So I don't know if it's really the vitamin or not, but I've been taking this vitamin for about 2 weeks now, and I quite literally have been in the best (consistent) mood that I've been in in a really long time. It might have NOTHING to do with the vitamin, but darned if I'm gonna stop taking it! Today my kids were crazy at school (this rain really needs to stop), the people at advanced auto parts wouldn't put in my light bulb for me (like a friend had said they would), I spent 10 minutes waiting on passport pictures to print which then came out with a line across my face, went somewhere else to get them made and then got to the post office too late to send in my passport renewal application. Typically I'd have been freaking out by this point, but seriously, I wasn't. Vitamin B? Who knows, but I like the new me. :)
Vitamin or not though, life is good. I turned off my cable about a month ago and have not once regretted it. I actually have time to read now! I'm an avid book-buyer, but have never had the time to be an avid book-reader! But lately I have actually been reading and it's fantastic. Speaking of reading, my book is waiting for me... :)
Shoes for hiking, that is! This past Sunday I finally made it out to the hiking trails at the Eno River. A couple friends of mine and I hiked about 2 miles and I didn't die! So today (Monday) I decided to take Cadey to do some hiking. We had a blast! I am quite sad that I didn't take my camera with me. Many times I wish I'd had it so that I could capture the hilarity of Cadey experiencing the trails. She very much liked splashing and swimming in some shallow parts of the river!! I very much liked the walk as well. This is the kind of exercise I want to get more of... the natural kind. I want to be outside, not in a gym! Both Cadey and I got great exercise and had
fun doing it. Here's a picture of her (from my phone) on the drive home. She made me laugh... she just propped herself up against the seat and sat there, tongue hanging out, occasionally sticking her nose out the window. Yeah, it was definitely a fun afternoon! :)
Lately, at Oxford Manor Kids' Club, we have been seeing glimpses of hope that these kids are "getting" the Gospel. A few weeks ago, we were teaching the kids a verse of Scripture about Heaven, and the teacher asked the kids how to get to Heaven. One of the little kids (about 4 or 5) said, "Jesus' blood has to cover up your sins!" Precious... he got it. This past Saturday the lesson was about the 12 disciples following Jesus. The teacher for the little kids asked them what it meant to follow Jesus and how to do it. Another little guy (about 4) said, "you get up and move!" Wow... he's so right!! Of course, the teacher was looking for something a little different (believing in and trusting Jesus), but I'm taking the kid version to heart. It means nothing if I sit and read the Bible and pray (which are good things!) if I don't also get up and move! The call of Christ is a call to action! Ah... truths from children. Priceless!