Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Hello world! Where do I begin? Well, about a week ago a tragedy occurred on the Western Gauteng. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am sad to say, my computer has died. Bit the dust, kicked the bucket, whatever else you want to say... it did it. Yeah, I'm pretty devastated. That thing holds my life! A friend of mine is looking at it right now, and I'm praying he has some magic touch or something. If not, then I'd better find some spare money somewhere (yeah, THAT'S no problem...) to either get it fixed or buy a new computer. Eish! Easier said than done! But oh well, it's just a computer... a physical piece of matter that was given to me for a time. I refuse to let electronics get me down! I DO pray it gets fixed though!! :) So what's been happening since I last wrote? Not too much... I'm finished in two of my schools, so once I finish on Tuesdays, I have the rest of the week off. Crazy... I'm enjoying time to myself, and time alone in my flat! I've hung out with friends whenever possible, and I'm being more diligent about going to the gym! I've been to see some movies (Luther, the Bourne Supremacy and The Village), had some friends over for a braai, and went to my first Anglican church service. No, I'm not becoming Anglican so don't go calling the IMB on me. I was just visiting. Let's just say, "it ain't Baptist!" (And that's probably a good thing... hehe) I also did something new last night! I went to a Power Boxing class at the gym. If you know me at ALL, you should know that I do not handle new things very well. I'm very much a comfort zone gal. Well, things are a-changin'! I worked up enough nerve to go to the class, and told myself that I didn't care if I looked like a fool! Well, God blessed me! I went in a few minutes early, and there was a lady there (LizAnne) who also had never been to a class before, and she was also like me in the fact that well... she needed to be there as much as I did (get my drift?). I dare say I did a rather nice job in the class. Having done Tae Bo really helped, since that's mostly what the class was. Only thing is, the Tae Bo tape I have is 30 minutes long and the class was 60!! Wow, I think I sweat more in 60 minutes than I have the rest of my life. You know what was cool though? I ENJOYED myself!! It's amazing what the power of a group can do. We would do some things that when I did the advanced Taw Bo tape, I would take a water break during because they were "too hard" for me to do. But being surrounded by lots of people who weren't giving up, and some who were obviously struggling with me, made me keep going! I was surprised to find myself almost laughing at times because I literally was having that much fun. No, I can't believe it myself. Bonnie Boisvert enjoyed exercise! Hooray!!!!! Now, there were a few times there that I thought I was about to die. I mean, I wanted to kick the instructor in the head every time he'd say "just one more set!" Eish! Crazy man, he is. But I'll be going to the next class, that's for sure. I left there feeling amazing. I can't wait to do it again. I can't believe what I'm saying, but I'm so glad and grateful that I'm saying it! LizAnne promised to go to the next class with me, so that'll be cool. I'll have a work-out buddy. Some guy talked to us afterwards about a kick-boxing class somewhere else... but I think it was a plug to get us to pay more money. I'd love to do it. The guy said if you could do the moves from the class, you could do kick-boxing. I think it'd be more than cool, but I can't be spending MORE money! Oh well, I'll enjoy power-boxing while I can. :)
Well, my kids at Lilydale have been writing exams today, so I have free time, and the office said I could use their internet. I didn't even know that HAD internet until a couple weeks ago. What a blessing! I think that's all I have to say for now. If anyone wants to buy me a lap-top, do let me know. ;) I can dream, right? Thanks for checking in on me. :)
Link to pictures:

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