Saturday, February 28, 2004

Africa - OH! - Africa... Gotta love it. The Jesus Film was tonight. It was insane. We showed it in the "hall" at Lilydale (the size of 2 classrooms). We had no clue what to expect, and were thinking, "we'll be happy if people show up." Well, people came alright! It was almost ALL kids (we were hoping for some adults, but oh well, God had other plans!!) and the place was literally packed! I mean, kids were in the floor, standing in the doorway, peeking in the windows, and still people couldn't come in because there wasn't enough room for them! We're showing it again tomorrow, praise God! It was crazy... kids don't exactly sit quietly during movies, so it was hard for me not to get frustrated with them when they got loud (which was often). Hey, I'm being real with you guys here!! At times I felt like no one even cared what was happening! But many of them were paying attention, and during important parts, almost everyone was quiet. I know that at least some of the kids really did watch the whole thing, so please pray for Jesus to work in their lives as they think about what they have seen and heard tonight!
This was the fist time we've done this, and we've learned some things from it! Tomorrow we will be showing it again, so please pray that we will have more adults show up on Sunday, and that we will have a better chance to talk to people after the movie this time!! It is exciting to know that even if they didn't pay attention the whole time, they definitely saw something about the life of Jesus, and that's always a GREAT thing!! Thanks for your prayers!

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