Friday, April 22, 2005

What a great night! I must be quick, since it is already 3am, and I must be getting to bed. But I just wanted to quickly write about my evening. Today was a fairl quiet day... I slept in (hooray!), went to the gym, and baked brownies with peanut butter frosting to take to a meeting tonight. The meeting was at Ursula and Louis' house about the ministries at the informal settlements (Rand Leases and Durban Deep). It was such a great meeting! We all bounced ideas off of each other and really got some good feedback about what's going well and what we can do to improve the ministry. It was also nice to just sit around and chat with the people who do this ministry. I've just met some of the people at Durban Deep, since I have only been going to Rand Leases, and it was nice to connect faces with names! God has really put together a great team for this ministry, and I'm so excited to be a part of it! After that a few of us went over to Craig's house to watch a movie and hang out. We ended up staying pretty late and having some awesome conversations about things God has been teaching us. I am really seeing lately that I seem to learn more about God through simple conversations with people than I do in a sermon on Sundays. God rocks my world, and it's cool to talk to others about how He's been rocking their world too!! I am so thankful that God has given me these new friends lately. Having friends is not a common thing for journeymen, but I guess God knew that I would do much better in a place where I can still fellowship with people who have hearts so similar to my own. So much has happened in the past few months to bring me to this point where I know these people and am involved in the ministries I am a part of, and though not all of it was rosy, I am thankful for every moment. I've seen so much this year that struggles bring about the best of times eventually. God is so faithful!

And on that note... I am going to bed! :) Goodnight...
In Him,

Link to pictures:

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