Monday, August 29, 2005

Change is in the air...

So, I thought it was gonna be this big sad day when I left South Africa because… well, my team loves me and will miss me. WELL… it indeed will be a sad day. And my team indeed loves me! BUT I am not the only dynamic of the WGET that is changing!! In a few weeks the Morans are leaving for 6 months for their state-side (furlough) so they’re leaving before me! THEN, somewhere around the end of this year/beginning of next year, the Lechners are moving to Mozambique!! Wow… life sure does throw lots of changes our way. It’s sad for the WGET to lose the Lechner family, but wow… I know God has huge and amazing plans for them. How exciting it is for them to be faithfully following God’s call to pick up and move again. I am constantly learning from this awesome family. But let me just say, I’m glad they leave AFTER me! Someone has to be here to see me off at the airport!! :) So that’s the latest news.

Oh, I went back to see the piercing guy today. No, I didn’t get anything else! I just realized that I was in so much shock after I got it done, that I forgot to ask some important questions like how to change it and when I can change it and all that jazz. My friend Casey was with me this time so I didn’t have to go alone. But once again, the guy was as nice as can be and helpful. I wish I knew the guy’s name. He’s a cool guy… just wish he knew Jesus. Maybe one of these days. Oh well, I’m off to bed soon. Pray for the piercing guy tonight! Jesus loves him... this I know... for the Bible tells me so! ;)
Love ya,

1 comment:

Bonnie G. said...

Actually, Angie's parents are going to Kenya. So the whole family is in for new surroundings. I don't kno that this move really puts them any closer to them though.