really hurt themselves. Like… getting their nose pierced, for example… I mean, WHY? I am asking myself that question right now… since I got my nose pierced yesterday. Mom, try not to scream; I’m not turning weird or anything. But I’ve kinda wanted one for a while and I figure that when I have to look for a preschool teaching job I’ll probably have to get rid of it. So I thought I’d try it out while I can. :) Maybe one of these days I’ll put a picture up so you can see it, but really, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s a tiny little (try not to be surprised) pink stud and I think it looks nice. I had an interesting time at the place I had it done. Here’s a little something I wrote about it on someone else’s blog…

I went to get my nose pierced at the mall at a store called "Black Star." While I waited for the guy to get off the phone, I looked around and was overwhelmed with evil... pentagrams, wicca paraphernalia, and other demonic types of clothing and accessories. My first reaction was, "yikes! what is WRONG with these people?" But then I thought back to the whole "don't expect those in the dark to live in the light" concept and I realized that these guys are just lost sons and daughters of Christ. He loves them the same as He loves me, and His heart breaks over their lostness. I was so humbled... especially when the guy got off the phone and was one of the nicest guys I've ever met. The time I was waiting I decided to pray for the guys who own the store as well as those who come in to buy this stuff. And as a bonus, every time I think about how much my nose hurts and wonder what in the world I was thinking, I'll remember to pray for these guys! :) They need Jesus just as much as anyone else, and if I (a Christian) won't give them the time of day, who will? Just a thought...

Anywho… I hope none of you think I’ve lost my mind. Just trying to have a little fun while I’m still young. ;)



Bonnie G. said...

That was my point! But you know, saying "body piercing" makes it sounds so vulgar. I mean, is my ear not also part of my body?? And it's ok to have that pierced. Plus lots of people have piercing where you can't see them (ouch) but that's not against the rules either, since they're not visible. I think that this is direct predjudice against the nose and it's totally not fair. ;) haha

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO cool you got a nose ring. I bet RA is about to die to get one to match yours. Miss ya girlie--