Sunday, November 14, 2004

Happy Sunday. Wow, I don't know where to begin. Friday afternoon I was with Heather, and through a few random happenings, we ended up saying "let's go to Durban!" After laughing for a few seconds, we both realized we really DID want to go to Durban, and well, neither of us had any weekend plans... I just recently got vacation time (Nov.4th) and have been dying to get out of Jo'burg. So... we got out of Jo'burg. A couple hours later we were on our way to Durban, South Africa. Wow, it's amazing. It's gorgeous, peaceful, and an amazing piece of artwork on our Father's behalf. He did pretty good when he designed Durban!! On Friday Heather and I drove down and stayed with a friend of hers in Petermaritzburg that she had been on Team with (a year long mission thing). We stayed in her 21st story flat and hung out with some of her friends that night. Saturday we drove down to Durban. Though we got lost once, we finally ended up going to the mall to meet some friends. I ate lunch at Pizza Hut!! hehe I hadn't been to one of those since the US! We had lunch with Heather's friend Thyra, the PR lady for MIC, a Christian music group in South Africa (they're apparently pretty big). Then Heath and I went to the beach. We walked out onto the beach (hooray the beach!) and had ice cream on the pier. Then after a little while we went back to the pavilion (the big mall) and saw the movie Jersey Girl. After that we had dinner and then went BACK to the beach to have coffee on the pier! That was my favorite part. It was so peaceful. The wind and waves were massive, but it still seemed quiet (how, I'm not so sure, but I don't really care). Heather and I had some deep conversations over coffee as we stood on the pier. Memories... that's all I can say. It started to rain, so then Heather and I went back to Thyra's house to spend the night. After staying up late to chat with people, we went to sleep. We went to church at Kloof Harvest this morning. MIC was playing there, so I got to meet the band. They're pretty cool... just normal people who happen to be in a cool Christian band. :) Soon after that Heather and I headed back to Jo'burg (sigh). We stopped to have coffee with Goose, a friend of Heather's. We just got back a couple hours ago, and I'll be honest... i want to go back to Durbs. It was so nice, but I wasn't there long enough!! I am thankful that I got to go at all though. It was such a great chance to get away! Praise the Lord for good friends and memories!

Link to pictures:

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