Thursday, December 08, 2005

a note before work

I don't have a lot of time right now since I need to be leaving for school soon, but I just wanted to update real quick and let you know how my new job is going. I absoluely love it! I have 16 kids on roll (there hasn't been a day yet when they're all there though) and 8 of them are Spanish speakers! A couple of them are fluently bilingual, some are ok, and a couple of them don't speak or understand much English at all! It's a challenge, but a challenge that I was looking for when I applied for jobs. It's surprising me how much of my Spanish is coming back to me. The kids love it when I start speaking Spanish. Yesterday during center time, I read some of my Spanish books with a couple kids in the reading center. One of the little guys who knows very little English cuddled up right beside me and was captivated by the book. It's sad that that may have been the first time he actually understood a story, but it also reminds me that I am right where I am supposed to be. I also have some great co-workers, which really helps me get back into teacher-mode. I knew I was back into being a preschool teacher when I got really excited about the fact that a madnet wand will attract jingle bells even through plastic and splenda (I put splenda "snow" in clear bottle with some jingle bells to see if the magnet could still get them and it did!) I ... I mean ... the KIDS loved it! haha :) Ok, time to go to school. Oh, on another no so nice note, my car died on Tuesday on my way to work. I was late on my 2nd day on the job! I was thinking of buying a new car... guess I'd better start doing more than thinking! Thank goodness I have a brother who's willing to let me drive his extra car. :)
Link to pictures:

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