Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hide and seek

Yesterday morning during my quiet time, I was to look at the following verses...

Jer 29:13-14 You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

I made a comment noting that it says "I will be found by you." It's as if God is letting himself be found as opposed to me doing something great to find Him. I wrote that it made me think of playing hide and seek with my pre-k students. When you play hide and seek with a child, you don't hide very hard, and when the child comes looking, he is able to find you pretty quickly! I wouldn't go hide somewhere, knowing that the child doesn't have the capacity to find me. It was a short note...

Let it be known that to date, I have NEVER played hide and seek with my students at this school. Not ONE time. Yesterday afternoon, a kindergartner that sometimes spends time with my class on the playground said, "Ms. Boisvert, I'll count - you hide!" I could not believe my ears. As I "hid" under the slide, crouched down so he "couldn't see me," I thought more about this analogy. I wasn't really hidden. Anyone with their eyes open could see me. But I hid there because I knew that Michael didn't have the ability or the patience to really seek me out if I were truly hidden. He is a child, and he can only search so much before becoming frustrated or forget about it all together. How much is God like this with us!? He's not hidden... anyone with their eyes open can see Him. He's right there, waiting for me to come seek Him, and the moment I do, I will find Him! He lets me find Him... how great and loving is He!

Just as Michael and my students rushed to find me and were overcome with laughter and joy when they did, I pray that I will rush to find God, and that when I do (because I always will!), I pray that I will be overjoyed and excited to have found Him!

I love my job! :)

1 comment:

Shay said...


Thank you for giving me the link and sharing the story! It is amazing how God does work in our lives. And to see a picture of you also - what a beautiful soul

May God continue to bless you abundantely.
