Saturday, March 31, 2007

Band aids and Kool aid

A little while ago I was sitting here, like I often do, with my lap-top on my lap... just checking out stuff online. All of a sudden, I heard a skid and then a pretty loud scream from a kid. I live on the end of a road, and there's a dirt road/hill that kids like to ride their bikes down, so I was pretty sure a kid had fallen off his bike. So I went outside, and I was right. There was a little guy, holding up his pant leg and screaming bloody murder. His older brother ran down the hill to check him out. I went over to see if he was ok, and realized that it wasn't really too bad... though for a 5 year old, anything bleeding is BAD! So in they came. I washed and bandaged Nyny's knee while his older brother, Saquaine checked out my house (which he deemed "cool!"). I gave Nyny a little packet of neosporin and a big band aid to take with him. I offered them some water, since that was all I thought I had, and in a typical 5-yr-old way, Nyny asked, "you got any Kool-aid?" And before I could even say anything he yelled, "hey Saqauine, she's got Kool-aid!" Yikes! I don't even drink Kool-aid! But, I thought about it, and remembered that I do have some Crystal light, and they wouldn't even know the difference. :) So I made some crystal light and they drank maybe two sips before going back outside. They asked me to save it for them though, and said they'd be back! hehe :) On their way out, they were met by another little boy, Elijah, who had ALSO scraped his knee and was in need of some good old soap and water, neosporin, and a band aid. His wasn't bad at all, but I figured it wouldn't hurt me to take care of his knee too. :) He was in too big of a hurry to stop for "kool-aid" though. As he ran out the door, he shouted, "thanks, Ms. Bonnie!" and a great feeling came over me. This may be the beginning I've been looking for... a way into this community. If all it takes is band aids and kool-aid, I'm in! But I do need to go to Wal-Mart for some real kool aid and more big band-aid suitable for scraped knees... I have a feeling they'll be in high demand. ;) Leanne... hope you're ready to be a knee bandager and kool-aid dispenser! :)

Link to pictures:

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