Saturday, February 11, 2006

American TV

Bah hum bug! I watched part of the opening ceremonies for the Olympics tonight... I was waiting eagerly for South Africa to be announced, and was surprised to see that it was right after the USA. I guess they were going with how the country's name is spelled in Italian. Of course, the TV shows the USA team for like 10 minutes, and I fear I have missed the South Africans. Well, lucky me, they did go back and briefly show the South Africans. *sigh* Made me wanna go back... I remember watching the opening ceremonies for the Summer Olympics in 2004 in Jo'burg... I don't remember missing all the shots of the American athletes. I mean, I understand that we're in America, and we want to see our people. But come on people, don't we care even the slightest about other countries?! Geesh... gotta love America. (or else!)

Link to pictures:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I especially liked when Denmark came in, and they started talking about all the protests in Muslim nations over the cartoons that the Danish newspapers printed. The US media went on to say, that this is big news in the rest of the world, but hasn't been covered much in the US news.

And then on the news tonight, dude was talking about Michelle Kwan. "All American eyes were on Michelle Kwan during the opening ceremonies. . " and I thought. Well, duh, you kept her on the camer FOREVER!