Monday, March 15, 2004

I MUST tell you about the awesome day I had yesterday (Sunday)!! In the morning, I met with Emily, an old friend from UNC who is here working with the Door of Hope (a place where people can drop their babies if they don't want them). We met and then she took me to her church. It was a black church, but all in English, thank goodness! After church, there just happened to be another white girl visiting for the first time, so we met each other over coffee. She goes to the Baptist College here in Joburg, and she knows a couple people that I know from my church! We exchanged numbers, and may get together sometime. Hooray for a new friend! After church, Emily and she showed me around the 2 baby houses. Wow... what a ministry. I LOVED just holding the babies and letting them know they were cared about!! I might get to volunteer there on a regular basis!! Be lifting that up in prayer. Later than night I went to my church, and afterwards, some of the young adults went to McDonald's and stayed there hanging out for over 2 hours!! Can I just tell you... THAT in itself was a huge answer to prayer. I have been missing hang out times with friends, and finally I got to do that here!! It was so much fun. It was exactly what I've been missing! God is such a faithful provider!!!!

Link to pictures:

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