Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Hey look! It hasn’t even been a week yet and I’m updating the good-ole web-log. I’m trying to be better! It’s now Wednesday night, and I’ve just come back from Bible study at Nancefield Baptist Church where I was thoroughly embarrassed when the pastor asked in front of all the people there whether or not anyone knew if I had a boyfriend or not, or who I was interested in. hehe Email me if you want the story. What a great church though. And the pastor is definitely a man of God who knows his stuff, and is not a bit afraid to get in people’s faces with issues and challenge his congregation. (Summiteers, sound like someone we all know and love?!)

I really don’t have all that much to update you all on. Oh, I know… I have been given a demon-possessed car by the IMB. Sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t think it likes me very much, and I really hope we figure out what’s wrong with it SOON! I certainly don’t want it to decide not to start when I’m in a not-so-safe area. *Keep those Lottie Moon dollars coming!!*

Well, the weather’s back to hot again. For almost all of last week it rained more than most people here can remember! The rain cooled things off, and we were actually wearing sweaters in the summer time. Crazy stuff.

So I’ve at least tried out one other church so far. It’s called Wilro Park Baptist, and it’s a white church. It was pretty good. No complaints really, but man, if I wanted to go to church with white people I’d go back home! hahaJ (By the way, there ARE lots of white people here, and they really are pretty cool. hehe)

Thanks for checking up on me! Oh, and I’m sorry there are no new pictures yet, but someday soon!

Link to pictures:

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