Monday, March 24, 2008


My parents let me borrow their camera to take a few pictures this weekend.

My Dad and I Saturday morning before the egg hunt at the church grew up in, my niece, Lauryn and I, and 'Team Boisvert" - my sister in law (and future niece or nephew!), brother, me, and Lauryn

Amanda, me, and Kina practicing for Saturday night (if you want me to remove this, I will!)

After Saturday night's service, I hung out with the crazy Subletts These are two of the crazies! hehe

Kina and I Amanda and I

Leanne and her man ;) my friend, Brett, and I

Dad, me, Leanne, and Mom Mom and I the precious Lauryn, and Aunt Bonnie!

The Boisvert Families!


Wolfenbarger said...

I love the pictures!!!

It's like a blast from the past to see pictures from Flat Springs and to see Brad, Brian, and Jaime...and is your dad wearing an IN CHRIST'S COMPANY t-shirt...?! :)

None of my clothes fit me from back then. Hehe.

Your nieces are so cute...I haven't seen pictures of them in a while!

Lauren said...

I'm glad you could borrow a camera. I like looking at your pictures

Amanda Sublett said...

Girl - are you there?!?!? It has been a week - I need an update... what are you doing this week while you are off from school? Are you coming over tomorrow night like normal? Are you spending the week at your folks' place? Why aren't you singing this week? Are you going to watch my kids so I can do my taxes? Are you going to update your blog.....