Thursday, April 02, 2009

canceled sin

This morning when I woke up, I had one line from a song in my head. Crazy thing was, I couldn't (at the time) remember anything else from the song... not the title... not any other line. Just this one line, "he breaks the power of canceled sin, he sets the prisoner free." Those of you who grew up Baptist know this song, I'm sure. I literally walked around this morning humming this line to myself over and over again until something hit me. "Power of canceled sin." Wait a minute... how in the world does canceled sin have ANY power of me? If sin has been canceled then it shouldn't hold any power over my life. NONE! Then I thought about something that was said at my small group on Tuesday night. A friend of mine said that we already have victory over sin through Jesus Christ and His death, so we are not enslaved to sin... we are not in bondage... BUT many times we choose to be in bondage to the sin. *Ouch* That one hurt... a lot. You see, I know I am free... I know Christ died to set me free, and it kills me when I think about the ways that I have chosen to live in sin and basically spit in His face. You may be thinking that I'm being too hard on myself, but let me point out that I know me, and I know how I have failed. I know that I have chosen to let canceled sin (sin that should have NO hold on me) destroy both my health and my relationship with Christ.

I've been listening to Charles Wesley's famous hymn, "O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" all day. (Can you believe I had to google the line from the song in order to remember what it was!?) All day I've been basking in the remembrance that Christ has freed me from sin. He set me free over 2000 years ago, and He continues to break the power of those sins that I, in
blatant rebellion to Him, choose to hold on to. Man, He must really love me to keep coming after me like this. Where would I be without His grace and power in my life? I dare not think about it!!

He breaks the power of canceled sin
He sets the prisoners free
His blood can make the foulest clean
His blood availed for me
-Charles Wesley

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.
Romans 6:22


Andrea said...

Bonnie, thank you for visiting my blog and for your thoughtful words. I think all of us have things in our lives that trouble us somehow. Hidden sins, traumatic memories, broken hearts, fears, etc. God does, indeed, break the power of them all! I thank and praise Him for the work He's doing in your life. I have been there. His love and grace are so very amazing! May God bless your life and fill you with great joy. Please come and visit again. I look forward to getting to know you.

In His Name,


Anonymous said...

God bless you! What a wonderful thought. I also have had that song in my head today. In my mind's eye I hear and see a gigantic pipe organ assailing the very foundations of Hell with Wesley's mighty hymn of praise. Do you also feel the majesty and splendor and joy this hymn brings me? Praise God! Free from sin! Makes you want to run out in the street and shout it out as loud as you can. How right you are little sister, to assert the power of God over our lives and to remind us all that victory is a choice away.