Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry belated Christmas!

Wow, I really should have updated before now! I'm as bad now as I was when I first got to South Africa. I guess it takes me a while to get adjusted and into a routine... eventually blogging becomes part of that routine, but it takes me a while to get back into it!

I hope everyone out there had a great Christmas. I know it was nice to be home this year with my family. We actually celebrated together on Christmas Eve so that my brothers could go to their inlaws houses. It's sad that family events always center around the married kids and their plans. Us single ones have the joy of going along with what everyone else decides is best. That's ok. One of these days I'll be married too and they'll finally ask me(us) what I(we) want to do!! mwahaha :) Of course, I'll probably be the one to throw a monkey wrench into everything and be in another country or something... but oh well, they managed without me last year. ;) I actually missed the Saner family this year on Christmas. They kinda took me in last Christmas and let me celebrate with them. Their Gran even bought me a present and I hadn't even met her before. That was fun. :) But really, being with my family this year was absolutely wonderful, and though I joke, we had a great time. The nephews and nieces all had fun opening and playing with lots of presents and they all looked adorable. I'll try to post a few pictures a little later but right now I'm not using my computer... so that'll come later!

My job continues to go very well. Last week I got a new student, so now I have 17 students and 9 of them are Spanish speakers!! A couple of the Spanish speaking parents have agreed to help me learn more conversational Spanish, so when they come in in the mornings they only speak Spanish to me even though they can speak English! They're so sweet. I've even written a couple class notes and sent them home in both English AND Spanish. I'm so surprised at how quickly it's coming back to me.

I'm finding myself really missing South Africa (and South Africans) a lot lately. I think about 2 months into being in SA I really missed people from here, so I guess the timing is about right, but that doesn't make it much easier. When I left SA, my friend Casey gave me a bracelet... she left SA to be a missionary and returned to Joburg about halfway through my term, which is about when I met her. Anyway... she said that her Mom had given her this bracelet to wear and remember South Africa. And then she gave it to me to remember South Africa by!! I've been wearing it a lot lately!!! At my farewell party in SA, a video of lots of my friends recording messages to me was made, and I've watched it a late lately too. It's hard to miss people! But like I said when I was missing my American friends, "at least I know I have friends who are worth missing."

Well, I am quite sleepy now and am looking forward to dreamland! I have off of work all this week - and I'm being paid for it! That's a first for me, and I'm loving it. :) goodnight!!

Bonnie B.
Link to pictures:

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