Saturday, March 31, 2007


(If you haven't read the post below, read that one first!)

A few minutes ago, I was getting myself ready to go out, and I hear a knock at the door and then the doorbell. I figured the boys were back for their kool-aid. But it was Nyny again and a little girl at the door with a bleeding elbow. Nyny frantically asked, "can you help her!?" (He's quite dramatic!) So, in they came again, and this time Nyny was my little assistant, getting out the band-aids and assuring Destiny that it wouldn't hurt when I washed it off. Nyny took off downstairs in search of the cat as well as his drink. When we were finished, I invited Destiny downstairs for a drink as well. She came down with me, and a few minutes later I hear more footsteps! Nyny had brought two of his friends, Marcus, and one who didn't tell me his name. Marcus wanted some kool-aid too, so I made some more. :) When we went upstairs, Marcus' dad was waiting for them, so I got to meet him. His name is Luis. We talked for a bit, and I was able to invite him to the Easter services at the Summit. They only live a couple of streets over. I am so excited I am about to bust!!! This is what I've been waiting for!!! :) :) :)

Link to pictures:


Shannon said...

I am really excited for you Bonnie!

Shannon said...

I think your blog layout is messed up... at least on my computer.