Friday, September 26, 2008

wet socks

This morning I woke up, got dressed, and headed downstairs to do my Bible study. I was unpleasantly surprised when I got to the bottom of the steps and my feet hit water. *splash* Without even turning the lights on, I knew what the problem was. Apparently the rain last night was enough to flood my laundry room and then that flooded into the living room again. This time it wasn't half as bad as before, but still... sucking up water for an hour and a half was not how I intended to spend my morning!

I can't help but think of how much God has taught me here in this house over the past 2 1/2 years. I am hardly phased when something like this happens. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't make me do the happy dance, but I remember all the times in the past that God has brought me through, and I know He'll bring me through this one too. I don't know how to fix this. I really don't. I have no idea what to do. However, I've no doubt that somehow, God will teach me even more through this! :)

Lately I've been enjoying some sweet time with the Lord. Leanne and I have been getting up every morning for the past 2 weeks to do our Bible studies. I have been like a new person! I'm awake, I'm loving my job, I'm more patient and friendly... and I am NOT one to be a morning person. It's crazy, really. hehe Anyway, I refuse to let something like this house problem get in the way of my growing relationship with the Lord.

This house.... I sure do love it. :-D

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