Monday, March 02, 2009

get up and move!

Lately, at Oxford Manor Kids' Club, we have been seeing glimpses of hope that these kids are "getting" the Gospel. A few weeks ago, we were teaching the kids a verse of Scripture about Heaven, and the teacher asked the kids how to get to Heaven. One of the little kids (about 4 or 5) said, "Jesus' blood has to cover up your sins!" Precious... he got it. This past Saturday the lesson was about the 12 disciples following Jesus. The teacher for the little kids asked them what it meant to follow Jesus and how to do it. Another little guy (about 4) said, "you get up and move!" Wow... he's so right!! Of course, the teacher was looking for something a little different (believing in and trusting Jesus), but I'm taking the kid version to heart. It means nothing if I sit and read the Bible and pray (which are good things!) if I don't also get up and move! The call of Christ is a call to action! Ah... truths from children. Priceless!

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